|Chapter Twenty-One|

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Hey guys! Another chapter with just a hint of smut for all you pervies hanging out for that ;)
I hope you enjoy!!

"So, you've broken up..." Taemin murmured softly, stoking Kai's warm hair. "It's not the end of the world, I promise you. You'll meet other people you will like."

Kai shuddered in his brother's grasp and let out a small noise. Taemin knew that his brother was both sad to be ending the relationship, but happy at the same time that he'd been truthful to his friend. Even when they were younger, Kai had always had the kinder heart.

"He'll be okay," Taemin continued softly. "He's pretty, and strong. He'll do well when it comes to relationships. I'm sure someone already has their eye on him as we speak."

"What if he's crying?" Kai croaked, clutching onto Taemin's shirt tightly and not letting go. "What if he's alone?"

"Kyungsoo will never be alone," Taemin said calmly, his hands moving to gently stroke Kai's so that they wouldn't hold on so tightly. He could see the whites of the boy's knuckles and if he kept it up he would end up with aching hands.

Kai's hands loosened as Taemin murmured softly to him. As his tears began to dry, his frown was replaced with a look of serenity. The two of them could be together, here, at the river.

"This could be our place," Kai murmured softly. "It always has been, but perhaps it could mean more to us. We could come here to tell our secrets and help each other out."

"Do you want me to help you out now?" Taemin asked softly, a glint in his eyes. He was regarding Kai as a hunter would look at prey. It was calculated and sly, but a level of intimacy that no one else could ever touch.

Kai nodded quickly, "Please!"

Taemin lowered his head and kissed him gently, holding onto Kai's face gently. He was expecting his brother to pull away, but was surprised when the younger man kissed him back. He took the kiss deeper, slipping his tongue into his mouth. There was no fight for dominance, it was obvious that Taemin was leading this, and he heard a moan slip from Kai's throat. In fact, he could feel the vibrations from it as well.

Kai slipped his arms around Taemin's waist and brought him closer to the ground, so that his older brother was hovering over him. Taemin pulled back for a moment and looked down at him, his face full of curiosity.

"Is this okay?" He asked, unsure of Kai's reaction.

Kai bit his lip and nodded, tilting his chin up for another kiss and shutting his eyes. With a low moan, Taemin kissed him passionately, running his hands down Kai's chest. His brother felt so good in his arms and he never wanted to give it up. How much more could he take before this man drove him crazy?

He rolled his hips gently, pressing their lower regions together gently and feeling their erections brush together. Kai whimpered and arched his back, trying to get closer but failing as Taemin drew back slightly. He chuckled, teasing his younger brother, and kissed down his neck. He bit and sucked, leaving marks all over the man's skin.

"The only marks I want to see here will come from me," Taemin said softly. "And from me only. I don't want any other man on you."

Kai nodded in agreement quickly. His tears had dried up and it looked like his mind was completely blank. Taemin dipped his head and licked a trail up his neck, chuckling as Kai shivered when it dried.

"You're mine," Taemin murmured. "And I'm yours. This will be our place." He dipped his head and kissed him again. "We need to keep this a secret, of course. We can't have people knowing."

The younger man nodded again and gripped onto Taemin tightly. "Just, a bit more before we have to go back." The sky was beginning to look overcast and rainy. Soon they would have to leave or face getting sick, which neither of them could afford just yet.

"Always," Taemin purred, kissing him again. He touched their groins together again and listened to Kai moan. He knew he was taking advantage of his younger brother, but he couldn't stop. He slipped his hand down Kai's chest and gently played with the bottom of his shirt, teasing him. Kai tried to help him take it off but Taemin chuckled and pulled away fully.

"We have to go," he told Kai softly, standing up. Kai sat up awkwardly and tried to flatten his suddenly fluffy hair. He stood up after taking Taemin's extended hand and straightened his clothes. A steady blush was on his face.

"That was..." Kai's sentence faded when he had no word to fill in the blank.

"Fun," Taemin grinned. "Come on, let me drive you back to the dorms so you can get some rest and be with your friends. You'll probably have to tell them."

"Tell them?" Kai looked alarmed.

"About Kyungsoo," he replied softly, trying not to laugh at the fact that he'd already forgotten. "And Kai. If you want to come here again, to do this, you can call me at anytime."

Kai blushed again and led the walk back to the car, awkwardly adjusting his pants the entire time.

I hope you liked what you read! If you need something to do over the Christmas break, why not re-read this story? ;)
Have a merry christmas and a happy new year <3


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