|Chapter Thirty-One|

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Hey guys! We're going through some changes here on Wattpad! Tyler has found some amazing authors to join us, so you'll be seeing more stories from us on here!! I kind of quit for a while because too much stuff was getting in the way and it wasn't fair to you guys, but I'm back! Thank you for sticking with us for so long and I hope you enjoy!
~ FMistress

Taemin's eyes fluttered open, a hum flooding through his body. He groaned and arched his back as his form was set aflame from a simple action.

Minho's head was between his legs and licking slowly up his cock.

Moaning, he arched his hips again – willing Minho to continue. The older man knew exactly which buttons to press to make him feel the best.

Minho nipped Taemin's hip playfully, a sign that usually told the boy to stop moving his hips.

"Harder," Taemin groaned, reaching down and pressing his hand to the back of Minho's head. The man chuckled and bit this time, drawing blood.

Taemin mumbled his enjoyment as Minho bit him again – marking him as being owned. A small flash of thought ran through Taemin's head as he wondered if Minho ever wanted to fully own him, without Kai being between them all the time. All ideas were flung out of his head as Minho's mouth descended on him again.
He bobbed his head quickly, taking him in thick and fast as Taemin made noises with no distinct words.

He swore he was saying things like, "Yes, Minho, faster!" but it sounded my like a long, drawn out, "nggh." It felt so good, and he felt his eyes roll back in his head as he released into Minho's mouth.

Taemin refused to let go of the man's hair as he came down, forcing the man's head to be at his crotch.

Minho didn't mind, however, he simply pressed small kisses to Taemin's hips where the bite marks were.

"Minho," Taemin mumbled when he was semi-coherent. "That was a great way to wake up. But why?"

"Do I need a reason?" Minho raised his brows and lifted himself off the bed.

"Nothing in return?" Taemin grumbled. He was more than happy to feel Minho slide down his throat in the morning and continue the sensation of not having any brain activity for a while, but Minho simply shook his head.

"We need to go," he explained. "We have practice for the SM Entertainment concert." He rolled his shoulders before pulling on a shirt.

"Aish," Taemin swore, tossing his head back onto the pillow. "I don't want to go! I don't need Kai humiliating me anymore."

Minho chuckled softly. "I doubt the poor boy is going to announce everything in front of everyone. I'm sure he wants to keep it all a secret as well."

Taemin slowly rolled off the bed and made his way to the wardrobe. "Come on," he whined. "I'm happy to stay here all day with you." He batted his eyelashes at the man.

Minho grinned and threw a shirt at him. "Get dressed, trouble maker. Or we'll be late and I'll happily blame it on you."

"I'll tell them you distracted me," I said, putting on the shirt and acting miffed.

"Well, Jonghyun is already there and he was distracted this morning too."

Taemin paused, his shirt halfway on. "Wait... ew... how do you know that? You know what," he held up a hand as Minho opened his mouth to explain, "I don't want to know. Please keep that to yourself."

Minho grinned wolfishly before ruffling Taemin's hair. "Let's go. If we're late, we'll be laughed at and made to wear stupid makeup on stage."

"Last time they painted flowers on my face," Taemin replied brightly as they set out. Everyone else had already left and Taemin wondered how long they had slept in.

Minho drove them both in and they stepped out of the car, their nerves on edge.

Taemin was terrified of how Kai was going to act towards him and Minho was wondering if he was going to get flowers painted on his face. They were only about five minutes late but that meant everything to their group.

Thankfully, no one said anything as they got to the stage. Nothing had begun yet so everyone was just milling around in the area, greeting one another. Taemin found Key and Amber and gave them small hugs. "Hey, guys."

"Hi," Amber nodded to him. "Did you hear the good news? I get to have a solo!" She happily jumped.

"What are you going to sing though," Key sassed her. "You're not known for your solo career."

"Still a better rapper than you," she shot back with a grin.

Key gasped and clutched at his chest. "Taemin, baby. Did you hear that? She thinks she's a better rapper than me."

Taemin hummed in a noncommittal manner and Key gaped at him. "How dare you take that she-devils side!" He pointed dramatically in the air. "I am the best rapper here. I'm the best rapper in this room!"

The entire room fell silent as everyone turned to look at him. Key glanced around nervously. "Just a joke, guys! No need to rap battle me."

Amber snorted. "No one needs to 'rap battle' you because they already know they're going to win."

"Girl, I am going to-" Key was cut off as a throat cleared over the microphone.

A good looking man stood on the stage, waiting for their attention. By the way he was dressed, he looked like a new manager for the area.
Taemin glanced around the room as the man spoke about the line up and what they needed to do. He spied Kai, but when their eyes met, Kai scowled at him and turned away. Taemin felt a flash of disappointment and anger shoot through him. He was so sick of never getting what he wanted.
If only there was a way to make Kai jealous enough to come back to him. Minho really wasn't doing the trick – although Minho wasn't a trick to him, he was a close friend whom he was happy to be with.

Who here would be so shocking that Kai might just try to stop him from being with?

His eyes fell onto the manager on stage and he grinned wickedly.

Oh yes. He looked perfect.

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