|Chapter Twenty-Nine|

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Hey guys, here's another chapter :3
This one is a little more about Taemin's feelings and the sensations he's feeling as he's being rejected and blown off (and not in a nice way!) by Kai.
Hope you enjoy :3

Taemin grit his teeth as he set the phone down next to him. Kai had completely blown him off while he was just trying to fix things. After his talk with Minho, he realised he would do nearly anything to get his brother back – no matter what the cost. Even if everyone found out about them and they were forced to run away, every moment would be worth it because he would be with the one he loved.

Although, he was curled in the arms of another.

Minho hugged him tighter and murmured softly as he buried his face into Taemin's hair. The soft strands on his head shifted softly as the man's breath moved them as he tried to calm the boy down so he wouldn't cry.

But Taemin realised he was far from sad or upset. He had heard the noises where Kai was and knew who he was with. He'd called Tao to find out if Kai was there so he could drop by, but oh no the boy was 'out'.

Kai had already moved on while Taemin was pining away at home waiting for his brother to come back to him and listen to his apology. He wasn't asking for forgiveness or for Kai to accept him automatically. He just wanted his brother to listen to him. Just to lend him an ear and listen.

Taemin's hands trembled in anger and he kicked the phone off the bed. If Kai rang him back, there was no way he would be answering that damned phone.

"Taemin," Minho said softly, rubbing his back. "Calm down. Everything will be alright."

"No," he shook his head, glaring at the wall. "Nothing is alright. He's already out dating other people while I'm just trying to get him to answer a phone call!"

Minho sighed, "We don't know if he's on a date or not."

"Oh, please!" Taemin scoffed. "Don't even try! Sure, he might not have a romantic interest and might just be doing it for publicity, but he's still doing it and it still hurts." He looked up at Minho with tear-filled eyes. "Do you know what it's like? To have that burn in your chest when you just think about that person kissing someone else? That tug in your heart that tells you to let them do whatever they want to you, no matter how much pain they put you through. I would climb through the pits of hell to get to Kai if that was what he needed. I would allow myself to be tortured and I would be completely fine with it. Because I would cling to that small strand of hope that I would see him again, and that he would accept me and we could be together. "

Minho fell silent and simply watched him.

"That's love," Taemin whispered. "Love isn't this huge, complicated process where you feel like everything has to follow a set of rules. One person is the 'man' and one is the 'woman'. That's not love – that's a guideline you follow to force others to be who you want them to be. It's control. Love is simply the feeling of hope. You hope to see them smile because of something you said. You hope to hear their voice first thing in the morning. You hope that they feel the same way you do, because damn, it's far too painful to feel it alone. Love is hope, and hope is love. They're one and the same."

Minho pressed a kiss to Taemin's head as his voice cracked and faded away. "Taemin, you don't think I've felt this before? I hope that one day you will come to your senses and realise you want to be with me. But I've also never felt love that strong. Seeing you with others doesn't fill me with that possessiveness most other people in relationships have. It fills me with joy to see you responding to the touch of others."

"So what does that mean?" Taemin asked softly.

"Maybe it means my duty here is to fix you before I find the one I love," Minho shrugged. "Maybe I'm meant to heal your heart so you can either be with Kai or find the person you spend the rest of your life with. Maybe then, those doors leading from hope can lead to love and I'll find my soul mate. Until then, I'm willing to help you with whatever you need."

"I don't deserve you."

"No," Minho laughed, "you don't. But neither of us are perfect, so I'm not about to cast the first stone."

Taemin gazed over at his broken phone before taking Minho's hand gently and giving it a tug. "Come on, let's go out somewhere. I don't want to be stuck here moping all day while he gets to enjoy himself with some woman. I'm going to end today with a smile on my face."

Minho grinned and followed him out the door. "Any place in mind?"

He shook his head and ran to the car, hearing Minho's footsteps after him. "No idea! Let's go somewhere fun though! Somewhere loud that can keep my mind occupied."

"I think there's a market happening today," Minho murmured as he got behind the wheel of the car. "We can go there and enjoy ourselves. It won't be quiet, but it will have its more private areas in case things get overwhelming."

Taemin leant his head onto Minho's shoulder and shut his eyes while the man drove. Sure, he wasn't exactly a market type of guy. But wherever Minho was today, he wanted to be there. He didn't want to be thinking about Kai, or that slow burn of guilt and jealousy in his chest that caused him to act irrationally. He wanted it all to go away until it was only Minho left and he could enjoy his time with his friend. He needed it all to go away, or else what would his life become?

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