|| Author's Note ||

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Wow! Okay, that was a ride! And we've finally made it to the end which is crazy. A Dream Come True is the first story I've ever finished writing before posting a single chapter so that's a big accomplishment. At the same time, Dream had so many edits done to it while it was getting published so...I'll get to that later!! First thing's first is thanking everybody who read my story. Thank you all for the votes and comments! I appreciated having you all here for this story <3 you truly all made this experience an unforgettable one.


Sorry if I missed anyone. These usernames are just the ones I became most familiar with seeing from votes and comments. If you're a silent reader, I appreciate you too! (Also if you stopped reading half way, that's okay. Thank you for just reading even a few chapters!)

If you've read any of my stories before in the past, you know that my author's notes tend to be long since there's always so much to say. I don't get to say much to you guys while the story is getting published, but I try! Still it's never enough and I'm just left building up until I can vomit it all out in the author's note. Let's start with something simple first and then we'll get to the complicated stuff later.

A Dream Come True || Hoseok x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now