|Chapter Forty-One|

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Well, well, well. I think you should all prepare your bodies for this chapter. It's going to be a hot and steamy one for you today ;)
I hope you enjoy.
~Juniper Adler

Taemin smirked to himself. He knew what Kai was doing. Every time the boy sent a text to him, begging him to stop, he was replying with an image of himself in obvious positions that he knew Kai liked. All Kai had to do was stop replying and no images would come.

But Kai didn't stop replying.

Taemin was on his bed when he sent the last picture through. He knew what it looked like - he was basically begging to be fucked with his position. He was already hard as a rock and just a little slip of the underwear and he had the perfect picture. Sometimes seeing less would get the imagination flowing.

Kai sent another text, asking him to stop. Taemin cracked up laughing. He knew Kai was either dealing with an unwanted erection in an awkward place or rubbing one out right now. Speaking of that, Taemin put his phone down and turned back to himself. He'd given Kai what he needed to get off, but now it was his turn.

He bit his lip as he slid his underwear down over his sensitive member, groaning as the cool air came into contact with his wet tip. He couldn't help the small thrust of his hips as he imagined Kai pulling his underwear down for him. He got it as far as his knees before he practically shook with want and fell back onto the bed.

Taemin grasped his cock and rubbed it gently, trying not to oversensitise it too quickly. The longer it took, the better the payoff. And he wanted a nice leg shaking orgasm. He pulled gently on his cock and muffled a groan. Like the photo he took earlier, he put a few fingers in his mouth to muffle his own cried. His fingers pushed his tongue down as if he had Kai's dick in his mouth and he felt himself salivate at the thought.

As he pulled on his cock, he began inserting his fingers in and out of his mouth. Frantically, he began finger fucking his mouth in time with his other hand, imagining one was Kai's mouth and the other was his cock. He felt... overwhelmed. But it wasn't in a bad way. If he could replicate Kai and have him give him a blowjob while also giving him a face fuck, he would die and go to heaven there and then.

His hand muffled his noises as he arched his back. He knew his backside was feeling a little left out but he struggled with the fact he only had two hands. He cursed the gods for only giving them two and glanced around the room. He needed something, anything. When he couldn't see anything worthy, he whined in disappointment. He needed Kai here to finish it, to make it worth the time and effort. Without his brother finishing inside him, the ending wouldn't be satisfactory enough.

He pulled his fingers from his mouth, wet with his saliva and dipped them behind, fingering his entrance. They were wet and warm and sank right in. He was so relaxed and open to it that he probably could have had dry fingers and the same thing would have happened.

Knowing his own body, we went directly to his prostate and pressed. This time, without fingers in his mouth, his cry echoed around his room. He pressed again and his hips jerked forward and he could feel his orgasm coming. He thrust his fingers one more time, in an a rough and almost painful way. He cock shook slightly before he ejaculated onto his own stomach.

His prostate grew to sensitive to continue stroking so he pulled his fingers away. Aftershocks rattled his body and he curled into a ball, relaxing his body while also protecting himself from unknown forces. The media had been showing stories that he was 'gay' because they had an image of him kissing another.

If only they knew.

When his body quietened down from their shakes, he leant over to pick up his phone. Headlines sent from his manager blasted his inbox and he shook his head. He was already anxious about this and this was not exactly helping him. He felt that familiar clench in his chest as anxiety pulled at his heart and made him feel sick to his stomach.

He knew he should stop before he got caught and got his brother in trouble. But he also knew that there was no force in the world that could keep them apart.

Taemin opened his camera on his phone and took a picture of his wet cock and stomach before texting them to Kai.

'Look what you made me do. Be a good boy and lick me clean?'

He knew he either wouldn't get a reply or would get another 'please don't'. But he could hear it in his mind. He'd heard Kai beg like that before and knew the desperate thread of want and desire that hummed through those words. And knew that usually seconds after he'd said something like that, his brother had fucked him aggressively and without warning. Kai was a man of contradiction, but for Taemin, he knew how to get these things out of his brother without a worry in the world.

Taemin wondered if he should ask Kai to meet him somewhere and properly finish him off. He needed Kai, everywhere and without tenderness. Minho was a man who desired to be gentle and loving in the bedroom, but Kai already knew his body like the back of his hand. He didn't need to worry about breaking Taemin because he already knew it was impossible. In fact, most of the time Taemin begged him to break him in.

"God, what have I become?" Taemin asked, touching his throat gently. Every part of his body was no longer sacred. Everything was something Kai could use. His throat? He could choke him with his hands or his cock and he would thank him. His legs? He could wrap them around Kai's waist or use it so stay on his knees for hours and he would beg for more. His hands? Too many options there. Nothing was his anymore, everything had a purpose built specifically for his brother.

Was this why he was born? To be the perfect mate to Kai? To only feel perfect pleasure when he was with the one man society dictated he shouldn't be near?

Too many questions, and Taemin knew he didn't have enough time in the world to find the answers. Instead, he clutched his phone close, ignored the headlines his manager was sending to him, and shut his eyes to dream of his brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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