|Chapter Thirty-Nine|

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Hi everyone, it's Celeste here! I've changed my Wattpad username to Juniper Adler because I've always wanted a really cool author name! I hope you guys like it!
I hope you enjoy this new chapter. I'm sure it will open some gateways to some very steamy content!

Taemin woke up feeling warm and refreshed. He knew what he needed to do now and how to get his brother to see himself for what he truly was and to accept it. He didn't want Kai pretending like he was a good little boy running around dancing and singing and preparing for a baby. No no. He wanted him to take a good look in the mirror and accept the penalty for messing with his own brother's heart.

Yes, waking up on the vindictive side of the bed was never a good thing and Taemin knew how poorly this could go if he failed. He didn't want to look like a monster and he didn't want Kai feeling that way either – but if he could accept his abnormality like Taemin could, then acceptance wouldn't be too far off.

So now he had to think. How can he get Kai to accept this? Should he be messaging him every morning to remind him? Get someone to tell him? Remind him of-

Hang on. Reminding him wasn't a bad idea. But not reminding him in such an obvious way. Perhaps Kai should be wooed. Taemin sat on the edge of his bed, trying not to stroke his face like a villain from a Disney movie.

Wooing him would be easy. The man was already in love with him – he just had to make him see beyond the whole 'you're my brother' thing. Then, perhaps, they could carry on together. Maybe they could leave the entertainment industry and take all the money they had earned and live far away where people didn't recognise them. Maybe China. Kai had always been fond of China. Or perhaps an English speaking country like New Zealand. Taemin was a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings. Either country would suit them well.

"What are you thinking about?" Minho's voice broke through Taemin's thoughts like an icepick.

The younger man looked up at him, blinking away the sleep heavy in his eyes. "I was just plotting."

"Wow," Minho let out a low whistle. "I heard you talking to Onew last night but I didn't realise he'd made you into a cheesy bad guy."

"Hey!" Taemin threw a pillow at him and laughed. "There's just something I think would have a better outcome if I actually made a move and fixed them on my end. Sometimes it's better if people are confronted with the truth."

Minho paused in the doorway, leaning against the soft oak. His eyes were downcast as he avoided eye contact with Taemin for the moment. Thoughts were stirring around in his brain but he was struggling to voice them. Finally, he opened his mouth, "Do you think that's a wise decision?"

"I haven't even told you what it is, yet!"

"I can guess," Minho's eyes grew slightly cold as he regained eye contact. "You're not someone to leave someone alone easily. I know this has something to do with Kai, and I know you're going to break that boy if someone doesn't stop you early."

Taemin shook his head, his soft hair falling over his eyes. "You're wrong. I mean, you're right about it being about Kai, but it's not going to break him. I just want him to accept himself and us."

Minho rubbed his temples slowly. "Taemin, this isn't something for him to simply accept. It's not like he's sick or he needs help with an addiction. He needs to move on."

"But he is sick," Taemin moved to the edge of his bed. "He's making himself sick trying to deny these things and not admitting that he's doing some crazy things to try and avoid it. Everything that's going wrong in his life is due to him trying to avoid us and I'm sick of being the one blamed. I'm not at fault for trying to make things work. Now please, if you're not going to help, leave us alone."

Minho took a deep breath and looked up at the sky for a moment, counting slowly backwards from ten. It was his usual routine to calm down when in reality he wanted to punch something. He finally got to one and nodded calmly. "Fine, I'll leave. But if something goes wrong..."

Taemin waited for it. He knew the old line: if something goes wrong, you're on your own. But isn't that the case for most things? When someone made a mistake, everyone would quickly turn their backs on them and say nasty things like 'I told you so' or 'you need to learn a lesson'. No one ever stopped to think whether or not that was a good idea.

"...we're all here to help you," Minho finished before turning and leaving the room. Taemin blinked into the sudden silence. Minho didn't say what he was expecting and he wasn't sure how to react to that. He wouldn't be laughed at or made fun of? He'd be able to turn to them instead of being pushed away? He wasn't sure how to feel about that and it made him feel a little funny.

But that didn't mean he was about to stop his plan. He knew how to get Kai interested – he'd been raised with the boy for goodness sake. He could get that boy's toes to curl in the most pleasant of ways. But how should he start?

He was pulling on his clothes, checking out the new pants he had bought in the mirror when he realised what he should be doing. He grabbed his phone and took a photo of his new pants... then one when he slipped back out of them. He put together a text message to Kai with the note 'Do you like me with the pants? Or without?' then added both photos.

Hopefully this would get the man hot and bothered and thinking about him all day long. Maybe he'd even slip up in practice and have to stay back for some... extra training from his brother.

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