|Chapter Twenty-Six|

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A/N - so like i tried to dye my hair purple but because the bleach came out so light the second time my hair has gone a bright pink... Also i apologize for the delay i've had a shit easter holiday..

Kai went home back to the dorm. He was jealous of Minho who got to be with Taemin... He knew Taemin was his half brother and it wasn't right for them to be together but that's what they both want, at least that's what he thought.

He hadn't realized Taemin would want to keep it a secret forever. Kai didn't want to wait that long, he loved his brother but he doesn't want to wait.

Kai got out his phone and sat himself down on the couch as he dialed Taeyeon's number. "Taeyeon Noona?"

"Oh sorry Jongin, this is Sunny. Tae is a bit busy with practice at the moment..." Sunny said when she answered Taeyeon's phone. "Did you want me to pass on a message?"

"Uh no..." Kai said awkwardly. "But um... Noona, are you doing anything next week?"

"Me?" Sunny asked, confused by his sudden interest.

"Ne," Kai confirmed.

"I'm busy every day next week... Why do you ask?" Sunny questioned.

Kai cleared his throat nervously. "I um-- I was thinking maybe we could get to lunch or something. Like a, um, date."

Kai couldn't stop himself from stuttering, Sunny went silent as she thought about his offer. "Maybe not a date... But lunch sounds nice, is Tuesday okay?"

"Tuesday is great." Kai answered straight away, not even bothering to check his schedule.

"I should probably go, they need me for practice. I'll see you on Tuesday Jongin." Sunny said.

Kai smiled. "Annyeong Noona." Kai hung up his phone and put it away in his pocket.

Kai spent three hours in the dorm alone before the rest of the boys came home.

"Oh good Jongin you're still up. I want to talk to you about something." Chanyeol commented when he spotted Kai.

Kai glanced over at him uninterested. "If you are going to give me a lecture about Taemin and Kyungsoo too please don't, I'm not in the mood to hear it."

"Taemin is a ho--" Baekhyun started but Chanyeol covered his mouth.

"I wasn't going to mention anything about Kyungsoo. Taemin however..." Chanyeol said.

Kai growled. "I said I don't want to talk about my brother!" He snapped then went painful when he realised what just slipped out of his mouth.

"Brother?!" Baekhyun had pulled Chanyeol's hand away from his mouth.

Kai frowned. "That came out wrong."

Chanyeol gave him a doubtful look. "Judging by your reaction, no it didn't."

"You make out with your own brother?" Baekhyun asked with a disgusted look.

Kai narrowed his eyes. "What the fuck are you talking about Baekhyun?"

"I saw you and Taemin outside Jongin... Things looked pretty heated between you two." Chanyeol stated.

Kai felt sick, he could feel all the blood rush from his brain and heart and head straight to his cheeks where he blushed like crazy though his beautiful bronze skin covered up any tinge of red.

Kai gulped nervously. "It's not what it looked like..."

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "It sounds like it was exactly how it looked. How could you do that Jongin? With your own brother? I mean really think about this for a second. You gave up someone as amazing as Kyungsoo for YOUR OWN BROTHER!"

Kai stayed silent and stared at the ground taking in all of Baekhyun's words; Baekhyun was right. "There is something really wrong with me and always has been even since Hyung and I were kids. I know that. But please don't tell anyone about this." Kai looked up with tears in his eyes. "Don't take my Hyung away from me..."

Baekhyun looked down right disgusted but Chanyeol seemed to have a look of pity. "Fine we won't tell anyone about this but whatever this is between you and Taemin has to stop immediately. We won't allow you two to hurt Minho or anyone else including your parents." Chanyeol told him sternly.

Kai looked back down and thanked god silently in his mind, it was interrupted by Baekhyun though.

"I still can't believe you're into that kind of thing, Jongin." Baekhyun commented, his voice oozing with disapproval and disgust.

Kai ignored Baekhyun and turned, shuffling slowly to his room as he cried and sniffled. He wiped his eyes and nose with the back of his sleeves and then slammed his bedroom door behind him.

Kai got on his and Sehun's bed and rolled on his side. He grabbed his pillow, hugged it tightly, and cried his eyes out until he fell asleep.

'What is wrong with me? Why do I have to be in love with my older brother? What have I done to deserve this harsh reality?' Kai thought to himself while crying himself to sleep.


The next morning, Kai didn't want to move from the bed but Sehun was being annoying because he wanted food and Kyungsoo wasn't around to cook.

When Kai was done making ramen for Sehun, he went back to his room just in time to hear his phone alert him about a text message.

Kai picked up and checked, he had eight different messages.

Taemin: Please don't be mad at me

Taemin: you have to understand why

Taemin: i'm sorry I can't control any of this..

Taemin: Jonginnie talk to me, I miss you :(

Unknown Number: hey Jongin it's Sunny, I was thinking we should go to some kind of cafe or get some street food on Tuesday, that way we won't have to drive... Call me and we can discuss the details.

Hang Up Message: you have 3 missed calls from Do Kyungsoo

Kai stared at his phone intently as he read all the messages, he stored Sunny's number in his phone. He ignored Taemin's messages but decided to call Kyungsoo back.

Kyungsoo answered quite quickly. "Hyung?" Kai asked when Kyungsoo answered.

"Hey Nini..." Kyungsoo said in a soft voice.

Kai sighed quietly. Kyungsoo was always so gentle and caring no matter what happens between them. "Hyung, I thought you were ignoring me."

"I was, but Baekhyun told me what is going on. I think I understand now and I know that Baekhyun will be giving you shit about it... I wanted to call you and be your support." Kyungsoo said with his gentle tone that Kai had grown so accustomed to.

"My support?" Kai questioned, not understanding why Kyungsoo would support this.

Kai had a mental image of Kyungsoo's soft smile that usually came before words of wisdom. "I'm not saying incest isn't wrong because it is, but Nini listen to me okay? You can't deny what the heart wants even if it's something that everyone in the world would disapprove of."

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