|Chapter Fifteen|

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I am sorry this is so late! I know you guys were anticipating this!!

I had University assignments everywhere ;-; However, Uni is finished until the end of July! Which means chapters will be updated really quickly!!

I've decided that this scene will be broken up into two parts, which will be completed after Tyler's next chapter! Get ready for your booty to tingle!

~C.Y. Hawkins

Taemin took Minho's offered hand and stepped out of the car. They had both gotten a couple of caps and glasses to hide their faces so they wouldn't be recognised.

Minho had taken him to a strip club that he'd heard of where all the people on display were men. Taemin was relieved to hear this, knowing he wouldn't be able to sit through a few minutes of a woman trying to turn him on. He already knew that was doomed to fail!

Minho paid the man at the entrance quickly. Taemin noticed he handed over double so he wouldn't ask for their ID's. He didn't even think of that! What if he had just handed it over and then everybody knew? He wasn't worried about himself, but rather Minho whom he had dragged into his mess.

However, the man didn't seem to mind, so Taemin didn't feel too hung up on it. In fact, when the man took his hand to lead him into the club, he felt the man's hand tighten in excitement.

Soon, loud throbbing music surrounded them. It was a disorienting sound and it made Taemin feel slightly uneasy. It would be easy to lose track of time and reason in a place like this.

Scratch that. He would lose reason.

He had just looked up at a man on the stage that had just lost his shirt. He swore in his head as he looked up the man's perfectly formed abs.

Minho led him to a couch by the side of the stage. He notice where Taemin's gaze was and held up some money in his hand, drawing the man over. Minho took Taemin's hand and put the money into it.

"For you. Put it in his underwear."

Taemin blushed but stood up. With a shaky hand, he pulled the man's underwear open slightly to he could slip the money into the waistband without scratching him. His eyes widened when he saw the man's pubic hair and he sat down again quickly, trying to hide his now-raging erection.

The man noticed and grinned, "Would you like a lap dance?"

Taemin glanced at Minho, "Do we have enough money on us?"

"Baby," the dancer purred. "For the amount you just put in my underwear, you can have anything you want." He hopped off the stage and came over to the couch.

Taemin sucked in a breath and looked over at Minho again. The man was smiling at him and waved as a hand as if to say, 'Have fun.'

His breathing grew fast as the man stood in front of him, swaying his hips slowly. "So, we have some rules here. No touching, unless I put your hands on my body. No harassing, and no hurting." He grinned, "Can you agree to those cutie?"

Taemin nodded mutely and the man smiled again. He ran his hands up Taemin's thighs before parting them suddenly, causing Taemin to gasp in surprise. The man ran his fingers up towards Taemin's crotch, but stopped before touching anything that mattered.

"My, my," the man murmured. "It looks like you like me a lot."

"Oh, um-" Taemin was cut off as the man pressed his finger against his lips to cut him off. He allowed himself to be shushed and ran his eyes over the man's toned body. He had to admit – this was heaven.

"Do you want to touch me?" the man whispered, but it came out like a growl.

Taemin nodded, his head moving impossibly fast. The man grinned again and took Taemin's hand. He pressed it against his neck first, where Taemin could feel the man's pulse jumping out at him. He bit his lip and felt the man's chest as his hand was led down it. He could feel how sweaty the dancer's chest and stomach was, but that was a turn on. Being a dancer himself, he knew just how much hard work went in to looking good when he danced, and the sweatiness showed that hard work.

Suddenly, on the sweat slicked body, his hand found itself resting on the man's crotch but it was evident that he didn't mind. He ground his hips into Taemin's hand like it was a promise of things to come. Taemin moaned softly. The man was big – really big. As the man moved his hips he swore he could feel what it was like to have this man move inside of him. His body twinged with need.

"What's your name?" he asked softly, not wanting to continue referring to him as 'the man' or 'dancer' anymore.

"It's Yejun," the dancer replied softly. "Can I get yours?"

Taemin bit his bottom lip before murmuring, "Minjae." He lied, grateful the glasses were covering his eyes.

"How about," Yejun murmured, "you come backstage with me and I can give you something special." He ran a finger down Taemin's cheek.

"Wh-what about the lap dance?" he stammered.

"Oh, Minjae, this is all part of what I call my package deal." At the word package, he thrust himself into Taemin's hands again.

Minho tapped Taemin on the shoulder, "Go, have fun."

Taemin gazed at him in shock, "Seriously?"

Before Minho could answer, Yejun had him off the couch and pulling him towards the back rooms. "You're in for the time of your life. No one has ever left me disappointed."

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