|Chapter Thirty-Six|

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A/N - Hey guys so we're kind of back but like updates are still going to be slow ~Tyler

"Hyung, can you cover for me?" Kai asked, one night.

Kyungsoo frowned. "What did you do this time?"

"Nothing yet... I just need to leave the dorm for a bit." Kai explained. He really didn't want to tell Kyungsoo where he was going.

Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes at Kai. "Are you going to go see Sunny Noona?"

Kai shook his head. "Taemin actually..." Kai sighed. "I haven't talked to him since our big fight at the dinner, he tried to talk to me the other night but he walked in on me and Noona doing stuff..."

"Doing stuff?" Kyungsoo frowned. "We had work the other night?! Don't tell me you guys fooled around at the arena."

Kai gave him a guilty look but said nothing in reply.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. "You better go apologise to Taemin. I'm sure he is horrified by the sight he walked in on."

Kai nodded and finished getting changed, he quietly snuck out of the dorm with his phone in his hand and called Taemin once he was out.

Taemin answered the phone straight away. "What do you want?"

"To talk." Kai said immediately. "Meet me at our place."

Kai hung up before Taemin could refuse, he pulled his mask over his face and began walking to their spot by Han River.

Taemin was already there by the time Kai got there, Kai pulled his mask down then sat down beside Taemin and let out a sigh.

"I don't know where to start..." He told the older male.

"Appa wants us to come home for a family dinner this week." Taemin groaned. "Apparently he has a new girlfriend he wants us to meet... I talked to her over the phone and she sounds really young. Like young enough to be our older sister."

"Oh great." Kai grumbled.

It went silent for five minutes before Kai spoke what was on his mind.

"I'm sorry." Kai apologised.

"For what? Having a girlfriend and trying to live a normal life? Don't be." Taemin stated.

Kai glanced over at his older brother, he sounded sincere but he could still see the hurt hiding behind the older' eyes.

"Sunny Noona isn't my girlfriend, we've just been having a little fun here and there so I can get my mind off of you... I'm trying so hard to move on but it's just not working."

"So don't. Let's just be together." Taemin said simply.

Kai shook his head. "You don't want to be with just me, you want to keep me a secret and you want to see other people. If you want to be together it needs to be only us and no one else."

"Jongin..." Taemin pouted but Kai looked away from him.

"Hyung, I'm sorry but that's just how it has to be, I want you in my life as my lover but I can't have that because you're not willing enough to give up Minho or more importantly your pride." Kai sighed. "I'd be a bit of a hypocrite if I said I wasn't going to keep Noona around, but that's only because there's a slim chance she might become pregnant."

Kai looked at Taemin out of the corner of his eye and saw that the older was on the verge of crying.

"What will you do if she does become pregnant?" Taemin asked, swallowing back his sob.

Kai bit his bottom lip. "We already discussed this and have made plans to live with each other to raise the baby together."

"But are you going to be together?" Taemin frowned.

Kai shrugged. "Depends on whether our feelings grow or not but at this point in time I can honestly answer with a no."

"What about us? Do I fit anywhere in your life or do I just not exist anymore?" Taemin sobbed, the tears finally started to fall.

Kai did his best to ignore those tears but it didn't work, he wrapped his arms around Taemin and pulled him closer, the older buried his face in the younger's chest.

"Hyung, even if we aren't together like we want to be, you will always be my older brother, you'll always be a part of my life." Kai reassured him.

Taemin sobbed quietly. "I wish I wasn't your brother."

"Hyung don't say that..." Those words broke Kai's heart.

Taemin wiped his eyes and choked on his sob. "Things would be so much easier for us if we weren't brothers."

"I know but that's just something we have to live with." Kai sighed.

Taemin sat up and looked at Kai with wide eyes, Kai frowned as he stared at his older brother.

"Don't you miss me?" He asked and Kai groaned internally.

Kai bit his lower lip. "Of course I miss you Tae... I just can't give in to temptation anymore it's too dangerous, especially since Baekhyun knows our secret and is threatening to put an end to whatever this is."

"I doubt there is much he could do." Taemin said, extremely unfazed.

Kai shook his head in response. "Don't underestimate him Taemin, that boy is the devil incarnate."

"Jongin, I want to make this work." Taemin said seriously.

Kai chewed on the inside of his cheeks. "Even if I wanted to I can't Hyung, I made a promise to Sunny Noona that I wouldn't see anybody else and unlike you I remain faithful even if I'm not actually with that person."

"You should be faithful to me Jongin, I was here first." Taemin grunted, his jealousy starting to shine through.

Kai frowned even more. "Leave Minho and I'll think about it, prove to me that you really want me and only me, I will give up Sunny Noona so long as she's not pregnant."

Taemin smirked and leaned forward, pressing their lips together in a sweet but very needy kiss. Kai wanted to pull away but he couldn't fight what his heart wanted, his hand unconsciously went to Taemin's cheek and stroked it softly as he deepened the kiss.

'I'm going to hell for this' Kai thought in the back of his mind.

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