The Poor Life

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[Left to right: Donghae, Yesung, Eunhyuk]


You knew being poor was hard, but you didn't know it was this hard. It's only been a week since the new change and it has been a cruel change. It made you wonder how Hoseok has been poor his whole life. How does he do it? How did Mrs. and Mr. Jung manage to raise a family like this? They accepted you into their home with open arms although you knew it wouldn't be easy for them. They're barely scraping by as a family of three, but now they got you added to the mix. Completely broke and unskilled aside from being able to make clothes.

There was a lot of things to panic about. You were grateful that Hoseok has been calm about this entire thing. Him and Eunhyuk picked you up when you called them after you were kicked out by security. Hoseok focused on soothing you while Eunhyuk drove the car. Hangyeol had arrived so they were able to leave the thrift store for a bit to come get you. It was horrible at first since Hoseok was seeing you as a snot ball again in less than a day.

Though what broke your heart was mentioning the lack of funding for the runway. How are the two of you going to pay a bunch of models for the rest of your classmates to fit? Not only that, but you both still needed a photographer, people to build the stage, renting tents and chairs too. The campus space was already paid for and you badly didn't want to give up on this dream. Were refunds even possible? You didn't want that at all! Hoseok rubbed your back, telling you not to worry too much about the runway at the moment. The two of you will figure it out somehow.

In translation that meant that you had to get a job. And where better for you to get a job then at the thrift store? You know where all the sections are, you've seen how Hoseok prices items, how Eunhyuk organizes, and how they've both worked the register. Maybe you needed a little more in depth training with certain things though how frequently you visited was coming in your favor. The only thing that was troublesome was the fact that you've never worked a real job before in your life. Like ever. You didn't really understand the whole concept of it too much when you already had money. That wasn't the case anymore though...

Hangyeol had given you a short interview, but inevitably gave you the job because of your predicament. You were desperate for money however you didn't know it would entail this. After classes, you would have to run to the smelly cramped bus and quickly change in the employee bathroom. Sometimes you were lucky to work with Hoseok, but you have had days where you've worked alone or with Eunhyuk. You hate it when you're alone though. Hoseok and you are only part time compared to Eunhyuk who was full time. Still, you felt like you were on your feet way more than you needed to be and it was complete torture!

"(F/n), the chair is supposed to be for sale in the furniture section." Eunhyuk caught you dragging a cushioned stool behind the counter.

"I'll put it back!" You gave him pleading eyes as he shook his head. "Hyukkie, please! My feet are killing me!"

"I'm sorry, but people need to know this is on sale." Eunhyuk patted your head. This was awful! Your whines didn't change Eunhyuk's mind though as he put the stool back in its original place. "Look on the bright side! You get off in thirty minutes!"

"Ugh. I have to wait thirty minutes for an icky bus." You pouted.

Leaning over the counter, you plopped your chin into the palm of your hand. You haven't been working long at the thrift store in yet you were more than familiar with its lack of customers. They had enough to keep running yet that didn't change how boring it was when you received literally no one for an hour or two. You were begging for environmentalists and crystal obsessed girls to come into the thrift shop just to make things more interesting. Not even talking to Eunhyuk was enough to kill your boredom. Then when you worked with Hoseok, he told you that the both of you shouldn't be caught making out in front of the customers so that kills a lot of the fun as well.

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