|Chapter Thirteen|

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Hey guys! It's time for.... ANOTHER CHAPPY!! I hope you guys enjoy this one, especially the ending! I hope it makes you eager for more :P

~C.Y. Hawkins

Taemin heard the commotion around them and was confused. He glanced around at the people running everywhere and nudged Minho, "Hey, what's going on?"

Minho's arm slid around Taemin's waist as he stood behind him, "I heard a couple of people got stuck in the elevator. Probably some of the EXO members mucking around again."

"EXO members?" Taemin squeaked, looking out at the people. He was trying to see how many EXO members were around, and if Kai was one of them. He couldn't see his brother so he pulled away from Minho, "I'll be right back in time for their opening act."

The members of SHINee had gone to see EXO to give their support to the other SM Entertainment group. They were all friends, and always grateful for support. In Korea, one wrong album can take a group from stardom to obscurity, and it's good to know others have your back and will always be there for your concerts. Taemin wondered how long Kai would stick around if SHINee was no longer popular to the masses.

He shook the thought out of his head and continued walking towards the group of people near the elevators. He stood on his tiptoes and his eyes widened. Kai was there! He must have been stuck! He tried to get through the other people to see if the man was hurt or not, but the people barely noticed him and he was left out on the fringes.

Taemin turned his eyes onto the man standing beside Kai. Kyungsoo?

His eyes went back to Kai and saw a red mark on the man's neck and his heart froze. They hadn't been simply 'mucking around' in that elevator. He hunched over slightly, trying to make himself look as small as possible so he wouldn't bump into anyone, and made his way back to Minho.

The SHINee rapper looked at him and frowned, "What's wrong?"

Taemin shook his head, "Nothing, I'm fine. Maybe a little tired." He was immediately wrapped in Minho's arms. His head landed on the man's chest and he shut his eyes, revelling in the comfort the added warmth brought to him.

"Tell me when you're tired," he murmured. "We can't have you passing out at practice or on stage. You need to be at your best." His arms hands rubbed at Taemin's back gently, massaging him where he stood. "Kyungsoo!" He called out and Taemin immediately stiffened.

The EXO member went over to them and Taemin pulled away from Minho's arms to give him a forced smile.

Kyungsoo smiled at both of them, "Hey. We were just stuck in the elevator." He shivered, remembering his fear.

Minho gave him a look of sympathy, "Are you okay? I know how you get in small, dark places."

Taemin blinked up at Minho. How on Earth would Minho know that? Does he have a crush on Kyungsoo too? His hands balled into fists. Why does every man he's tied to have some sort of positive affiliation with this guy?

Kyungsoo sighed, "I'm so lucky I had Kai there. He... distracted me from everything that was going on." He glanced down at Minho's hand that was now resting on Taemin's hip. "I'm sure you know exactly what I mean when I say distraction," he teased before flouncing off.

Taemin bit his lip to stop himself from screaming, 'Aish!' How unfair was the world going to be with him? Making him love his own brother and then forcing him to watch said brother love another man?

"Minho," he said slowly.

His band member looked down at him, "What is it?"

"When we finish watching their show, do you want to go do something?" he asked softly.

Interest twinkled in the older man's eyes, "What kind of something?" His eyes ran down Taemin's slim body.

"How about a strip club?" he blurted out.

Minho's eyes registered surprise, "A what?"

"A strip club," he said boldly. "Let's go to one."

"To see women?" Minho's forehead wrinkled in confusion.

Taemin's head swung side to side as he shook it rapidly, "No, no, no. I've heard of one that specialises in men. Let's go to it."

Minho's raised his eyebrows for a minute, "People will recognise us."

"Not if we get hats and sunglasses. A lot of people do that to be discreet so we won't be noticed," he murmured.

"How do you know so much about this?" Minho asked.

He shrugged and let out a soft laugh, "I watched a few documentaries. When you guys are out, it's what I do. I can't watch them with Key is home though, because he thinks they're boring."

Minho thought about it for a moment and Taemin crossed his fingers. Finally Minho nodded, "Alright. We'll go to a strip club."

So there we have it!! A strip club!! Raise your hand if you want to go with them!!

~C.Y. Hawkins

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