|Chapter Twenty-Seven|

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Hey guys!! Sorry it has taken so long! My stupid brain thought it was Tyler's turn to write the chapter, but she told me last week that it was mine! I can't believe I didn't realise!!
So please forgive me for making such a dumb mistake ;-;
I hope you enjoy this chappy at least! Sorry!!

Taemin glared at his phone before throwing it halfway across the room. "Aish!" Why wasn't Kai texting him back? He knew he had been insensitive about the whole monogamy topic, but he couldn't help being the type of person he was. He wished he could be in love with Minho. It would be so much easier and they both held the same values.

Speak of the devil.

"Minho?" He asked softly, going into the older man's room. "Can I speak with you?"

Minho looked up from his laptop, "Sure. What do you need?"

He smiled and went over to him, sitting next to him on the bed. "You know how the other day you knew how I was lying. I need to tell you who I was really talking about."

"You don't have to," Minho murmured, running a hand through Taemin's hair. "I don't have to know."

"No," he shook his head. "Trust me, you do. It will change your opinion about me and you'll obviously break up with me and-"

"Whoa," Minho rubbed Taemin's back. "Calm down and tell me what's wrong."

Taemin took a deep breath and shut his eyes. "I'm in love with Kai. He's just... he's perfect for me in all ways. We just mesh together in a way I've never felt for anyone else." He cracked an eye open and saw Minho watching him with a serious face. "Minho, Kai's my brother."

Minho gave him an incredulous look. "He's your... what?"

"My brother," Taemin said quietly. "As in biological brother. We're siblings. We're-"

"Okay, okay," Minho held up both hands with a thoughtful expression. "And he knows how you feel about him?"
Taemin nodded.

"And have you...?" He left the question open but Taemin knew what he was insinuating.

"Yes, we've been intimate." It was the only way he could answer. He didn't exactly want to admit to wanting to screw the other boy's brains out every chance he could.

"Is it weird I find that incredibly hot?" Minho asked, a small smile on his lips.

Taemin rolled his eyes. Of course he would! Sometimes it seemed like Minho could get excited about anything. "Minho, I need your help. It's bad enough that the media would crucify me for having a boyfriend let alone my actual brother. And for us, it's even harder. We want to be together but if anyone finds out we're related we'd lose our friends and family." He buried his head in his hands, his fingers pulling on his own hair. "I don't know what to do."

Gentle arms wound around him and he found himself being hugged by Minho. The man stroked his hair and made soft noises to calm him down. Taemin realised that he had been crying and hadn't even realised it; the tears forming a headache as everything began to hurt from the pain of being dragged away from the person you love.

"He wants monogamy from me as well," he whispered.

"So you'll break up with me?" Minho asked. "It's okay if you do. I won't be angry; but I will admit that I'll be pretty upset."

"I don't know," he replied softly. "I don't even know how this is going to work. We'd be darting around in secret, probably only able to be with one another once a month or even less than that, and there's always going to be questions. What kind of relationship is that?"

Minho's hands kneaded Taemin's shoulders. "I can't answer that question for you. You have to figure out if he's worth it or not. Do you want to always be sneaking around and lying to people?"

Taemin looked up at him with watery eyes before shaking his head. "No, I don't. Maybe I should just stick with you."

Minho laughed loudly, "Way to make a guy feel loved!"

He blushed slightly, "Sorry, that sounded really bad."

"I knew what you meant," he sighed, pulling Taemin closer to his chest. "I'm on your side no matter who you choose. You can stick with what's easy," he motioned to himself, "or you can go with what's hard but what you want more."

Taemin frowned, "But what do I want more? I want him, but I want an easy relationship like the one we've got. No judgement and really open."

"Well, not too open," Minho laughed. "Although if you ever wanted to bring your brother along sometime..."

"Minho!" He hit the man with a pillow. "Stop fantasising about it!"

"I can't help it!" He laughed, "It's all I can think about now!"

Taemin laughed as well, the last of his tears drying up. Only someone as good as Minho would make him laugh over such a dark topic as the one he'd just expressed to him. He didn't make him feel bad for his feelings and he didn't treat him like he had some sort of disease. While he might have been joking about wanting to see the two of them together (the word might being the most important word here) it was obvious he was on Taemin's side about it no matter what.

"I really like you," Taemin said as his heart warmed. It was the truth. He wasn't in love with Minho, but he had strong feelings for him and to him that was enough. "Is it okay if I stick with you until Kai makes his decision? To be honest, I'll do whatever he wants. Even if I chose you and tomorrow he said he wanted me, I wouldn't be able to say no."

"I know what that's like," Minho pressed a kiss to his forehead. "You can stick with me for as long as you need, but do you mind if we have some distance? I need to protect my heart until I can be sure I can win yours."

Taemin nodded, "Of course. That's only fair. I don't want you in pain because of my stupid and selfish decisions."

Minho laughed, "Now, have you tried calling your other lover?"

"It sounds so weird when you say it like that!" Taemin accused. "And yes. I've tried texting and calling but he's ignoring me."

"Just keep trying," Minho murmured. "If he's really in love with you, he won't be able to help but answer your calls."

Taemin sighed, "Unless I've broken his heart beyond repair."

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