|Chapter Forty|

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A/N - I wrote this literally the next day after the last chapter was posted because I knew what I wanted to do and I had so much fun writing it tbh ~ Tyler

“I’m not judging you okay? I just think you should keep your distance from him.” Kyungsoo said with a sigh later that day.

“I try to Soo… The only reason I met up with him is because I hated the fact that we were fighting.” Kai got changed into the clothes the stylist had asked him to put on. “I want us to part ways but I don’t want it to be on bad terms.”

Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes at Kai. “All I’m saying Nini is that I don’t think Taemin is going to take the hint. He wants you. It’s up to you to be the bigger person and do what is right.”

Kyungsoo left to go talk to Suho. Kai stood there thinking about their conversation and Kyungsoo’s reaction to everything he had told him. Kai sighed feeling mentally exhausted and looked around for their manager to find out when they had to start modelling for this magazine shoot.

It wasn’t all of EXO, in fact, it was only Suho, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and himself. Sehun had been called away for an acting schedule for BUSTED! and all of the EXO-M members were busy getting ready to go to China for promotions.

Baekhyun had been giving Kai the death glare all day. It was so intense whenever he was around Kyungsoo that he swore he saw one of Baekhyun’s eyes twitching. Kai was doing his best to avoid Baekhyun.

The modelling went well. The entire shoot was peaceful as Kai had his solo photos taken and even the group shot had been peaceful until of course the shoot was over and everyone was getting changed again. Kai could see Baekhyun out the corner of his eye, the older male was on his phone reading something intently and the look on his face was pure disgust.

“Filth.” He commented aloud, not caring who heard him.

Suho rolled his eyes. “What’s your problem now Baekhyun?”

Baekhyun turned and walked over towards them shoving the phone at Kai. “Jongin is still my problem! I thought I told you to put an end to this but now it’s all over the news.”

Kai looked down at the phone and scrolled through the Koreaboo article.

‘SHINee’s Lee Taemin is openly gay?’ Kai read the headline quietly and he felt his stomach drop as he read the article. ‘Dispatch caught Taemin kissing a mysterious boy out by Han River. Shawol’s are in denial about Taemin’s sexuality but the photo is clear enough to see they are kissing even though you can’t see the other male’s face. The question is, who is this mysterious man? Is he Taemin’s new boyfriend and more importantly is he someone famous?’

Kai felt like he was going to be sick. “I~” Kai couldn’t speak.

“Don’t say anything. We both know that’s you.” Baekhyun snarled, snatched his phone then stormed away muttering something about how disgusting it all was and how he didn’t understand how Kyungsoo could still be friends with Kai.

As if on cue for bad timing, Kai’s phone went off signalling two messages. He hesitated when he saw he got a media image from Taemin but was shocked at what he saw when he opened the text.

Kai stared blankly at the photos of Taemin’s pants. He was confused and then even more confused as the second picture came through. Taemin without pants. What Kai wouldn't give to kiss Taemin's milky thighs and cover that delicate skin in harshly colored lovebites.

Taemin: Do you like me better with or without pants?

Kai shook his head as his mind kept screaming ‘what the fuck?!’ in reaction to both the photos and the impure thoughts in his mind.

Kai immediately text back.

Kai: Hyung please stop this is severely inappropriate.

Kai turned his phone off with a blush and then continued to get ready to go home.


When Kai and the others got back to the dorms, Kai decided to turn his phone back on. His phone went off twice and Kai dared to open it.

This was a mistake.

The first photo was Taemin biting his index finger and staring seductively at the camera. Kai blushed but it didn’t have that much effect until he saw the next photo. Taemin had taken a mirror selfie that showed him bent over with his hand on his ass.

Kai felt his pants getting tight as he appreciated Taemin’s ass in those pants. Kai looked around hoping no one noticed him and then went to the bathroom locking himself in. He would be safe in here so long as Baekhyun didn’t see him come in since he was the one with the ability to pick the bathroom lock. He was positive no one would come in to shower since it wasn’t past midnight or early in the morning which was their usual showering times.

Kai went into one of the showers and closed the curtain. He leaned against the wall and then slid down til he was sitting.

Kai: Hyung stop.

Kai had texted him but he really didn’t want Taemin to stop. He secretly wanted more.

Taemin: But I’m having fun

When the next photo came through Kai couldn’t get his dick out of his pants fast enough. Taemin was lying on his bed, one hand holding up the left side of his shirt exposing his stomach and left nipple and his other hand had pulled down his pants to below his bulge in his underwear. Kai’s mouth dropped as he realised he could see the head of Taemin’s cock peeking out the top of his underwear.

Kai let out a small whimper as he stared at the photo. He wanted to touch Taemin so bad. Kai had seen Taemin naked once when they were kids, before all of this insanity, but staring at him now he realised Taemin had become a man. A man that Kai was now, not only in love with but lusting over.

Kai’s hand gently stroked his cock as he bit his lip and stared intently at the picture on his phone. He wished Taemin would send more photos. More exposing ones.

Kai: Hyung just stop

He hoped the text would be enough to make Taemin send more like he had before but no other messages came through so Kai sat there silently jerking off. He closed his eyes and imagined fucking his Hyung. It was enough for Kai to cum.

The disgust set in when Kai came down from his orgasm high.

Kai knew two things for sure. One; he hated himself again and two; If Taemin kept acting like this then staying at his father’s house where he will most likely have to share a room with his older brother will be absolute torture for both his dick and his mental health.

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