|Chapter Twenty-Four|

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A/N - hey guys sorry if this is a little late and kind of boring... i had no idea what to do with this chapter.

Kai spent the rest of the night in a bad mood, which meant he couldn't sleep.

In the morning he kind of moped around the place. The more he thought about Baekhyun's words the more he felt guilty for breaking up with Kyungsoo, but he also knew that what he did was the right thing. It was bad to lead a person on and although he should have done it in person he was just too much of a coward to break someone's heart while standing face to face with them.

"Jongin, get dressed you need to head to the vocal room for lessons." Their manager ordered at around midday when Jongin had planted himself on the couch still in his briefs.

Kai groaned. "I don't feel like going."

"Just do it Jongin before I get Joonmyun." Their manager said, rolling his eyes.

Jongin huffed in frustration and got up. "Ugh fine."

Jongin went for a shower and got dressed for the day before heading to the vocal room.

"Hey sunbaenim." Someone said, now walking beside him down the hallway.

Kai looked to see Yuta from NCT. Kai smiled, it had been awhile since he had last seen any of the rookies.

"Hey Yuta, what's up?" Kai asked politely.

Yuta sighed. "Hyung I need help with something..."

"And you think I can help?" Kai raised his eyebrow questioningly.

"It's common knowledge that some of the Exo members prefer boys over girls and well I'm completely guessing here but i was hoping you were one of them." Yuta explained.

Kai chuckled. "Well, you would be guessing correctly. So what can I help with?"

"I have a few concerns cause I'm not sure how any of this works, like, I haven't even had a girlfriend before." Yuta sighed. "How do you know if you really like a boy?"

"Well, have you ever had a crush on a girl?" Kai asked and Yuta nodded. "Well, it's exactly like that except about a boy... The only difference is it really makes you question yourself and based on your up bringing it can also make you shamed. I can tell you right now there is nothing wrong with being gay or just having a crush on boy. Just be who you are and everything should click."

"Okay," Yuta nodded. "Now that I'm positive these feelings are real what do I do? Do I tell him or do I just stay still and silently hope he will one day tell me first?"

"Just go tell him, if it's meant to be it will happen, worst case scenario is that things will get awkward and it will ruin your friendship but that's a chance you have to be willing to take to find happiness. God knows I've taken so many leaps of faith in my time and just recently ruined a perfect friendship because I didn't go for what I really wanted." Kai sighed. "What I'm trying to say is, if you know what you want then go for it, the only real person who can hold you back is you."

Yuta grinned. "Thanks Hyung."

"Just out of curiosity, who's the crush?" Kai asked curiously.

Yuta blushed. "It's my best friend Ten."

Kai smiled. "It should be fine then. Honestly, I've mistaken you two as a couple before."

Yuta gasped and his face became redder. "Really? Aish, how embarrassing."

"Well, go on then go tell him." Kai encouraged as he shoo'd him away.


Kai enjoyed his vocal lessons, it kept his mind off the mess with Kyungsoo. When Kai finished his lessons and even a couple of hours of dance practice he went to the dorm.

"Hey Jongin, we were just about to go out." Chanyeol told him.

"Where?" Kai asked folding his arms as he glanced at the small group of members.

"Key invited us over to the shinee dorm for dinner... wanna come?" Suho invited.

Kai shrugged. "Sure, why not."

Kai, Chanyeol, Lay, Suho and Baekhyun went down to the car and Suho drove, they pulled up at Shinee's dorm apartment and went up to the front door, Kai glanced at Baekhyun when he could feel someone staring at him. Sure enough, Baekhyun was giving him a death glare.

Kai was happy when Jonghyun answered the door. "Hey guys, come on in." Jonghyun greeted cheerfully.

They went in and were lead to the dining room where the shinee members were at the table except for Key who was in the kitchen cooking.

Kai looked to Taemin and his heart sank. His lover was hanging off of Minho and acting cutely. Kai cleared his throat awkwardly then took a seat beside Onew.

"Jonginnie!" Taemin exclaimed when he noticed Kai sit down.

"Hey, Hyung." Kai replied casually.

Taemin grinned. "I missed you."

"Hyung you saw me yesterday." Kai said rolling his eyes.

Taemin pouted. "I know but you were in a bad mood yesterday so that doesn't count."

Kai looked away from him. "What, and I'm not today?"

"Well I don't know, we haven't talked at all today." Taemin answered with a small shrug.

Kai looked away from Taemin and saw Minho eyeing him suspiciously.

"So Taemin, how does it feel to be a home wrecker." Baekhyun asked leaning on the table.

"Home wrecker? Taem what is he talking about?" Minho asked his boyfriend.

Kai glared at Baekhyun. "Will you stop? It's not his fault."

Suho sighed and hid his eyes behind his hand in disappointment. "This is exactly what I wanted to avoid."

Minho frowned. "Does anyone want to fill me in on why you're calling my boyfriend a home wrecker?"

Taemin looked to Minho. "Jongin broke up with Kyungsoo yesterday... I swear it's not my fault though."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Baekhyun commented.

Kai growled. "Shut up, Baekhyun."

"Make me!" Baekhyun retorted.

Kai looked at Chanyeol. "Hyung, control your loud mouth boyfriend."

"Don't bring me into this." Chanyeol raised his hands in surrender.

"I'm gonna go see if Kibum needs help." Minho said standing up and going to the kitchen.

Kai turned to Baekhyun. "God Baekhyun, don't you know how to fucking behave?!"

"It's not my fault you can't keep your eyes off Taemin!" Baekhyun snapped back.

Kai stood up suddenly. "You need to learn to mind your own fucking business! Suho Hyung, I'm leaving. I'll see you guys back at the dorm."

Kai left the house and managed to get outside the front gate before someone grabbed his wrist and pushed him against the hedge out of sight.

"Hyung, what are you doing out here? Minho and the others will definitely think Baekhyun is right." Kai whispered.

Taemin nodded. "I know, but I am to blame... I just wanted to tell you not to take it so hard. There was nothing you could do to lessen the blow to Kyungsoo..." Taemin moved Kai's hair from his face. "The heart wants what the heart wants."

Taemin stroked his cheek and leaned in, kissing him passionately. Kai pulled back and bit his lower lip.

"Hyung, stop, someone could catch us." Kai said, his voice trembling a little.

Taemin smirked. "I know, it's kind of exciting right?"

Kai smirked and wrapped his arms around Taemin's neck with a nod, Taemin put his hands on Kai's hips and Kai initiated a very heated kiss.

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