|Chapter Twenty-Three|

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Hey guys, Celeste here! We're about to get raunchy in this chapter ;) Other than some making out I've noticed our story lacking a tiny bit of, how can I say this nicely... SEX. So, without further ado, turn your lights down low, put on your favourite song, and enjoy ;)
PS. Yes, the music is country and not kpop, but damn his voice is fiiiine


Taemin drove back home slowly, remembering the feel of Kai's lips on his own. He nearly shut his eyes at one point, but then realised he would end up in a car crash if he did so. He just couldn't help himself. Kai was so... soft and pliable. Although he hated to admit it, his cock was getting hard just thinking about him.

He groaned softly as he pulled into the shared house with his group and he got out of his car, wishing his body would go back to normal so that no one would know about his deep, dark secret lust.


He turned around quickly to see Minho standing there with a trash bag in his hand. Taemin nearly slapped his own face. Minho! How could he have forgotten his hyung so easily? And he cheated on him! Although, from previous experience it seemed like Minho liked him to be with other men.

"Hey," he replied softly, walking over to him. He knew he had to break up with this man to be fair to him.

Minho's eyes travelled down Taemin's body and he laughed softly. "What's got you so hot and bothered?" He threw the rubbish in the bin and wiped his hands on his pants.

"Uhh..." Taemin tried to look for an excuse. "You?"

Minho's face tightened, as if he didn't believe him, before smoothing out and an easy smile appearing on his face. "Me, huh? Let's pretend I believe you; what do you want me to do about it?"

Taemin's eyes widened. He was right, Minho was seeing right through his act and it scared him. What else could the man figure out? How smart was he?

At his silence, Minho snuck his fingers into Taemin's belt loops and pulled his body flush against his own before sliding his arms around his waist. "How about I just show you?" He pulled Taemin around the side of the house where they wouldn't get caught and closed the gate gently so they would be hidden from any passing cars. He gave him another small smile before dropping to his knees and undoing Taemin's belt.

Taemin stopped him, "Minho, please, not here. At least let us go to a bedroom."

"Don't you want to be risky?"

He had to admit, the idea of being caught turned him on. But the idea of being caught with his pants down was just embarrassing. He pulled Minho to his feet before smiling. "Let me."

It was his turn to get onto his knees, the hard cement beneath him already causing negative friction against them. He pulled off Minho's belt and unzipped his pants. He heard Minho ask him if he was sure, but he ignored it. If this would stop the man from asking too many questions, he would do it.

The second he saw Minho's hard cock he pressed his lips against it, tasting the odd saltiness mixed with the usual musk a man carries. He shut his eyes, revelling in the taste and smells of his friend's body before flicking his tongue out and nudging the tip, causing the bigger man to groan.

If Kai could see him now, he had no doubts his brother would call him a slut, but for some strange reason that word turned him on more and his erection grew uncomfortable in his pants. He undid his top button on his pants to give it more room but that made it ache further, as if it were its own entity and knew he was denying it release.

He took more of the man into his mouth and heard him groan. He carefully avoided scraping the man's cock with his teeth and sunk down, wondering how much he could take before his gag reflex kicked in.

Answer: a lot.

He felt Minho slide down his throat and it was his turn to moan. It felt good to be used like this. It took him away from the freedom of his thoughts, allowing him to forget about the issues with his brother and the forbidden love that could never truly be. Even if they stayed together in private, people would wonder why both of them never dated. Someone would figure it out sooner or later and their lives would be ruined.

Taemin reached down into his pants and began to gently palm his hard length, wanting the ache gone. In that moment he wished he had accepted Minho's blowjob in the first place then he felt Minho's hips buck and he realised why he didn't. He swallowed around the man's cock, his throat tightening up in different areas that he knew would be pleasurable to him, but the sensation also fed down to his down and he rubbed himself harder.

Minho's hands went into his hair and pushed him, the man's pubic hair tickling his nose. He ran his tongue along the underside of the man's cock and felt Minho begin to rut against his mouth. His mind went completely blank and the only things moving were Minho's hips and his own hand which had now curled around his length and tugging harshly.

He heard the strangled moan above him before he tasted the man's come sliding down the back of his throat. He took a deep breath through his nose before swallowing. The taste and sensation caused his own orgasm; his toes tingling in pleasure before the sudden rush up his legs took him by surprise and he came, choking on Minho's cock.

Minho immediately withdrew and stroked Taemin's hair. "Are you okay?" He asked softly.

Taemin nodded and stood up, zipping his pants back up. "That was good." He pulled Minho into his arms, feeling the man's softening cock against his body. Maybe this would be a good arrangement. He could give Minho something in return for the man to keep his secret? It was only a matter of time, after all. If only Minho wasn't as intelligent as he was.

No, the only person to blame was himself, he thought. He pulled Minho into this mess, and he would make sure the man got something out of it before realising how disgusting his lover was. He obviously already had doubts.

"Who wants chicken?!" Onew flung open the gate and wobbled and bucket of fried chicken at them before running into the backyard.

Taemin gasped and pulled back from Minho before glancing between the two men. "Did he... not even notice?"

Minho laughed and reached out, wiping Taemin's chin, "He only has eyes for his chicken."

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