|Chapter Four|

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A/N - i apologize for this being so late, i've been so caught up with eonnie and my one shots and trying to finish Out Of My Limit (TaeKai story on my TylerHerondale account) ~Tyler


It was Sehun's birthday and nothing seemed to be going right. Kai had woken up the morning with a bad mood after not getting enough sleep, and he had helped Suho set up for the party after Luhan had taken Sehun out as a distraction. Kai set up with no difficulty then got the present he brought. He got the other members to come over then went for a shower.

It took awhile for Luhan and Sehun to come back home. All the boys had yelled surprise when they walked through the door.

"Happy birthday, Sehunnie," Kai had said and ruffled his hair.

"Thanks hyung," Sehun grinned.

They went to the kitchen and all gathered around the island where Kyungsoo put down a home made chocolate cake.

"If you touch the bottom you have to kiss the closest person to you." Tao said with a chuckle.

Luhan was standing on one side of him and Suho was on the other side completely oblvious to what Tao just said. Sehun accidently touched the bottom as he cut the cake, he put the knife down and turned to Luhan cupping his face and pressing their lips together. Luhan pulled away and gave Kai a guilty look but Kai just shrugged it off... Until Sehun had noticed the look.

"What's going on between you two?" Sehun questioned.

"Nothing." Kai and Luhan said in unison.

"Kai are you having sex with my Luhan?" Sehun folded his arms.

"I'm not your Luhan, Sehun," Luhan grumbled and looked away.

"I don't need to answer that stupid accusation." Kai rolled his eyes and left the dorm.

Kai decided to go do some vocal training, he would practice choreography but his waist had been strained to much and the doctor had told him not to over work himself.

He went to one of the SM studios and played with the headphones trying not to break them, despite what had happened his mind was on his brother, Kai wanted a way to hang out with him and be close again. His members were nice but he didnt trust them like he trusted Taemin.

'Speak of the devil' Kai thought as he glanced up and saw Taemin just outside the studio.

Kai called out to him and got him to come in, he asked for help and tried to play it off that he didn't care who had come in but in all honesty he was happy it was Taemin.

Taemin was acting odd though and it was starting to worry him. He had asked if Taemin was coming down with a cold but, out of the two of them, Kai was the one who was more susceptible to colds and fevers. Taemin jerked away from him and went to leave.

Kai grabbed his wrist softly. "Hyung wait dont go.. I want to hang out with you."

"What?" Taemin glanced over his shoulder.

Kai let go of Taemin's wrist and looked down with a sigh. "I feel like SM is pulling us apart Tae... We aren't as close as we were when we were kids."

"That's not my fault," Taemin said defensively.

"It's not mine either. I'm just saying we need to change that," Kai said, "but if you dont want to, that's fine... I just wanted my brother back that's all."

Kai could see the confliction in Taemin's facial expression, Kai bit his lower lip out of habit.

"Why dont we go to the dance room? We could practice maxstep?" Taemin suggested as he finally gave in.

Kai ignored his doctors advice and nodded. "I'd love too."

Kai put away the headphones and followed Taemin to EXO's dance studio, Taemin placed his bag down and got out his ipod and set it up into the speakers then pressed play on Maxstep, Kai and Taemin sang their bits and danced but Kai didn't dance as hard as he usually did which Taemin quickly noticed.

Taemin paused the music and Kai rested his hand on his knees and bent over trying to even out his breath as he felt the pain in his side.

"Jonginnie are you okay?" Taemin asked coming over to him.

"I'm fine Tae." Kai tried to push him away.

Taemin bent down and got in his face to make Kai look at him, Kai had gritted teeth so he figured he didn't look to friendly at the moment.

"You aren't fine, tell me what's wrong," Taemin basically demanded.

Kai sighed. "It's my waist... The injury flared up again a couple of weeks ago."

"Why didnt you tell me that, Jongin? I wouldnt have made you dance with me!" Taemin looked so worried and it really confused Kai how they could be apart for so long yet Taemin still worried about him.

"I just wanted to hang out with you, hyung." Kai pursed his lips thoughtfully.

"Take off your shirt and lay down, I'll ease your pain." Taemin ordered.

Kai nodded and took off his shirt then laid down on his stomach. He felt Taemin sit down on his ass and felt his cool hands touch the smooth skin of his lower back. Kai folded his arms and rested his head facing the side, but shut his eyes as the blissful feeling of Taemin's fingers sent chills up his spine. Kai knew Taemin was good at massaging, he did it quite often when they were kids and he had seen him do it to Jonghyun quiet a few times.

He had assumed that Taemin had a thing for Jonghyun but after the conversation in the car the other day with Chanyeol and Baekhyun he highly doubted it.

Kai let out a moan as Taemin's fingers hit a sensitive pressure point, "Wow."

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