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No matter how attractive someone is, that can all easily come tumbling down the second they open their mouth. For Seokjin...that was the case. His family took advantage of his looks a lot when it came to advertising their phones and latest technology. Seokjin would often be the model holding the phone or acting in a commercial. In other words, he knew how to lie as if it were the truth. He had no conscious when it came to things like that. As the Kim family's only son out of three daughters, he naturally got the world given to him on a platter. Though with how many women he had to grow up with, you were astonished he didn't know how to treat them with basic decency.

All his sisters were older than him and had a large age gap. Mainly because Seokjin's mother is CEO Kim's third wife. The one he was having an affair with before his second wife died. Amazing. Maybe that's where Seokjin got his lack of respect. It was probably genetic! He wasn't close to any of his half sisters and you doubted they would ever want to be. Seokjin was easily spoiled rotten because he was born a boy. He got everything he ever wanted as he was taught that he could do no wrong. Seokjin grew up in this world not knowing that his actions could end with harsh consequences.

Well, that wasn't exactly true. There were consequences, but if you were rich then you could pay others to keep quiet. In seconds, you could be free of a crime committed. Seokjin has paid numerous media outlets to keep quiet about his alcoholic and sexual escapades with famous actresses. He's been with idols and models. That didn't surprise you considering he had a face like that. However, none of it ever lasted. The main reason being because Seokjin got bored easily. They were putty in his hands until they realized he was utter crap. Then they would begin to nag and try to change him which never got them the result they wanted.

Seokjin at just twenty-four was the worst man alive in your eyes. Though Kyunghwan was the same age, you'd personally take Kyunghwan over Seokjin. When you first met him, you had to admit that you were a bit fooled by his looks. It didn't take long for you to realize that he was garbage like the rest of them. Any interest you could have had went down the drain. You wanted nothing more than to have him permanently out of your sight. Thanks to your constant refusal to give Seokjin an ounce of attention, he's been 'intrigued' by you. Seokjin claimed he liked you, but you knew the truth. If you did fall for him (gross) then he would drop all interest in you and throw you away like nothing.

Honestly, you thought about faking interest in him to get Seokjin off your case, could only tolerate so much baby barfs. You've made your disliking towards him quite obvious. Father and Kyunghwan know that you don't want to get married to Seokjin. That didn't really stop Father from choosing Seokjin to be your future husband. Kyunghwan was happy to have his best friend become his brother-in-law. Great for them! You were the one suffering as Seokjin made you feel like an object. Seokjin didn't see you as wife material or even a person. Just someone to easily get sexual satisfaction from not that you would ever do such a thing with him.

"You haven't touched a single thing on your plate." Seokjin stared at your steak. Your hands were in your lap while your eyes were glaring holes into his head.

He brought you to one of the finest restaurants in the city. It's nearly impossible to get a reservation here without waiting for months. Though all the owner needed to hear was that Kim Seokjin and Kang (F/n) wanted to book a reservation. That was all it took to make space for the both of you. The restaurant is lovely and you're sure the food is great too. There was just no way that you were going to be able stomach any of this when you're on a date with Seokjin. Ew, you could feel some vomit rise up in your mouth.

"What? Don't tell me you're on a diet." Seokjin leaned back in his seat, reaching for his glass of wine.

"Not on a diet," You informed him coldly. "I just lose my appetite by the sight of you." That was enough to kill the smile on Seokjin's face. His expression briefly contorted into anger, but he adjusted. He gave you a forced smile. He wasn't even trying to hide the fact that this wasn't his true emotion. It was just Seokjin's way of threatening you without words.

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