|Chapter Nineteen|

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Hi! Hi! Hi! Sorry for not updating! I was doing exams and assignments and then NaNoWriMo popped up and it's a mess! (I'm also uploading that story on wattpad if anyone's interested) But I wrote this chapter for you guys and I hope you enjoy it!!
Please don't blame Tyler for not updating! This was entirely my fault! She kicked my butt into action!

"Are you okay?" Taemin asked immediately when Kai came to the car park. He had already unlocked his car and had left the keys in the ignition so he could play some music while he waited for his brother.

Kai simply shook his head and got into the passenger seat, leaving Taemin on the outside. He sighed softly and got in the car.

"I get it," Taemin mumbled. "I will wait until we get to Han River, but then you need to tell me what's wrong."

"Perhaps," Kai said softly, gazing out the window as Taemin began to drive.

Taemin frowned and focused on the road. He was driving a familiar path, but it was still better to focus on this than his brother sitting right next to him. Even in his upset state, his brother was still sending sparks through his entire body and he shifted uncomfortably. To get his mind off of things, he tried to think of the man in the club, and what he felt like, but that made things even worse.

He cleared his throat uncomfortably and shifted in his seat again. Luckily for him Kai was too busy ignoring him.

"I made a mistake," Kai suddenly whispered. "I chose to do something I can't back out of now."

Taemin scratched the back of his neck and sent his brother a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"

"I think he really loves me," he said quietly, looking at his hands. "I don't know if I can love him back. I was just with him for convenience."

He pulled into the parking lot and they both got out of the car quietly.

"First," Taemin said, "you need to tell me who 'he' is." He felt jealousy spark within him. "And second, you need to tell me why you were using this person to begin with. We know not to do things like that! We were raised right!"

Kai held out his hand and Taemin took it. Together, they walked quietly down the Han River, listening to the hum and gurgle of the water.

"I was with Kyungsoo," Kai sighed. "Well, more than with. We started sleeping together, but now he acts like we're going to be together forever. It's getting so frustrating."

"Well, that usually happens when you screw someone," Taemin sighed. "You can't have sex without some sort of feeling being born."

"Well mine was a feeling of annoyance," Kai scowled, giving Taemin's hand a gentle squeeze. It send tingles up Taemin's arm and he looked away, biting his bottom lip. "What is it?" Kai asked softly.

"Why would you get into a relationship with someone you don't like?" Taemin asked softly. "It makes no sense."

"I was trying to get my mind off someone else," Kai admitted, watching Taemin's expression.

Taemin felt like his heart was breaking again. He took a deep breath to calm himself. "So you love someone else?"

"Someone I can't have, unfortunately," Kai said softly. "If I could, he would be mine already. But it seems like he's already in a relationship with one of his group members."

"That sounds hard," Taemin whispered. "I can't imagine how that hurts. But you need to tell Kyungsoo. It's not fair on him. If he's falling in love with you, it's better to stop that before it gets too painful."

Kai nodded, "I know, but he's left the area right now." He sat down on the soft grass and pulled Taemin down next to him. "I'll tell him when he gets back, but I don't know how. I'm hoping the current ban on sex between members might keep us separate long enough for his interest to fade."

"You know," Taemin said quietly. "There's more to love than just the physical aspects. If he really loves you, the ability to not have sex with you won't change a thing. In fact, it might actually strengthen his resolve or make him try to find other ways for you two to come together. I doubt you could say no if he spent a lot of money on a hotel room for the two of you."

"I wouldn't be able to turn him away then," Kai admitted. "I can barely turn him away now. But I am so close to snapping." He held his fingers slightly apart. "I'm this close to getting angry and saying something I regret."

Taemin nodded and pondered that for a moment. "Maybe it's just him. Maybe if you dated another member it might be easier and you might even fall in love with them."

Kai took off his shoes and socks and dipped his feet into the water, laughing as the chill tickled his toes. "I don't know. Sex calms me down, but if we have a ban in the group, I don't think I could date any of them. And it would be harder to date someone outside of the group as well. Imagine trying to date someone and you're both on completely different schedules?"

Taemin lay down next to him, "I get what you mean. Even in our groups we all have different times. It's hard to get a date."

They sat there in silence for a moment, listening to the birds chirping in the trees.

"Remember when we were kids, and we thought doing what we loved would make us insanely happy?" Kai asked.

"How wrong we were," Taemin chuckled.

I hope you enjoyed! This is going to be continued with Tyler in the next chapter (hopefully, cause I don't speak for her xD)
Have an awesome week!!


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