|Chapter Five|

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Hey, it's been a week already! I thought I'd put you out of your misery and hand over another chapter!!
I hope you enjoy it!
~ C.Y. Hawkins

Taemin straddled Kai as he kneaded the man's hard flesh. All of Kai's muscles were extremely tight and he winced for his brother.

He worked his fingers along the man's back and asked, "How are you letting yourself get like this? You need to let yourself rest or else you'll get sick."

Kai went to shrug beneath him, but was stopped by the heavy weight above him, "I don't know. I just enjoy what I do, I guess."

"No excuse!" Taemin murmured, his hands making circle motions along Kai's back, delving into the small dip.

He always thought that Kai's body was elegantly shaped, with so many curves and angles to it. It was like a piece of art that revealed something new to you every time you looked at it.

Without realising it, his hands began to knead lower down the man's body until he reached the globes of his brother's ass. When his hands slipped down, he realised what had happened and quickly drew them back. When Kai made no noise of complaint, he tried it again, running his hands down Kai's back and ending on his butt. He touched Kai gently, almost unsurely, feeling excitement welling in his stomach.

Interest shining in his eyes, he slowly began running his hands down Kai's thighs, "Does that feel good?" he murmured.

"Mhmm," Kai made the noncommittal noise beneath him, sounding close to falling asleep.

Taemin chuckled softly and rubbed Kai's thighs, noticing the tight muscles there as well. In fact, he couldn't even believe Kai was attempting to dance with his body in this sort of condition.

"You need to see someone about your body," Taemin whispered.

Kai yawned loudly, "Isn't that what I'm doing right now?"

Taemin blushed, "I'm not an expert though. If something is wrong, I can't tell."

"If there was something wrong, I would know," Kai mumbled. "I'm sure someone else would have seen something as well. But as long as I'm not in pain and can do my job, I'm fine."

Taemin sighed softly, "While something might not be affecting you now, it could damage you in the future." Suddenly his own words hit him like a brick. Isn't that what was happening now? He was attracted to his own brother, and while it was only mildly affecting him now, in the future it might be worse and his heart might be too damaged to move on.

Kai seemed to notice how Taemin's body was stiffening above him, "Taemin? Are you okay?"

The maknae shook his head before shrugging, "I'm fine." He glanced once more at Kai's ass and stood up. "You should be fine now," he said blankly.

Kai rolled over and looked up at him, "Seriously, what's wrong?"

Taemin sighed and went to his bag, taking his water bottle out and taking a swig, "I'm fine," he repeated. "I'm just tired, that's all."

"Then let me walk you home," Kai said quietly, getting up from the floor.

"I thought we were practicing," Taemin raised an eyebrow. "I think it's good to see if you can keep up now."

Kai eyed him off but finally nodded, "Okay, one dance and then home."

Taemin smiled, "Deal." He turned the music on again and began dancing and singing, keeping an eye on Kai.

He didn't care that he was slacking off during the dance; he just wanted Kai to be able to keep up. Satisfied that his brother was doing a lot better since the massage, he turned the music off once the dance was over and picked up his bag, "Home time."

Kai nodded and picked up his own bag and followed Taemin out, "Thanks for that massage. I feel a lot looser now."

Taemin shrugged and pulled his bag higher on his back, "It's okay. You know that I enjoy giving people massages."

"Even people's bums?"

Taemin felt his face go bright red, "B-but... you were half asleep!" he squeaked.

Kai chuckled beside him, "I could still fell everything."

"It was just... feeling a little tight, that's all," he sought out an excuse and then realised how that sounded. Did he seriously just tell Kai that his ass was tight? His face flamed even brighter and he stumbled away, "I have to go! I forgot that Onew was going to be taking me home later. I, uh, bye!"

Taemin ran from his brother towards the SHINee practice room where he knew Onew would not be waiting, leaving Kai standing alone with a confused look on his face.

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