|Chapter Thirty-Two|

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Kai followed his group and manager into the building and they made their way to the stage area to hear the new stage manager tell everyone the schedule and how the concert will run.

Kai made eye contact with Taemin by accident while looking for Sunny, he scowled at Taemin and looked away, continue his search for Sunny but he couldn't see her.

"Nini?" Kai turned and was surprised to see Kyungsoo standing beside him.

"Soo?" Kai raised an eyebrow before putting his arm around Kyungsoo's waist. "Shouldn't you be in Jeju filming right now?"

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. "Exo needs its main vocalist."

"I think Baekhyun would pick a fight with you if he heard you say that." Kai chuckled.

"Oh don't worry I heard him." Baekhyun said from behind them.

Kyungsoo glanced over his shoulder and gave Baekhyun a death glare before he could begin to pick a fight.

"Nice of you to finally show up though. Someone needs to keep this slut in line." Baekhyun said motioning to Kai. "Dating your own brother... You must be desperate Jongin."

Kai gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo instantly knew how uncomfortable he was just by that action.

"Baekhyun, shut up before I do it for you." Kyungsoo warned.

"Ooh I'm so scared." Baekhyun stated, pretending to tremble.

Suho suddenly came up to them, grabbed Baekhyun by the collar and dragged him away from Kai and Kyungsoo.

"Fucking behave yourself you little shit!" Suho scolded him. "I will not let you destroy this group with your fucking antics."

Kai couldn't help but laugh silently, he always found it funny when Suho went into mother mode.

"Are you okay Nini?" Kyungsoo whispered.

Kai nodded. "I'm fine... I would like to say it doesn't phase me but it does... I hate myself for the way I feel about Taemin and I hate myself for hurting you, you didn't deserve that. Why you are even friends with me anymore I will never understand."

Kyungsoo leaned his head on Kai's shoulder. "Because no matter what I am always going to love you Jongin and I want to be the Hyung you can trust. I'm always going to be there for you no matter how weird or wrong things get."

Kai sighed. "I don't deserve you Hyung."

"No you don't." Kyungsoo agreed. "But you are my best friend so I'm not going anywhere."

Kai kissed the top of Kyungsoo's head. "Thank you. The same goes for you, I know I fucked up but if you ever need me I'll be there for you."

"So, now that I'm here do you want to tell me what is going on with you and Sunny Noona?" Kyungsoo asked.

Kai pulled away from him. "What do you mean?"

Kyungsoo frowned and got out his phone. "It's all over the internet Nini, you and Noona were spotted shopping and having lunch together... Was it a date?"

Kai shook his head. "It wasn't a date."

"Is there something between you two?" Kyungsoo asked in a serious tone.

Kai shrugged. "Does it matter?"

Kyungsoo groaned. "I just don't want you making the same mistake again Jongin, you can't do to her what you did to me."

"It's not that serious Hyung, I promise." Kai told him. "We are just friends who hang out and do stuff together, she helps me get stuff off my chest when you aren't here to talk."

"As long as that's all it is." Kyungsoo nodded.

"I need some fresh air." Kai muttered and left.

Kai wandered aimlessly around the building until he stopped in the Exo dressing room where Sunny seemed to be waiting for him.

"Noona? Why weren't you out there listening to the stage manager?" Kai questioned.

"I was but then I saw you with Kyungsoo... I guess I just ended up here because you were on my mind." Sunny admitted.

"Are you upset about the articles?" Kai asked curiously.

Sunny got up from the chair and came over to him. "I know we said we are just friends with benefits but I didn't agree to seeing other people."

"Noona, I'm not seeing him, he is just my best friend now." Kai reassured her.

"Do you promise?" Sunny's eyes were big with pleading.

Kai smiled and moved closer to her. "I promise."

Sunny wrapped her arms around Kai's neck, Kai's hands instantly going to her hips before the two began to kiss.

The kiss was slow and nice at first until it deepened and became more fevered, Kai's hands rubbed up and down Sunny's sides feeling the curves of her body before sliding down and resting on her ass.

He gave it a squeeze making Sunny gasp which was enough for Kai to slip his tongue in her mouth, the two explored each other's mouths, savoring every moment they were together.

Kai picked her up, her legs locked around him, he put her up against the wall and began kissing her neck.

Sunny let out a soft moan. "Ah~ Jongin."

Kai used one hand to hold her up and the other to grope one of her breasts. Kai couldn't deny that this was turning him on, his boner becoming obvious in his pants.

"Noona!" Kai whimpered and buried his face in her neck.

"Do it." Sunny said, knowing exactly what Kai wanted.

Kai fidgeted with the zip of his pants and managed to undo it, he pulled his pants and briefs down just enough to let his erection out and then reached under Sunny's skirt.

He pushed her panties to the side and lined up his member with her entrance before pushing in slowly, both of them gasping at the sensation because neither of them were drunk this time.

"Fuck!" Kai moaned as he started thrusting into her.

"Harder Jongin." Sunny begged.

Kai did as he was told and thrusted into her harder.

Kai chuckled. "We could get into so much trouble for this."

"Who cares?" Sunny grinned and then pulled him in for a passionate kiss, moans were muffled by each other's lips.

The two were close to finishing when the door opened. "Jonginnie are you in here I need to ta~ oh..." Kai and Sunny turned their heads to see Taemin standing in the door way.

Kai couldn't help but cum from getting caught redhanded by his very own brother, Sunny however seemed super embarrassed.

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