|Chapter Two|

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"Jongin-ah wake up" The sound of Kyungsoo's voice filled the room.

"Fuck off," Kai said into his pillow grumpily.

Kai was not a morning person especially not when he was hungover like he was this morning. He had had a big night last night and now his head was throbbing as if it was a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode.

"Do you want breakfast or not Jongin?" Kyungsoo said.

"Bacon." Kai mumbled into his pillow.

"Baekhyun?" Kyungsoo questioned.

Kai raised his head, "No, bacon you idiot." Kai shut his eyes from exposure to the bright light coming from the window.

"Okay fine, just get out of bed before Sehun eats it all." Kyungsoo ordered.

Kyungsoo was like the mother of the group; Kai could never catch a break with him. There was a time he found him attractive with his flawless pale skin, big round eyes and those heart shaped lips, but the way he treated Kai like a child was very off putting.

Kai wasn't one for relationships. In fact the only relationship he had ever had was with Minzy a few years back, and that hadn't ended too well when Kai had told her that he prefered boys and she kind of blew up at him and now everytime they made eye contact its awkward although the fans still shipped them. He wished they didn't.

Kai opened his eyes and yawned with a huge stretch before getting out of bed. As always, he had slept naked, so he looked for a pair of briefs and some exo sweats before leaving the room.

Every K member was at the kitchen island awaiting Kyungsoo's amazing cooking.

"Jongin-ah, you've been slack with your cleaning duties." Suho said, unimpressed.

"Kyungsoo hyung!" Kai whined.

"I'll do them later Jongin, sit down and eat." Kyungsoo said plating up food for everybody.

Kai and Luhan were the laziest members of the group. Kai, however, had Kyungsoo to do cleaning and chores on his behalf, Luhan didn't.

"What's on for today's schedule?" Kai asked, more awake as he stuffed bacon into his mouth.

"Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and Baekhyun have a radio guest apperance, Sehun you and Xiumin have dance practice, Jongin, you and I have things to do. I'll fill you in on the details when you get dressed." Suho informed everyone.

"We have a show tonight right?" Sehun asked.

Suho nodded. "I expect everyone to be organised alright."

"Yes appa!" everyone said, rolling their eyes.

Kai finished eating his breakfast then went for a shower and got dressed into a simple pair of ripped black skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt that hugged his thin body. He went back out just in time to see everyone leaving. Their manager took Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo while Sehun left to join the EXO-M members, Suho was all that remained.

"Jongin, I wanted to talk to you about something." Suho said glancing up.

"What is it hyung?" Kai asked, coming to a stop at the kitchen island.

"I dont know what's going on between you and Luhan, but whatever it is it has to stop." Suho said sternly.

Kai tilted his head, "What do you mean?"

"Last night Jongin." Suho tried to remind him but Kai just shrugged.

"I was wasted last night hyung, I dont remember a thing." Kai said shrugging again.

"Fine, but keep in mind that relationships within the group are completely forbidden and there will be consequences if it happens." Suho warned.

It wasn't a relationship, it was a stress release, a casual fling even but Kai hadn't discussed it with Luhan yet but he assumed they kissed last night.

"Understood." Kai bit the inside of his cheek and nodded.

"As for our schedule, we don't have one but it's our job to prepare everything for Sehun's surprise party tomorrow."


Suho and Kai had spent the day shopping looking for decorations and good gifts for the group's maknae. Kai hid the decorations in his closet while Suho hid the gifts in his own; according to Suho everyone else had already brought a gift.

It was almost time for the concert and the boys were in the car, Kai tried to mind his own business but when the topic of SHInee came up he couldn't help but listen in.

"I was talking to Taemin the other day before the show-- did you know Jonghyun and Key were a couple?" Chanyeol gossiped.

"They're a couple? And they actually get to be out in public together?" Baekhyun asked suddenly looking up from his phone.

"Well, yeah. I mean, their manager seems to be fine with it and fans just think it's a fan service." Chanyeol said, but gave Baekhyun a sad look.

Kai chose not to acknowledge the look between the two boys.

"The fans think a lot of things.. The things SM likes to keep are unbelievable." Kai commented.

"What do you mean Jongin?" Kyungsoo asked joining in the conversation from the back of the car.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." Kai sighed and went back to his phone. He aimlessly watched videos on YouTube to keep himself from saying anything more about what was on his mind.

Kai didnt understand why SM wanted to hide the fact that he and his "best friend" Lee Taemin were brothers. Well, half brothers, but that wasn't very important.

'We used to be so close.... What happened?' Kai thought to himself.


A/N - sorry if its boring it was more of an intro to Kai's p.o.v and a basic overall ~Tyler

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