|Chapter Thirty-Four|

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"Taemin!" Sunny called after him.

"Hyung!" Kai called out at the same time.

Kai sighed and glanced at Sunny. "Babe, I gotta go after him."

Sunny nodded in agreement. "Go, I'll talk to you later." Sunny gave him a small kiss before letting him leave.

Kai chased after Taemin and called out to him but it was as if Taemin couldn't hear him, he came to a stop when he saw Taemin almost run into a wall.

He was going to call out again but he saw the stage manager from earlier walk up to his brother. He paused and watched their interaction curiously.

His spying was interrupted by Baekhyun. "So, you spying on him now too?"

"Fuck off." Kai grumbled. "I'm not spying, I need to talk to him but this manager guy showed up before me."

"When are you going to realise that your attraction to him is fucking disgusting." Baekhyun snide. "You actually have something wrong inside your brain."

"Don't you have someone else to bother?" Kai groaned and started walking to find their group.

"No, besides giving you a reality check is better than annoying everyone else." Baekhyun grabbed Kai's arm and stopped him from walking. "I'm not being a dick because I am a dick..."

Kai cut him off. "Are you sure?"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Look." Baekhyun said seriously. "I'm only being a dick to make you see how serious this situation is, yes at first I was only doing it because I was mad that you made Kyungsoo cry but now I need you too see how wrong this is."

"You think I don't know how wrong it is?" Kai snapped. "I know there is something wrong with me and I know that this situation is so fucked up and I'm doing everything I can to make it go away but you being a dick at every turn is not making this any easier, if you truly want to help me back the fuck off and let me handle it myself!"

Baekhyun gritted his teeth. "Deal with it soon or I will."

"It's not your place to do so." Kai snapped again.

Baekhyun narrowed his eyes at Kai. "So what if it's not, someone needs to put a stop to this."

"Let's just get back to the group." Kai sighed and the boys went to meet up with their members.


Later that night after the show Kai got a call from Sunny.

"Hi." Kai greeted bluntly, still annoyed about Baekhyun.

"Are you okay? You seem angry." Sunny commented.

Kai sighed. "Sorry, I'm not angry at you... Baekhyun is getting on my nerves again."

"Wanna talk about it?" Sunny asked feeling concerned.

Kai shook his head even though she couldn't see him. "No not really."

"Okay well I have something I need to talk to you about." Sunny said seriously.

Kai sat down on the bed and got comfortable. "What is it babe?"

"We keep having sex without protection..." Sunny said thoughtfully.

Kai hummed. "I guess we should think about the consequences in case they happened..."

"What will we do?" Kai asked.

"Raise it separately?" Sunny asked questioningly.

"I don't think that would be healthy for the baby." Kai said sincerely. "We wouldn't have to be together together but we should at least get a house together."

"Move out of the dorms? Do you really think we could do that?" Sunny seemed unsure.

Kai hummed in agreement. "If it really came down to us being parents I think we could do it."

"Let's just pray that isn't the case though," Sunny sighed. "I didn't sign up for this, I'm not ready to be a mom."

"There's a fifty-fifty chance it'll happen." Kai said, but the more he thought about it, the more it scared him. "I think we should be careful from now on if we are going to continue this... No more being reckless, we can't risk our careers."

"Oh god I didn't even think about the company or what the media would think." Sunny complained.

"Maybe we shouldn't think too much into that side of things." Kai suggested, this was beginning to stress him.

"KIM JONGIN GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW AND CLEAN THIS SHIT UP!" Suho yelled and Kai felt relieved.

'Thank god for Suho' Kai thought to himself which is something he never thought he'd ever say or think.

"Coming!" Kai yelled back. "I gotta go Noona, I'll text you later."

"Bye.." Sunny said, sounding rather disappointed.

Kai hung up and chucked his phone on the bed before getting up and going to see what Suho was going off at him for.

"Jongin-ah how many times have I told you not to leave your mess in the living room? And your shoes do not live in the middle of the hallway where everyone can trip on it." Suho scolded him and for once Kai was so thankful to hear it.

"I'll clean it up right now." Kai told him and did as he said he would.

Kai went back to his room and Kyungsoo followed him in. "Nini you're acting weird, you never clean your own mess, what's wrong?"

Kai couldn't help it, he broke down into tears. Kyungsoo immediately pulled him into a nice warm hug that soothed Kai's thoughts and aching heart.

"Nini tell me what's wrong." Kyungsoo insisted.

"I'm scared." Kai admitted.

"Scared of what?" Kyung asked, stroking Kai's hair and rubbing circles on his back to calm him down.

"I'm scared I got Sunny Noona pregnant..." Kai told him truthfully.

"I thought you told me you guys are just friends?" Kyungsoo frowned but continued to hold Kai.

Kai nodded and buried his face in the crook of Kyungsoo's neck. "We are but with benefits..."

"And what makes you think she might be pregnant?" Kyungsoo questioned trying to get all the information before giving advice.

Kai stayed silent and Kyungsoo put two and two together, creating the picture for himself.

"Unprotected?" Kyungsoo assumed and Kai nodded.

"It's always spur of the moment with us..." Kai pouted which Kyungsoo couldn't see. "Taemin caught us and then...." Kai broke into an even bigger break down. "He was being overly friendly with that new manager guy."

"That's not fair on Taemin, Jongin." Kyungsoo told him disapprovingly.

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