|Chapter Seventeen|

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I am so sorry this is late!! Tyler had to keep kicking my ass into action for this!!
I hope this makes up for everything! It's a continuation of the strip club scene *wink wink*
Hope you enjoy!!!

~C.Y Hawkins

"So, um, where are we going?" Taemin asked hesitantly as he was guided down a brightly lit hallway. Again he was grateful for the sunglasses covering his face, but this time it was for the job they were actually supposed to be doing.

Yejun grinned back at him and winked, "It's a secret, kkotminam."

He blushed softly, "Don't call me that." He said it softly so it wouldn't sound like an order or an insult.

The other man smirked, "But you are such a pretty boy. Come." He pulled Taemin into one of the rooms.

Taemin finally took his glasses off so he could properly see. Or, well, not see. The room was so dark that he could barely see his own hand in front of his face. "Um, Yejun? Why is it so dark?"

"Well, Minjae," the man chuckled as he shut the door, cutting off the last bit of light. "It's so nervous people like yourself don't have to worry about me seeing your face and telling everyone I know that you were here."

Taemin let out a nervous laugh, "Were you planning on doing that?"

Yejun laughed as well, "No. I'm not in the business of telling other people's secrets. But this is here so you feel safe, not so I won't feel tempted to tell on you. I'm simply tempted in other ways." His hands slid down to Taemin's waist and his fingers slipped into the buckles and tugged gently. "How about we take these off and I can see what you're made of, hmm?"

The young man quickly pulled off his pants like an eager thirteen year old. "But you can't see," Taemin whispered.

"Damn, that's a shame." Yejun's teasing voice came from the darkness. "I guess I'll have to taste what's there then."

Taemin's eyes went wide as he felt something wet run along his erection. He jerked back in shock and blindly fumbled for something to hold onto.

"Lower your hands," the man murmured. "Put them in my hair and hold on."

He shook his head. "No, I don't like being the only person being pleasured. It doesn't make me feel good."

Silence permeated through the dark room and Taemin regretted saying anything, wondering if he had scared Yejun off. He opened his mouth, ready to take back what he had said when Yejun's voice suddenly cut him off.

"Lie down on the floor then." He growled softly. "It's perfectly clean, I promise."

Taemin put his hand out and touched Yejun's hair, using the other man's body as a guide towards the floor. He lay down as he was told, nerves running through his body. He felt like a slut doing something like this with someone he had just met, but at the same time he felt completely liberated. This man wouldn't expect him to be perfect or care if Taemin called out a different name when he came. There was no pressure for anything more beyond two people screwing around and having fun. It was almost peaceful.

He heard movement before hearing a soft, "Open your mouth." Taemin did as he was told and stuck his tongue out, expecting to surprise Yejun when the man tried to kiss him. But his tongue didn't brush the man's mouth, but rather, something much larger, harder and hotter.

Taemin almost groaned in pleasure and his tongue reached out eagerly, guiding the man's cock willingly into his mouth. Yejun sunk into his mouth with a soft sigh of pleasure. He rolled his hips tentatively, hoping not to hurt Taemin.

However, Taemin pulled his head off the floor, causing Yejun's cock to push all the way to the back of his throat. He heard the ragged gasp above him and smirked as best he could. Suddenly he felt a wet heat encompass his own cock and he moaned, sending the vibrations along the length in his throat.

Yejun began moving both his head and his hips, doing the majority of the work and allowing Taemin to lie there in complete bliss. He was right. Pleasuring someone, no matter how passively, added to the electricity running through his veins.

He kept his hips against the floor, trying not to thrust into the man's throat. Not because he was afraid of hurting him, considering Yejun was taking him in with ease, but so his hips wouldn't hit against the hard floor and make awkward noises and break the sound of wet flesh against wet flesh.

When he was younger he would have thought the sound would have been disgusting and crude, but now he knew that the sound meant that both partners were riding a natural high that would end in nothing but pleasure rather than a nightmare of pain and misery that unnatural drugs brought.

Taemin felt Yejun's balls tighten against his chin, but the man wasn't coming yet. Taemin wasn't sure if he was just someone who lasted long or if he was forcing it down until his partner came, but either way Taemin was grateful. He lost himself in Yejun's smooth tongue, and, as the man gripped his thighs and dug his nails in, he released into Yejun's mouth with a soft shout.

With a few more thrusts into Taemin's mouth, Yejun came as well. Taemin gagged softly, raising his head from the floor so that gravity would stop him from choking on the man's cum.

He swallowed as Yejun pulled himself from the boy's mouth slowly. His own cock was hit with a cold air as Yejun's mouth was removed and they lay gasping next to each other for several minutes.

When their breathing had levelled out, Yejun softly said, "I'll take you back to your friend. You should put your glasses on before I open the door."

Taemin slid his glasses back onto his face before standing up and pulling his pants back on, ignoring the sticky friction it caused. The door opened and a small amount of light led the way out of the room. Taemin followed Yejun out into the hallway, a blush of embarrassment on his face.

Yejun glanced at him and chuckled softly. He brought his hand up and wiped the corner of Taemin's mouth, "What a messy boy you are."

Taemin blushed again, "Sorry."

"Don't apologise." He leaned down and kissed Taemin's mouth. "Your boyfriend is lucky to have you."

If only my boyfriend is who I want it to be, Taemin thought to himself, a touch of misery landing on his shoulders and following him out into the strip club and back to Minho's arms.

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