|Chapter Sixteen|

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A/N sorry this is late, i got stuck on what to do and tbh this was going to be a fluffy kaisoo chapter but that seemed to boring for my kind of writing so i added a twist. ~Tyler

Kai woke up the next morning with Kyungsoo still in his arms. He was surprised the older boy wasn't awake making breakfast like every other morning. Kai smiled and pulled Kyungsoo closer to him and kissed him gently.

Kyungsoo's eyes fluttered open at the feeling of Kai's lips on his. He smiled into the kiss and kissed back passionately.

Kai's heart beat rapidly as the two kissed and made out. The boys pulled away for air and smiled lovingly at each other.

"Good morning, beautiful," Kai whispered and kissed Kyungsoo's forehead.

Kyungsoo sighed contently and laid his head on Kai's chest. "Good morning."

"Sleep well?" Kai asked as he began absently playing with Kyungsoo's hair.

"Best sleep I've ever had," Kyungsoo said then looked up with a devilish grin.

"What's that look for?" Kai asked with a small chuckle.

Kyungsoo leaned towards Kai's ear and whispered. "How about some morning sex?"

Kai smirked. Kyungsoo was clearly addicted to him and Kai couldn't deny that if he let him then Kyungsoo would become a drug to him. Kai placed his hand on the back of Kyungsoo's neck and kissed the older boy deeply.

The boys were in the middle of a make-out session when they heard Sehun call out. "Hyung I'm hungry!!"

Kyungsoo sighed in defeat. "Sorry baby, guess we'll just have to wake up earlier tomorrow morning." Kai said and kissed his boyfriend.

Kyungsoo got out of bed with a groan and went to their closet to get some clothes. Kai wanted nothing more to see Kyungsoo in nothing but his shirt, but that would be too big on him but he knew Kyungsoo couldn't wear it without them getting caught by their members.

Kyungsoo left the room once he was dressed and Kai rolled on his side to go back to sleep.


An hour or so later Kai was awoken by the feeling of cold water being poured all over him. Kai sat up gasping for breath. His eyes landed on Baekhyun and Sehun who were standing beside his bed.

"The fuck?" Kai growled.

"Ee have a schedule and you wouldn't wake up," Sehun said with his usual blank expression.

Kai frowned. "You guys have about five seconds to run before I kill the both of you."

Both boys squeaked and ran out of the room, Kai got out of bed and stripped the bed of its sheets, he put them in the washing hamper then went to his closet to get dressed in today's laid back outfit.

He left the room and went to the kitchen for food. Kyungsoo was still in there and Kai wanted to hug him from behind but he knew he couldnt.

'Curse you and your stupid rules Joonmyun,' Kai thought to himself as he sat down.

"You're going to have to do our washing today Kyungie.. The geniuses known as SeBaek tipped water all over me and our bed," Kai informed.

"I'll do it later then," Kyungsoo said nodding.

Kyungsoo placed a plate of food down in front of Kai. Kai smiled at his boyfriend then began scoffing his food down and then putting the plate in the sink.

"Kai are you ready to go?" Their manager hyung called out.

"Yeah." Kai called back.


"So, how was it?" Baekhyun asked as the boys were sat in the back of the car.

"What?" Kai looked at him.

"Oh come on! I won't tell Suho," Baekhyun reassured him.

Kai rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to talk about my sex life, Baekkie."

Baekhyun smirked. "It was terrible wasn't it? You weren't satisified."

"He isn't Taemin." Kai said without thinking then gasped when he realised what he said.

"You fancy Taemin?" Baekhyun raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Kai shook his head. "No, I don't! I didn't even mean to say that! I just had something else on my mind.." Kai lied.

His mind had been blank of all thought so he had no idea why he had said that.

Baekhyun didnt look so convinced though. "Sure you didn't."

"I'm serious, Baekhyun." Kai grumbled. "Kyungsoo is the only one who matters to me and seeing as though you are going to keep being nosy about this I'll have you know that last night was amazing."

"So why say he isn't Taemin?" Baekhyun questioned.

"Nothing, it's nothing. I just had a weird dream that's all." Kai sighed.

Kai thought back to the dream he had had before Baekhyun and Sehun had so rudely woken him up.

He dreamt he was making out with his boyfriend. Kyungsoo had giggled happily as Kai peppered kisses over his adorable face.

"I love you Kim Jongin." Kyungsoo said in a whisper.

Kai went to return the loving words but as his eyes reopened after blinking he wasn't staring down at Kyungsoo anymore.

It was Taemin.

Taemin was pinned beneath him on the couch in the vocal room. He was reliving that moment. He could breathe in his older brother's scent as he shut his eyes and leaned down to kiss him. It was the same torturous moment as the first time except this time the torture ended as he felt their lips connect. It wasn't the cliché sparks or fireworks feeling that people say, but it did feel amazing. He knew it was wrong and he was disgusted in himself for wanting this but at the same time it felt so right and this confused him greatly.

Kai was awoken before it had went any further, but as the memory had only come back to him now he felt his stomach churn. He felt attracted to his brother in his dream. He decided to just push it aside and assume it was a one off.

Kai discovered Baekhyun staring at him weirdly. "You okay? You zoned out for like ten minutes."

"I'm fine." Kai lied.

'I'm fine. Im normal and im not attracted to my older brother.' Kai told himself sternly in his head.

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