|Chapter Twelve|

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A/N - yay i wrote this quickly ^.^ mainly because i know how i want the KaiSoo relationship to be

IM A HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING! I made my 5 yr old sister cry this morning... She came to my place with eomma and the first thing i said to her (because i keep her up to date with everything kpop) was "did eomma tell you Tao is possibly leaving EXO and she just burst into tears... I didnt expect her to have this reaction.. She never cried over Luhan or Kris and tbh i thought xiumin was her favorite of M but idk man.

Also SNSD is weird without Sica but am i the only one who likes Catch Me If You Can? One more thing that confuses the fuck out of me.. Why do exo-l's not like wolf? I literally think its the greatest thing ever ~Tyler

Kai got changed out of his stage clothes and got dressed into his training gea. Kai was about to talk to Kyungsoo when Suho came up to him.

"Jongin-ah, I warned you," he said sternly.

Kai had noticed the change in Suho's behaviour lately; he never used to be this strict.

"I'm well behaved hyung." Kai said defensively which earned a snicker from Suho. "I mean it hyung, it was only a fan service, you know how big of a ship KaiSoo is."

Suho considered this and nodded. "Alright,  fine. I'll let this go, but you know the rule Jongin."

Suho turned and went to attend to the other members while Kai sighed and went to Kyungsoo.

"Hey Kyungie hyung." Kai greeted happily as he appeared beside the shirtless Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo looked at him with his big eyes and smiled gently, "Hey you."

Kai lowered his voice. "How about you and I go somewhere a little more private to talk."

Kyungsoo nodded and put his shirt on. Kai took his hand and they walked around the MBC building.

"We could go to the roof?" Kyungsoo suggested as he laced their fingers together.

Kai agreed and they went into the elevator. Kai clicked the button for the top most floor and the doors shut, the elevator jolted as it began its ascent.

"Did you mean it?" Kyungsoo asked shyly.

Kai looked to him in surprise. "What?"

"Tonight," Kyungsoo looked down at their hands. "Giving me your heart.."

"Of course I mean it, Kyungie." Kai got close to him and stroked his cheek.

"Jongin-ah" Kyungsoo said in a whisper.

Kai smiled and leaned down to kiss him, their lips were just about to touch when the elevator halted to a stop and the lights went out, the boys pulled away from each other in shock.

"Jongin, what's going on?" Kyungsoo asked in a panicked tone.

"I don't know." Kai replied and got his phone out of his pocket.

He unlocked it and shined the light on the elevator buttons. He pressed the emergency call button but it did nothing so he sighed and dialled Suho's number on his phone.

"Come on hyung, pick up." Kai prayed silently and let out a sigh of relief as he heard Suho's voice.

"Jongin, why are you calling me?" Suho asked.

"Hyung, I need you to send for help, the elevator stopped." Kai explained.

"Take the stairs or go find someone yourself." Suho said and Kai could picture him rolling his eyes.

Kai let out a frustrated groan. "Hyung, you aren't understanding. Kyungsoo and I are inside the elevator."

"Oh! Aish!" Suho finally realized. "Do you know what floor?"

"Not a clue... Just hurry please, small confined places and I dont get along well." Kai pleaded.

Suho hung up and Kai put his phone away. It was then that he heard Kyungsoo breathing heavily.

"Jongin?" Kyungsoo said weakly between short breaths.

Kai held his hands out because he couldn't see. When he touched Kyungsoo's chest Kyungsoo instantly clung to his arm.

"I'm right here Kyungie." Kai moved closer to him so their bodies were only inches away from each other. "Take deep breaths Kyungie, you need to calm down before you give yourself a panic attack."

Kyungsoo took in three deep breaths and held his breath for six seconds each time before breathing out.

"Relax Kyungie, everything will be okay." Kai said soothingly.

Kai did the best he could to find Kyungsoo's heart shaped lips in the dark, he managed to run his thumb over them then smiled and leaned in to his where his thumb had been.

Kyungsoo kissed back eagerly and wrapped his arms around Kai's neck, Kai placed his hands on Kyungsoo's hips. The boys were so caught up in enjoying their kiss that they temporarily forgot they were trapped inside an elevator but were brought back to reality when Kai's phone rang.

Kai fetched his phone out of his pocket and answered it as Kyungsoo attacked his jawline with kisses.

"Did you get help?" Kai asked trying to hide his pants as Kyungsoo began sucking on the sensitive spot just below his ear.

"They said it's going to take half an hour to get you guys out of there." Suho told him.

Kai made a noise of approval. "That's okay, just as long as we get out eventually."

Kai hung up quickly before he let out a short moan, Kyungsoo came back to claim his lips before he could tell him off for doing that while he was on the phone to their leader.

They kissed intensely and Kyungsoo smiled into the kiss as Kai backed him up against the wall making out with him passionately. Kai's hands immediately began to reach underneath Kyungsoo's shirt feeling the elder's smooth skin that felt hot under his touch.

"Jongin-ah!" Kyungsoo moaned as Kai moved his lips to Kyungsoo's neck. "No leaving marks, we don't want Suho hyung to know." Kyungsoo reminded him.

The boys continued to make out until they heard people outside the door, they pulled apart and straightened themselves up.

The doors were being pried open and Kai saw that they weren't quite at the next floor.

"Climb out one at a time." The guy in uniform ordered.

There was light now so the boys could see what they were doing, Kai moved towards the door and put his hands together.

"You first, Kyungie." Kai said.

Kyungsoo nodded and came over to him, he placed one hand on Kai's shoulder and the other on the floor. He put his foot on Kai's hands and climbed out easily thanks to the boost Kai gave him.

Kyungsoo turned around leaning in reaching a hand out for Kai. Kai grabbed his hand as well as the other guys and they pulled him up, Kai climbed all the way out when he was high enough then rolled onto his back as he laid on the cold marble floor.

"Let's take the stairs from now on." Kai said with a chuckle to Kyungsoo when he saw Suho and the other members rush over to them.

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