|Chapter Eighteen|

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A/N - sorry this is so late! I actually didnt even realise how overdue this chapter is..

"Yah, Jongin, pay attention will you?!" Suho said smacking him over the head with a rolled up news paper.

Kai shoo'd him away as he complained about the pain. "Jeez hyung, I thought Baek was the diva."

Suho rolled his eyes and stood up. "Just pay attention okay? This is important."

The boys had all finished their schedule for now and were currently in the dorm in the living room seated around with everyone, except Kai, paying attention to Suho.

Suho cleared his throat. "It has come to my attention that a few of you are sleeping around with other members of the group, this has to stop."

Kai saw Baekhyun smirk at Chanyeol, Kai looked down to Kyungsoo who was sitting on the floor in front of him with his head resting back against Kai's crossed legs.

Kai smiled faintly as he saw Kyungsoo staring up at him with the cutest smile.

"Jongin i swear to god--" Suho started, Kai looked up having to break the moment. "I'm not as stupid as I look Jongin. I know about you and Kyungsoo, not to mention ChanBaek over there," Suho motioned to the boys who were too busy trying to push each other off the couch.

"What is your problem with us being happy, hyung?" Kyungsoo questioned looking up at Suho. "Is there some reason why you are so against us having relationships within the group?"

Suho sighed and Kai caught him glance at Lay but didn't speak up about it. "It's just not good for the group, okay? If you guys break up and start to hate each other it'll make it difficult to work together not to mention how awkward it would make the group feel."

"You're making a mountain out of a mole hill, hyung." Kai said stubbornly.

"Trust men Jongin. I'm really not." Suho said defensively.

"Can we go now?" Xiumin asked.

Suho nodded and shoo'd them all away. Most of the boys got up to leave, Baekhyun and Chanyeol remained on their couch still trying to push each other off, Kris sat watching the tv.

Kyungsoo looked up at Kai. "I suppose we don't have to hide now that he knows."

"Why don't you go get ready for your flight... I need to talk to Joonmyun hyung." Kai said leaning down and kissing Kyungsoo softly.

Kyungsoo smiled into the kiss before getting up. "Ne."

Kai watched as Kyungsoo walked to their room, he sighed and stood up himself feeling the painfulness of pins and needles in his legs, he walked over to Suho who was checking a calender they kept on the wall in case they lost their phone schedules.

"Hyung, what happened between you and Yixing hyung?" Kai asked quietly.

Suho looked to him in surprise. "How did you know about--"

"Call it a lucky guess." Kai said interrupting.

Suho bowed his head in shame. "Yixing has feelings for me. I can't return them and I hate myself for it."

"So you're taking it out on us? It isn't fair to punish us like this, hyung. Just because you can't make Yixing hyung happy doesn't mean you have to make the rest of us as miserable as you two." Kai replied in a snappish tone.

"Yah Jongin, be nice." Kris said appearing next to Suho.

"Stay out of it Yifan hyung, this has nothing to do with you." Kai said growling at him.

"Suho isn't the only leader remember? If Yixing is involved then it concerns me too." Kris said folding his arms.

Kai rolled his eyes. "Whatever.."

Kai turned and went to his room where Kyungsoo was packing clothes into a suitcase.

"I'm not going to be able to see you off today." Kai told him and Kyungsoo looked up.

"But I'm going to be gone for a few months." Kyungsoo pouted.

Kai walked over to him and wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo and kissed his pouty lips.

"I know but i need to get out of the dorm for a bit." Kai said trying not to show how annoyed he was.

"You are going to miss me though? Right?" Kyungsoo looked so innocent.

Kai smiled sweetly and nodded. "Of course."

Kyungsoo grinned and leaned up to kiss him, Kai kissed back passionately.

"Have a safe flight okay?" Kai said cuddling his boyfriend.

"I will, I'll call you when i get there." Kyungsoo replied wrapping his arms around Kai's waist.

Kai spotted his shirt in Kyungsoo's suitcase. "Is that my shirt?"

"i hope you don't mind." Kyungsoo said sounding apologetic.

"Of course i don't mind Kyungie, I was just a little surprised that's all." Kai kissed the top of his head. "I need to go, call me okay?"

Kyungsoo nodded as Kai let go and left the room. "I love you!" he called after him.

"Love you too." Kai called back, but deep down he knew he didn't mean it.

Kai got out his phone and dialed Taemin's number, he bit his lip nervously as he waited for his older brother to answer.

"Eh Jongin? What do you want?" Taemin asked sounding distracted.

"Good to talk to you too, hyung.." Kai sighed, things were just so awkward between them ever since that almost kiss.

"Sorry Jonginnie, I didn't mean it like that.. What's wrong? You sound upset." Taemin said finally focusing on the conversation.

"Can we go to Hans River? I need to get away from the dorm for a bit." Kai asked him.

Hans River was a special place to them, they usually went there together when they wanted to get away from work or just wanted to hang out peacefully.

"Okay, meet me down in the carpark in a few minutes." Taemin agreed.

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