|Chapter Thirty|

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A/N - so i'm finally back, i had writers block for so long and i finally worked out what i wanted to do with this chapter, so with me not having writers block anymore and Celeste no longer busy with NaNoWriMo our stories should hopefully get updated a little faster and not months apart (not promising anything though because ya'll know what we are like) ~Tyler

Sunny's phone buzzed indicating a text message, she gave him a look of apology as she checked it.

"Time for you to go?" Kai questioned.

Sunny smiled. "Actually my schedule just got cancelled for today... Do you feel like getting a hotel and having a pyjama party?"

"Chicken and beer?" Kai suggested.

"Sounds great." Sunny agreed. "Let's go buy some pyjamas."

The two got up and went to Sunny's car, they went back to the shopping centre where they had been earlier and looked around the stores for some decent pyjamas to wear.

Kai settled for flannel pyjamas with a singlet shirt that had puppies all over them, Sunny brought herself a white unicorn onesie, they then went to buy some alcohol before going to a fancy hotel and booking a room under fake names, once in the room the first thing they did was get changed into their pyjamas, Kai had gone into the bathroom for privacy, they then quickly made themselves comfortable on the bed and turned the tv on.

Sunny was the first to open a can of beer and take a sip, Kai took one then got up and put the others in the mini fridge before rejoining Sunny on the bed who was sitting cross-legged sipping her drink.

"So tell me about this boy you're trying to forget." Sunny said making conversation.

Kai glanced at her. "That kind of defeats the purpose Noona."

"Aw, come on Jongin, you can tell me." Sunny said, moving closer to him.

Kai sighed. "Okay fine but you're gonna think i'm weird.."

"I doubt that but go on." She leaned her head on his shoulder and glued her eyes to the tv as she listened to him speak.

"I have this half brother.. Most people don't know about him because it was such a huge secret within the company... I'm not entirely sure why, anyway... ever since i was little i've looked up to him and i guess i just fell in love at some point... recently we've been doing things despite the fact that he has a boyfriend and i wanted so bad to be normal that i strung Kyungsoo along, he hasn't forgiven me but he supports me with whatever decision i make because no matter how dumb i can be he is always a good Hyung to me." Kai explained.

Sunny raised her head and glanced at him, staring quietly for a moment before opening her mouth to speak. "I think it's wrong of you to like a family member but judging from the way you speak about it, you clearly hate it too."

"If we weren't brothers i wouldn't have a problem dating him because i have no problem being openly bisexual, but the fact that we are related just causes so many problems and so many secrets i just don't think i can do it anymore, i want to move on and forget him, i try so hard to distract myself from him but it's hard to ignore him when our schedules clash." Kai let out a frustrated sigh.

"Taemin is pretty hard to ignore." Sunny agreed.

Kai looked to her in surprise. "What? How did you~?"

"The resemblance between you two was always astounding but now it makes so much more sense, you're more than best friends, you're brothers." Sunny interrupted as she thought aloud.

It suddenly went quiet and the two sat there drinking their drinks in peace, one after another their visions started to blur and their minds became hazy, they felt themselves become tipsy but their honest selves were coming out.

"If i helped you move on from Taemin, could you love me?" Sunny questioned and slurred her words.

Kai stared at her blankly before nodding. "That's why i chose to ask you out, you would be the easiest to fall in love with because of your sweet and loving personality." Kai admitted.

Sunny blushed and then pouted. "Idol life is so lonely."

"It doesn't have to be." Kai muttered to himself but Sunny seemed to have heard and took it in a completely different way than Kai had originally meant.

Sunny got rid of the empty can in her hand before leaning close to him and pressing her lips to his, taking Kai completely off guard. Kai chucked his can away, not caring that there was some still in it and was now spilling on the hotel carpet, he placed his hands on both sides of her neck and stroked her cheeks with his thumbs as he kissed back causing it to become deeper and more passionate.

He leaned over her, pushing her back on the bed as they began to make out, his hand travelled from her neck down the curve of her body and he grind his crotch against her making her moan and arch her back as she felt him getting hard against her, Kai kissed down her jawline and made his way to her neck, he softly pecked the skin and searched for her sweet spot which he sucked when he found it causing her to moan again.

"Jongin-Ah~" Sunny moaned, closing her eyes in pleasure.

Kai started unzipping her onesie and it revealed her breasts sitting perfectly in a pretty black and purple lace bra, Kai managed to get a good grope while Sunny had pulled him back in for another heated kiss.

"Let's do it." Sunny said straightforwardly.

Kai paused what he was doing and stared at her. "If we do this, there is no going back Noona."

Sunny nodded. "I'm okay with that."


In the morning, Sunny woke up naked and cuddled up to Kai with a killer headache, Kai was shirtless but she could feel the flannel pants were back on him, she tapped him lightly to wake him, Kai awoke with a shock and was a little lost at first until he remember where he was and what happened last night, he wasn't sure how he felt about it but Taemin wasn't on his mind at all which was a first so he wrapped his arm tighter around Sunny and kissed her forward.

"Last night was fun." Kai told her, because it wasn't lie and didn't reveal about the fact that he was so confused.

"I think we should just do this casual until you're ready to date... i don't want you to date me because you need to forget Taemin or because you feel the need to after having sex with me." Sunny stated bluntly.

"So friends with benefits then?" Kai asked.

Sunny nodded. "Lets be lonely idols together."

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