|Chapter Eight|

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A/N - i hate that i say i'll portray a character one way then always end up writing the opposite... Oh well makes for good entertainment, also im so addicted to Flower by Xiah (Junsu) ft Tablo its such an amazing and perfect song and it really helped me write this chapter ~Tyler

Kai followed Taemin curiously, he was acting very weird this morning; way more clumsier than usual.

"Hyung, wait up," Kai reached out for Taemin's hand and held it.

Taemin instictively pulled his hand out of Kai's grip. "Hajima."

Kai frowned in confusion. "Is everything okay hyung?" Kai asked worriedly. "D-did I do something wrong?"

Taemin shook his head. "You didn't do anything, Jongin. I just don't feel like holding your hand right now."

Kai nodded in understanding and let the subject be, he then decided now would be a good time to bring up his thoughts from this morning.

"Hyung, I think there might be something wrong with me." Kai admitted.

Taemin stopped walking and turned to look at him. "Why would you say that, Jongin?"

"I'm so alone." Kai looked down at the ground sadly. "I woke up this morning and felt lonely. I want someone to love but I feel unlovable."

"Hey, you aren't unlovable." Taemin replied seriously.

"How would you know? Honestly hyung, if I wasnt unlovable I would be in a happily committed relationship with the boy I like." Kai grunted in frustation. "But I'm not with him and it makes me feel like I am unlovable."

Taemin seemed to freeze in his spot and his eyes widened. "You have a crush on someone?"

Kai shrugged. "I wouldn't call it a crush... It's more of a very wrong attraction." Kai sighed.

"What's so wrong about it?" Taemin asked and reached for Kai's hand.

Kai let Taemin take it and gave a weak smile as Taemin squeezed it supportively.

"It's hard to explain" Kai sighed in defeat. "So many people would be against it."

Taemin started pulling Kai and Kai tilted his head as Taemin dragged him to vocal room 03, they shut the door then sat on the couch near the stereo.

"Jongin, listen to me. Im not experienced in love but if there is anything hyungs have taught me it's that you should always follow your heart no matter how wrong everyone else thinks it is." Taemin gave him a small smile.

Kai smiled and leaned his head on Taemin's shoulder and gazed at their reflection in the mirrors on the opposite side of the room. He smiled; he never understood how they could look so alike and yet so different. Kai knew they were only half brothers because of their appa and that Taemin looked more like his older brother Taesun but even as they sat there Kai couldn't help but admire Taemin's small girlish features compared to Kai's more manly ones.

"Hyung I'm so glad I can talk to you about this kind of thing... I find it so embarrassing talking about it to my members..." Kai said appreciatively.

"I'm always here for you Jongin." Taemin looked at him and grinned then wrapped his arms around Kai.

Kai chuckled at Taemin's sudden happiness and cuddled him, Taemin buried his face in Kai's chest and snuggled up to him.

"Love you hyung." Kai smiled and absent-mindedly played with Taemin's hair.

"Love you too my dongsaeng." Taemin said contently.

Kai couldn't help himself, he smirked and began tickling the older boy, Taemin screeched and giggled girlishly which warmed Kai's heart to hear his older brother so happy. Kai forced Taemin back to lay down on the couch as he pinned him there and tickled him and watched in amusement as Taemin squirmed and squealed beneath him.

"Jonginnie stop!" Taemin squealed. "Hajima!"

Kai chuckled and continued tickling him. "Whats the magic word?"

"Please?" Taemin begged with a giggle as he felt Kai tickle his side.

Kai shook his head. "Errrrh!" he tried sounding like a buzzer. "Wrong!"

"Jongin is the most amazing dancer on the planet!" Taemin said hoping something random like that would make him stop.

Kai contorted his face in thought then grinned. "Close enough."

Kai stopped tickling and was about to sit up when Taemin pulled him back down and whispered in his ear.

"I'm still a better dancer than you." he whispered.

Kai let out a laugh, he should have seen that coming, Kai nuzzled his face into the crook of Taemin's neck.

"If you say so hyung." Kai muttered cheekily as he acted clingy towards his hyung.

"What's with all the aeygo?" Taemin asked curiously.

"What? Aren't I allowed to be cute?" Kai leaned up to look at Taemin. "Are you the only one who's allowed to be cute?"

Kai saw Taemin blush. "I'm not cute Jongin and I hate being called cute, you know that."

"Hyung I'm sorry..." Kai apologized and kissed Taemin's nose.

It took him by surprise that he would do such a thing without really thinking about it, there was this long pause where they just gazed into each other's eyes silently, Kai wasn't in control of his body as he felt himself leaning in, he saw Taemin's breath hitch and shut his eyes, Kai shut his eyes too waiting for the torturous moment to end and wanting their lips to connect already.

"Taebaby are you in here? I need to talk to you," a voice from the doorway brought Kai back to reality.

Kai's eyes fluttered open instantly and he pulled away from Taemin and ran a hand through his hair.

'I was about to kiss my brother... What the fuck is wrong with me?' he thought to himself. 'I really am lacking love'

Kai stood up with a sigh at the sight of Key Umma. Kai gave a nervous glance at Taemin who also stood but looked like he was in shock.

"Oh, sorry! Was I interrupting something?" Key asked guiltily.

"No, no it's fine, I was just leaving." Kai turned to Taemin. "Thanks for your help hyung.. I'm definitely going to go tell Kyungsoo how I feel about him."

Kai swore he saw Taemin's heart shatter in his facial expression, but he passed it off as disappointment in him leaving so quickly, Kai hurried out the door.

"What just happened?" Kai asked himself as he walked down the corridor.

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