|Chapter Twenty-Five|

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AN/ Hey guys, sorry it's been a while! University popped back up into my life and has delayed me quite a bit!
I'm making a pact to myself to try and write a couple of hundred words every night for all of my stories so that every few days I can update something, but that might end poorly :P
Anyway, on with the chappy!!

Taemin slid his fingers between Kai's and gripped onto his hand tightly. "Look, I just wanted to tell you about Minho. I was going to break up with him, but he was just so sweet that I couldn't. I know I said I would, but he's a perfect cover. No one would assume anything with him around."

Kai frowned and looked at the ground. "It doesn't feel right to use other people. Minho is a good guy."

He nodded thoughtfully. "I know. But he's not the monogamous kind. He's already..." He trailed off, not wanting to make Kai any more jealous than he already was. Instead, he kissed Kai gently, pulling the man's face closer to his.

His brother had seemed about to ask what was wrong, but the second their lips touched it escaped his mind. He groaned softly and leant forward into it. His fingers went to Taemin's waist and gripped on tightly. He wouldn't be surprised if it left bruises the next morning.

Taemin grabbed the front of his shirt and pushed him against the side of the house forcefully; grateful it was solid brick and wouldn't make a sound. He slid one leg between both of Kai's and ground against him. He relished the feeling of Kai's hardened cock against his.

"We shouldn't... be doing... this," Kai panted softly as Taemin bit and kissed his way down Kai's neck. "We're... brothers."

"We've been through this before," Taemin said sternly. "It doesn't matter." He bit Kai's skin again, watching the tan colour turn an angry red. He wanted the world to know Kai belonged to someone and not to touch him.

Kai rolled his hips back, his excitement evident. No matter how much he tried to hide it, he wanted his brother. The two men began a game of power, trying to prove who would be more dominant. Although Kai put in a valiant effort, he ended up against the wall again as Taemin's hips slid against his.

They both let out soft cries, muffling them in different ways. Kai bit into the sleeve of his shirt as Taemin kissed Kai's collarbone and shoulder. Anywhere his lips could make contact he would try it.

Finally, Kai made a small mewling noise as he came. He glanced down at his pants and sighed, already seeing the stain forming. At least he'd be driving home so no one would see. A few seconds later, Taemin let out a low groan and released as well. He buried his forehead into Kai's chest and stood there, panting for a few minutes.

"Taemin," Kai whispered after they'd both come down from their high. "I'm jealous of Minho. He gets to sleep in your bed and touch you every morning when he wakes up. When is it our turn to do that?"

Taemin let out a shuddering sigh and looked up at him. "I know it sucks. It's awful for me too. I want it to be you, but for the time being we need to wait for the world to catch up to us. I doubt anyone will ever support, uh, this," he motioned between them, "but quietly, behind closed doors, no one would be suspicious. We could form a relationship when we're older. When our family is too old to remember and we're no longer so focused on in the media. No meddling."

Kai pulled away when Taemin came up for a kiss. "When we're older? How much older? This sounds like you're planning that this will happen in twenty years or so." At Taemin's shrug, his tone turned incredulous. "You would wait that long?"

"Anything to be with you," Taemin murmured softly, touching his face.

"What should we do in the meantime?" he asked bitterly. "Shall I watch you fuck Minho?"

Taemin blinked in surprise and pulled back from him. "Excuse me?"

"Am I just another body to you?" Kai tugged at his hair. "I don't want that!"


"No!" Kai yelled. "You're either with me – and only me – or you're with everyone else. I want monogamy, even if it's in secret!"

Taemin stared at him in stunned silence. "Kai, come on. We spoke about this."

"I know, I know!" He grit his teeth and let his hair go. "Just... let me think about it. I need to weigh my options."

"By weigh your options, you mean you want to see who else is out there for you." Taemin shook his head sadly. "We're going down a tough road together, but we don't need to make it any worse than it already is."

"I wasn't the one who decided to do that," Kai looked at him sternly before walking away towards his car. "Enjoy your meal!"

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