|Chapter Thirty-Eight|

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So it's like 5 days short of being almost a year since this got updated and I wanna say how sorry I am for abandoning this project (btw I'm sorry for any spelling errors I'm too lazy to proof read) ~Tyler

Kai was weak.

He couldn't believe he had let that happen. Sunny was going to murder him. He didn't know how he was going to tell her, they weren't even together but he had made a promise and he had broken that promise.

Anger towards his brother filled him as he walked back home. He hated that Taemin made him feel this way, he hated so many things about this situation. The thing he hated most though; himself.

The first thing he did when he got back to the SM dorms was go to the Girl's Generation dorm room. He was nervous, that's for sure. He took a deep breath before knocking on the door. He stood there for about five minutes without the door being answered so he grabbed out his phone to text Sunny.

Kai: I'm at your dorm. Come answer the door

Kai had to wait awhile but Sunny finally came and answered the door. She wore just her dressing gown and looked half asleep but she seemed to be awake enough to have a conversation with him.

"What do you want Jongin? I'm not in the mood for sex if that's what you are here for." Sunny said snappishly.

Kai shook his head. "That's not what I'm here for."

"What's up then?" Sunny questioned.

Kai sighed. "Something happened. I didn't want to happen but it did."

"What are you talking about?" Sunny frowned.

"I asked Taemin to come see me because I hated the fact that we weren't talking and he kissed me. I have betrayed your trust and I feel guilty about it, I came here to apologise immediately." Kai confessed.

Sunny stood there glaring at him as she processed the words he was saying. “Jongin you agreed you wouldn’t!”

Kai gulped nervously as he saw the hurt spread across her face. He pouted and looked down at the floor. “I know and that’s why I am here now telling you the truth instead of hiding it from you. I just wanted to make amends with him I didn’t want it to turn out like this.”

“I shouldn’t have trusted you.” Sunny said bluntly. “You say you didn’t want it to turn out like this but we both know that’s a lie Jongin. I was a distraction and clearly that has worn off. You only have eyes for him and I should have known better.”

“I’m sorry.” Kai mumbled under his breath, he could barely get his voice to come out.

“I’m done with this arrangement. I hope you live a happy life with your brother.” Sunny shut the door in his face and Kai was left standing there looking pathetic. He couldn’t believe this was happening.

Kai sighed and started to head back home to the EXO dorm. Once he was back to the dorm instead of going to his and Sehun’s room he went to Suho and Kyungsoo’s room. He made sure to tiptoe and not make a sound as he walked into the room and went over to Kyungsoo’s single bed. He pulled the blanket back slowly and climbed into bed with the older male. Kyungsoo’s arms immediately wrapped around Kai as the familiarity sets in.

“Nini what’s wrong?” Kyungsoo whispered quietly without opening his eyes.

Kai turned in Kyungsoo’s arms and buried his face in Kyungsoo’s chest as he cuddled him back. “Please just hold me Hyung.” Kai whispered desperately.

“You know I will Nini.” Kyungsoo whispered back and kissed the top off Kai’s head.

Kai fell asleep in Kyungsoo’s arms after having cried for a little bit.


When Kai woke up in the morning he was still being held by Kyungsoo. He looked up at the older male and wiped his eyes with a small yawn escaping his lips. Kyungsoo woke up when he could feel Kai stirring in his arms.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Kyungsoo asked softly when they made eye contact.

Kai shook his head and just clung to Kyungsoo. Their cuddles were short lived though as Baekhyun and Sehun came bursting through the door.

“Hyung it’s time for breakfast!” Sehun yelled to wake him up.

“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me!” Baekhyun snapped when he spotted Kai in Kyungsoo’s arms.

Kai sat up immediately with a pout on his face and felt like he was ready to cry again. He was sick of Baekhyun meddling with his life. “This isn’t what it looks like.”

“Sure it isn’t, just like how you weren’t stalking Taemin the other night.” Baekhyun sneered and folded his arms.

Kai also folded his arms. “I did not.”

“Baekhyun leave the poor boy alone he is clearly upset about something.” Suho ordered, half asleep and rolling over onto his side and pulling the covers over himself.

“I won’t let him hurt Soo again.” Baekhyun snapped.

Kyungsoo sighed and sat up then gave Baekhyun a death glare. “If you don’t leave Jongin alone I’m going to break your favorite video game disc.”

“But Soo he~” Baekhyun protested.

Kyungsoo made a shooing motion with his hand. “I don’t care what you think. Jongin is my best friend whether he hurt me or not. I’m doing what I can to help him properly so you just need to stay out of it Baekkie.”

“Hyung can you make breakfast please?” Sehun begged as he tried to break the tension in the room.

Kyungsoo shook his head. “Not today. Go ask Chanyeol.”

Baekhyun huffed, turned on his feet and went to find his boyfriend so he could get some food into his system. Sehun on the other hand stood there awkwardly rocking back and forth. “I don’t know what’s going on but I hope you’re okay Jonginnie.”

Sehun left the room and Kai looked at Kyungsoo. “He is so sweet.” They said in unison then chuckled because they are always amazed at how in sync they are.

“You wanna tell me what happened?” Kyungsoo asked.

Kai hummed and hung his head low. “I fucked up again.”

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