|Chapter Twenty-Two|

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A/N - hey guys sorry if this is kinda late but i have an update schedule order i need to follow, okay so it's like 4:30am so if this chapter sucks you know why

The make out session didnt last as long as Kai would have liked. Kai sat uncomfortably in the passenger seat as Taemin drove him back to the dorms silently.

He wanted to say something, anything, but nothing seemed to come out his mouth so he just stared out the window and watched the buildings flash by.

When the car pulled to a stop, Kai sat there for a moment before reluctantly taking his seat belt off with a sigh.

"Hey, wait, before you go..." Taemin said quietly making Kai turn his attention to him.

Taemin leaned over and kissed Kai passionately. Kai shut his eyes and enjoyed the kiss until he came to his senses and pulled away.

"Hyung, not here." Kai said quietly.

Taemin rolled his eyes. "Jongin, no one knows we are brothers."

Kai looked away guiltily. "Taeyeon noona does.."

"We weren't supposed to tell anyone, Jongin." Taemin glared at him disapprovingly.

Kai pouted. "I'm sorry okay? I just needed someone I could confide in about my feelings for you after our almost kiss in the practice room."

Taemin nodded in understanding. "Is she the one who suggested you date Kyungsoo?"

Kai nodded in reply and kept silent for a moment. "I need to go."

Kai got out of the car and rushed to the elevator. Kai went to the exo dorm and closed the door louder than expected.

"Jongin, is that you?" Suho called out.

"Yeah hyung. Sorry, I didn't mean to be so loud." Kai called back.

Suho came out of his room and shook his head with a smile. "Don't worry about it. Between you and Baekhyun's constant yelling I think I'd prefer a slammed door any day."

"Is he really gaming again at this hour of the night?" Kai questioned and gave an unimpressed look towards Baekhyun and Chanyeol's closed up bedroom.

Suho nodded. "Afraid so. You'll have to sleep with ear muffs if you want any sleep at all."

Kai chuckled. "Hyung, I need to talk to you about something..."

"What is it, Jongin?" Suho asked concerned about the sudden serious look on his dongsaeng's face.

Kai walked to the empty living room and sat down on the couch. "I thought about what you said and you're right, hyung."

"Normally I would be thrilled to hear that coming from you and any of the kids but this has got me a little worried if I'm being completely honest." Suho told him sitting beside him and placing a hand on his shoulder supportively.

"I broke up with Kyungsoo." Kai explained.

Suho frowned. "Since when do you actually listen to me Jongin?"

Kai sighed. "Since now. You were right, relationships within the group can be extremely bad for everyone else, it was a bad idea to get with him in the first place especially when I already knew I liked someone else... I just thought he could help me move on."

"Using somebody as a distraction isn't moving on, Jongin," Suho said with a sigh. "And don't even think about overworking yourself in the practice room. We have enough injuries in the group already."

"So what do I do?" Kai looked at Suho like a child.

Suho smiled. "You focus on the things that make you happy. As for Kyungsoo, I think you ought to explain everything to him and apologize properly so none of this comes back to hurt the group. Exo would be so messed up without the KaiSoo friendship."

Kai nodded. "I tried to apologize but he just shut me out hyung."

"Just wait til he comes back. You know he is just as stubborn as you so you really need to let him cool off." Suho told him then stood up. "I'm going to attempt to get some sleep. I suggest you do the same Jongin."

Kai nodded and Suho bid him goodnight then went to his and Sehun's room. Kai sighed and leaned back on the couch and put his hands over his hand letting out a quiet muffled scream of frustration.

His emotions were all over the place and he felt like he was unnecessarily complicating his life without meaning too and no matter what he did he couldn't fix any of it.

"So you and Kyungsoo broke up, huh?" the sound of Baekhyun's irritating voice filled Jongin's hearing.

Kai groaned and removed his hands to look over at Baekhyun who was standing in the doorway of his bedroom. Kai looked past the open door and could see the outline of a sleeping Chanyeol in Baekhyun's bed.

"How long have you been listening?" Kai asked with a slight frown.

"Long enough." Baekhyun shrugged. "So... Million dollar question: did you end it because Suho said or did you do it all for Taemin?"

Kai rolled his eyes. "I told you hyung, I don't like Taemin like that... Taemin's like a brother to me." Kai said, twisting the truth.

Baekhyun nodded. "I can believe that, but it still doesn't give you the right to break Kyungsoo's heart! Do you know how much it pains me to hear him cry? My best friend called me just to cry and tell me that his idiot of a boyfriend broke up with him over the phone." Baekhyun's voice was slowly raising with every word.

It was clear that Kyungsoo wasn't the only one annoyed at him.

Kai stood up. "You know what, hyung? Just shut up, okay? I get that you're mad at me for hurting your friend, he is my friend too, but I did what I had to! I'm not even gonna attempt to defend myself because frankly it's none of your god damn business so just stay the hell out of it!"

Kai stormed to his and Kyungsoo's room and slammed the door as hard as he could. Kai had a temper issue at the best of times but Baekhyun seemed to bring out the worst in him.

"Who the hell does he think he is, nosing into my personal business?" Kai asked himself as he got changed. "I did what was right for Kyungie so why am I the bad guy?"

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