|Chapter Ten|

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A/N - can i just say that Jemmy's chapter made me want to cry!!!! My poor taebaby was so heartbroken omg :'( i suppose it is my own fault though because i started this part of the particular storyline.... Also omg i was finally able to work Taeyeon/Amber into one of my stories... Do we have a ship name for that? ~Tyler

Kai didn't go search for Kyungsoo. He knew he would see him tonight at the concert so instead he went back to Exo-K's dorm and went to his room where he collapsed on his bed in shame.

He had been about to kiss his older brother, but what was worse was that for a split second in those moments where their lips had almost touched, he had wanted it to happen.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" Kai growled at himself.

"Hello? Is anyone home?" a female's voice called out.

Kai frowned and got off his bed and left his room to see Taeyeon standing in the front doorway holding the doorknob.

"Oh, Jongin! You're home. You left the door open." Taeyeon informed.

"Uh yeah.. Hey Taeyeon noona." Kai gave a small smile.

Taeyeon frowned. "Jongin what's wrong?"

Kai sighed. "Everything.."

"Need someone to talk to?" Taeyeon offered.

Kai stared at her for a moment then nodded. "Please?"

Taeyeon shut the door and they went to the lounge room where they sat on the couch.

"So, what's wrong?" Taeyeon asked concerned.

"I screwed up." Kai groaned.

"How?" Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

Kai looked down and fiddled with his hands. "You can't tell anyone, araseo? I'm swearing you to secrecy... Please don't judge me for what I'm about to tell you."

"I would never judge you, Jongin." Taeyeon said supportively.

Kai sighed. "I spent this morning with my brother, we were just mucking around like we usually do..." Kai took a deep breath. "But there was this moment where everything froze like time stopped and... We were about to kiss... I wanted it so bad I just~"

"Wait, hold up," Taeyeon put her hand up to interupt him. "You have a brother?"

"Yeah, but SM wants to keep it a secret... But that's not the point," Kai frowned and looked up at her vulnerably. "The point is I was about to kiss my brother; I wanted to kiss him."

Taeyeon stayed silent as she thought about what to say. "Ha~ Do you have feelings for him... Do you perhaps love him?"

"He's my brother. What's not to love?" Kai rolled his eyes.

"No, I meant Love him, like as in capital L." Taeyeon also rolled her eyes in response.

"Ew no. I dont think you realise this, but I'm so disgusted in myself right now. There is literally something wrong with me." Kai stressed.

Taeyeon put her hands up in surrender. "it was just a question okay no need to bite my head off about it."

"Sorry..." Kai sighed and put his face in his hands. "It's just~ I was about to kiss my own brother... Who's related by blood! I mean who does that?"

"Okay so you wanted to kiss him but you don't have any romantic feelings for him.. I think I'm starting to see the actual problem here." Taeyeon said sitting up straight.

"Wanting to kiss my brother is the problem!" Kai rolled his eyes again.

"Shut up and listen to your sunbaenim, Jongin!" Taeyeon said smacking him in the back of the head gently.

"Sorry," Kai replied shortly.

"And stop apologizing..." Taeyeon said sternly then lightened up. "Look the problem here is that you don't have a boyfriend or even a fuck buddy, so you are taking your romantic frustration out on your brother... My advice is to get a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Though the last time you had one it didn't go over very well... My point is if you have someone to love of your own, you won't be deflecting your love onto your brother."

"Next problem... I can't get a boyfriend." Kai said.

"And why not?" Taeyeon folded her arms. "You're handsome, funny and so very talented. Any guy would be lucky to have you."

"Because I want to ask Kyungsoo out, but Suho warned me that relationships within the group are strictly forbidden and will have consequences," Kai explained.

Taeyeon scrunched up her face. "But Baekhyun and Chanyeol are dating..."

"What? Since when? Wait, is that why you and Baekhyun broke up?" Kai asked sitting up in surprise.

Taeyeon shook her head. "No. I, uh, dumped him for Amber..."

Kai smiled, "Ah yes, the fabulous llama. I don't blame you."

"She is fabulous, isn't she?" Taeyeon said dreamily.

"So, can you help me around this or not?" Kai asked getting back on topic.

Taeyeon pursed her lips, "Well the way I see it, you have two options. On one hand you could look for someone outside your group... Like Taemin you guys are pretty close~" Taeyeon said.

Despite being tan Kai's face paled a very unhealthy shade at the mention of Taemin's name.

Taeyeon instantly noticed. "Oh god, Taemin is your brother, isn't he? The one you were talking about?"

Kai couldn't open his mouth to speak so he just nodded.

"I'm sorry! I didn't realise... Okay so no one from Shinee then, just someone outside of your group. Or on the other hand, you could ask Kyungsoo out and do like Jonghyun and Key and just pretend as if it's all fan service... As for Suho, I don't know what his problem is, but if you just talk to him and explain that you'll keep it on the down low, I'm sure he'll change his mind."

Kai smiled and hugged her, "Thank you."

Taeyeon hugged him tightly, "Don't worry, Jongin. No one will ever know about what we talked about, I promise."

Taeyeon got up and left while Kai sat there thoughtfully, wondering how he could convince Suho into letting him date Kyungsoo. If Kyungsoo even wanted to date in the first place.

'There's always a chance they could both turn me down,' Kai thought to himself.


That night at the concert had been a good night. They had red heart shaped cushions and all the boys threw them out to the fans except for Kai, he held onto his for a few minutes before walking over to Kyungsoo and passing it to him.

Kai held his microphone away from him. "Kyungie I'm giving you my heart." Kai said only loud enough for Kyungsoo to hear.

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