|Chapter Twenty-Eight|

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A/N - I apologize for the late chapter i've been so slack with my updating and have been neglecting certain stories
~Tyler Mak💞

Kai couldn't decide what to wear for his lunch date, according to Sunny it wasn't even a date but at least it was a stepping stone. Kai felt guilty for putting someone else through this but this time he won't make the same mistake like he did with Kyungsoo, he wanted something real this time, he was ready to move on from his self centred brother, he knew Kyungsoo wouldn't take him back despite being in love with him.

Kai sighed and settled for a simple shirt and jeans and a nice jacket to go over top, he gave his hair a brush then ruffled it so that it had that messy look that most of his female fans loved so much.

He really hoped he could impress Sunny, he was already really good friends with her but now he had to try to break free from the friend zone.

His phone buzzed alerting him to a message which he quickly checked.

Sunny: you almost ready? I'm in the carpark already

Kai: be down in a minute

Kai put his phone way, he double checked to see if he had everything he needed. Once confirmed, he left the door quietly trying to avoid all the other members and went down to the carpark and met Sunny who grinned widely.

"Jonginnie!" She cheered happily as he hugged her to greet her.

She blushed and slapped Kai's arm when Kai kissed her cheek. "Hey, Noona."

"Jongin, don't be so informal towards me. We may be friends but I don't like skinship." Sunny scolded.

Kai rolled his eyes but muttered an apology to her. "Mianhae Noona."

"So where should we go for lunch?" Sunny asked as they got in the car.

Kai shrugged. "Somewhere easy," Kai said as he put his seatbelt on.

Sunny put the car in reverse and drove out of the carpark, she drove around for a little bit trying to find somewhere nice to have lunch.

"So what made you want to have lunch with me randomly?" Sunny asked as she continued to drive.

Kai sighed and glanced at her, he looked at her outfit, she was wearing a short skirt and a regular long sleeve t-shirt that seemed to hug her body nicely but unfortunately for Kai her body didn't seem to do anything for him at all. He knew he still liked girls so he didn't understand what the problem was.

"I wanted to take a beautiful girl on a date... Is that really so wrong?" Kai said confidently.

Sunny snorted. "In our line of business? Yeah, it kind of can be especially if our company doesn't approve."

"Can't we just have a good time without thinking about the depressing details Noona?" Kai asked with a sigh as he was reminded about all the denial he would go through if he were with Taemin instead of Sunny.

Sunny parked the car and glanced at him curiously. "You seem different Jongin, did something happen?"

Kai shook his head. "I'd rather not talk about it to be honest. I just want to leave it in the past and move on with my life."

Sunny seemed to be in thought. "So am I just a way to move on for whatever it was that happened?"

Kai looked her in the eye and gave her a guilty look, Sunny smiled reassuringly, her hand making its way to his and lacing their fingers together, her thumbing rubbing gently back and forth to comfort him.

"Whatever it was I'm sure you'll move on eventually but you shouldn't try to force things Jongin, give it time and things will work out for you." Sunny told him.

Kai pouted. "I don't want to wait, I just want to forget all about it!" Kai was close to tears. Lately, it didn't take much to break him.

Sunny used her other hand to make him look at her and stroked his cheek softly. "Using me as a replacement isn't going to make you forget whoever it is you're trying to forget, but just know if you ever need to talk that I'm here for you."

Kai leaned over and buried his face in her neck, he removed his hand from hers and wrapped his arms around her needing a hug for comfort which she didn't hesitate to give.

After staying like that for ten minutes Kai sat back straight and wiped his eyes, they got out of the car and walked around the shopping mall, they linked arms not caring who saw them and shopped around going on a shopping spree and just having fun in general before stopping at a shop near by to have lunch which was when Kai's phone started ringing.

Kai checked his phone and saw Taemin's caller i.d, he sighed and declined it but he continued to call.

"Excuse me Noona, but I have to take this call," Kai said bowing in apology and stepped away from her as he answered it.

"Jonginnie?" Taemin asked hopefully on the other end of the line.

Kai growled. "Can't you just take a hint and stop pestering me Hyung? You made it perfectly clear where I stood so I don't want anything more to do with you."

"But Nini! I'm calling to apologize." Taemin whined.

Kai bite his lower lip feeling conflicted. He looked over at Sunny who just smiled sweetly at him. "I don't care Hyung, just leave me alone, please. I'm trying to move on with my life and you should too, go be happy with Minho Hyung."

Kai hung up before Taemin could say anything, he put his phone on silent so he could ignore anymore of Taemin's calls, he shoved his phone back in his pocket before sitting back down across from Sunny.

"Was that them?" Sunny asked worriedly.

Kai just nodded. "I wish he would just get the hint that i'm done with him... I've tried to make it clear how much he hurt me by ignoring him but i guess he just doesn't understand."

Sunny gave a look of pity. "Maybe you should tell him instead of ignoring him."

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