|Chapter Eleven|

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I'm so so sorry how late this is!! I got stuck on 94897394875 assignments for University and didn't have the time to write this up ;-;

Anyway, it's here now. And guess what else is here!! My own YouTube channel!

I know it's weird and awkward, but I review books and here's the link if any of you want to check it out: https://youtu.be/Kf9t22-yslU

~C.Y. Hawkins

While Taemin was sleeping, Onew had been exchanged for Minho because he had prior commitments. Not wanting to leave him alone he asked Minho to stay with him.

As Taemin's eyes cracked open, although he wished he could sleep forever and forget everything, they ended up widening on their own as he saw his hyung in front of him.

"Minho?" he whispered softly and the man nodded back. "What are you doing here?"

"We're not going to leave you alone." When Taemin stiffened, Minho pulled him into a hug. "We're not going to force you to tell us what's going on, but when you're so down like this, we need to make sure you're safe."

Taemin grumbled under his breath and tried to pull away, but Minho brought him back in, "No. We'll get through this together. What's wrong?"

The boy took a deep breath before speaking, "My heart... It feels like it's completely snapped and it won't go back together."

Minho let out a long sigh, "I'm so sorry. What can I do to help you?"

Taemin looked up at Minho and ran one finger along the man's bottom lip. To be honest, he was a lot happier that it was Minho here than Onew, "Would you do anything?"

"Anything," Minho whispered, his lips trembling beneath Taemin's finger.

"Make me forget?" he begged softly, pressing his body against Minho's. Minho wasted no time in pressing his lips against the maknaes, revelling in how soft they were.

Taemin made a soft noise of excitement, biting down on Minho's lip gently. He wanted this now! He wanted his heart to race as though he were falling in love again! He wanted his mind to stop hurting for a moment and take into consideration the touch of another person.

When Minho's hand slid into his pants his mind began screaming at him, 'Wrong! This isn't who should be touching you!' but Taemin pushed it down. Should he get his brother to touch him instead? A healthy mind shouldn't desire that! Instead, he rubbed himself against Minho's hand and practically purred in pleasure.

He could feel his cock begin to swell with blood and he let out a ragged sigh of pleasure and relief. He was still normal! He could still get hard for someone!

Minho took the sound as a motion to continue so he ran his hand along Taemin's length before gripping onto it gently. He didn't know what Taemin did or didn't like, so he wanted to keep it simple to begin with. He also hoped that Taemin would be willing to continue this into the future and maybe the two might make love one day.

"Faster," Taemin whispered into Minho's ear and the man complied, moving his hand faster and gripping on tighter. Taemin wound his arms around his hyung's neck and gripped on tight, trying to stop himself from acting too strangely. "Yes..." he moaned. "Just like that!"

Minho's finger ran along his slit and Taemin's hips jerked forward. "Good boy," he murmured, tightening his grip. "You feel better now, don't you?"

Taemin whimpered and nodded quickly.

"I could own your body," Minho whispered charismatically. "I could take the pain away. The only person you can come to is me, and I'm the only one who can make you come."

The boy blushed in embarrassment. Giving Minho control over his body was an interesting concept. He could give away all responsibility and just relax.

"Just say one word," Minho breathed in his ear. "Just one." His hand tightened almost painfully around Taemin's cock.

Taemin's lips parted as he gasped, "Yes..."

"Good boy," Minho's hand moved faster until Taemin cried out, releasing between them. His body felt numb, which was better to the alternative of being pained and anxious. This numbness he could work with, he thought to himself as he snuggled into Minho's arms as his heart rate began to return back to normal.

Numb is good.

Thanks for being so patient with me ;-;
~C.Y. Hawkins

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