|Chapter Seven|

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Guys!! I'm sorry! It's been about ten days and I didn't write the next chapter until now!! To be fair to myself though, this week has been my first week back at University for my third and (hopefully) final year!! Yay!! *sobs* I already want to be back on holiday!! ;-;
Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter and give it heaps of votes :P
~ C.Y. Hawkins

Taemin stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He knew his hair was sticking out at odd angles but he didn't really care. It was only his friends he was seeing anyway.

He vaguely recognised Kai sitting at the table but barely paid much attention to him. In fact, he only gave him a passing grunt as he made his way into the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of juice.

Before he could take a swig directly from the bottle, Key made a loud fussing noise and grabbed it from him, "Taeminnie! No! You need a glass!" Taemin followed the bottle of juice until Key poured some into a small cup for him. Once again, he gave a grunt of approval and drunk quickly. Key refilled his cup before putting the bottle back in the fridge.

Taemin took a seat and buried his face into the refreshing cup of liquids. He was one of the only people in the apartment that liked juice with pulp, but Key still made him drink it from the cup for hygiene reasons.

He heard Kai mumble off to his side somewhere but he ignored it. A laugh from Key followed by his soft talking filled his ears and he focused on not falling back asleep.

Suddenly, he felt soft hands on his shoulders, gently rubbing them. He groaned softly and his head fell forward as he let whomever it was knead his muscles. After a few moments he shivered and stretched, feeling a bit more awake and glanced around the kitchen. He saw Minho sitting near him, Key and Jonghyun in the kitchen, and Onew tripping over near the fridge.

Hang on, he glanced around, if they're his teammates, who's touching him right now?

Taemin looked back and his jaw dropped, "K-Kai?" He stumbled off his chair and slipped to the ground like Onew. Kai reached out to help him up but he slithered away on the shiny floor, "What are you doing here?"

Kai grinned, "I'm here for a free breakfast!"

He heard Jonghyun's cry of pain and turned to look over for a split second. Jonghyun had tried to steal some bacon and Key had rapped him over the knuckles, "Key-umma!" Taemin called out, "Stop being mean to my Jonghyun!"

Key looked over at him and narrowed his eyes, "Unless you don't want to eat breakfast, you'll take my side in this."

"Yes umma," Taemin threw Jonghyun an apologetic look and went back to focusing on his brother. He stood up slowly and suddenly realised he was in his boxers. He squeaked and ran for his room, tripping over random things as he did.

He quickly got dressed and did his hair so that he looked presentable. When he left his room, everyone was already eating and he sulkily took a seat at the table, "You guys could have told me he was coming."

Onew shrugged, "I didn't know he was coming," he mumbled with half of a hot cake hanging out of his mouth.

Taemin looked at Kai, "You seriously just popped over randomly."

Kai nodded, looking proud, "And I thought you might have some food, so this was a bonus. Actually, I think the best thing was that someone else cooked it. I know your cooking Taemin, and it's horrible!"

"Taemin has cooked for you?" Minho asked quietly, a look of bewilderment on his face. "He's never cooked for us."

"Uh," Taemin fumbled around for an answer, "one time we had to make food on a variety show, so he tasted it then."

Minho nodded slowly, his face deep in thought.

Taemin stood up suddenly, "I, uh, need to go." It was far too uncomfortable with Kai sitting at the table with him. It meant he had to worry about how he was wording things and trying to keep his band members from realising he had been keeping this a secret from them which he already hated doing. He wished he could just tell everyone, but at the same time it would be better if they maintained a silent attitude. People might have picked up on his longing glances and think he was a bit... strange.

Kai stood up as well, "I need to get to work as well. I'll go with you, Taemin."

Now he wanted to back out and say he was going to stay so he could have some breakfast, but it would show he was just trying to escape him and that would be rude, "Okay. Let me grab my jacket."

He went to his room alone and leaned against his wall for a moment, steadying his heart race. How on earth was he meant to cope when he had a man that looked like that sitting near him all the time?

Grabbing his jacket, Taemin finally left his room, his eyes landing on Kai. That man was his own personal incubus, but hell if he was going to let him take over his every last thought! He would fight these feelings until his last breath.

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