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(A/n: Originally, 'Question Myself' and 'Unofficial' were two separate chapters but then I combined them during the writing process for some reason and then I began to hate that by the time I was publishing and I for some reason can't get myself to accept the idea of 46 chapters so here we are putting it as 16.5 oml. I just think separating makes it flow better but good lord, the unnecessary stress of whether to split it or not was ridiculous.)


Originally you thought you would come home crying with mascara dripping down your cheeks. That wasn't the case whatsoever! Mainly because your mascara is waterproof! Who knew? As long as you didn't look like a raccoon in front of Hoseok then that's all that really matters. You can't say you embarrassed yourself. Maybe you thought that at first when he rejected you, but then things got weird and Mansu told you to own your feelings! There was no shame in love! And seeing as how Hoseok and you magically reconnected at FIT of all places after a year, you knew he wasn't someone you could let go of.

Though that didn't stop your eyes from being red and puffy when you arrived home. It was obvious that you had been crying a lot and anyone could tell that. Thankfully there were no staff around the entrance to see. It was just you sniffling, heart still aching from being rejected. As tough as you were, pain was pain and it hurt. You weren't sobbing anymore so that was a plus. However, any peace of mind you had about not being caught went out the window when your brother came out of the elevator and made it down the hall to bump into you.

"You're crying..." Kyunghwan almost took a step back as if you were a horror movie character. Glaring at him, you wiped your eyes with a pout. "Was it...Seokjin by any chance?"

"No." Surprisingly not. Kyunghwan looked like he was walking on eggshells. Though the minute you confirmed it wasn't his best friend's fault, he got all too comfortable and scoffed.

"Then why are you crying? You look ugly when you cry." He gestured to your face. Gee, thanks.

"I do not! You're such an @ss!" Your voice still sounded weak. Even when you tried to stomp on Kyunghwan's foot, he managed to pull it back in time.

This immediately got the two of you bickering. Him upset that you were trying to hurt him when he's older than you and you irritated that he would mock you for your emotions. The fighting was getting loud that staff could probably hear it. It wasn't anything new though it never failed to anger your father. The both of you didn't even see him until he was less than a foot away. His sudden appearance frightened you two. His stern expression got the both of you to shut up instantly.

"What's with all the noise?" Father looked between you and Kyunghwan. His eyes got stuck on you though once he noted the signs that you had been crying. "What happened now? What has you acting like this?" Father took a step towards you as you leaned back.

"I made her cry. She started it though." Kyunghwan looked to the side. You remained still as Father glanced over at Kyunghwan, putting his hands behind his back. He narrowed his eyes on his son who seemed incapable of making eye contact.

"I expect this when you're children, but you're both adults." Father was beyond annoyed that he had to waste his time scolding the two of you over this. "Stop fighting over every little thing and grow the f*ck up. Don't bother coming to the company." He huffed as his eyes lingered on Kyunghwan. Father walked past the two of you to head out, muttering how useless his son was and how overly emotional his daughter was. Very sweet of him.

He shut the door, the sound echoing through the large home thanks to the high ceiling and open space. It easily left Kyunghwan and you in an awkward position. It's been a while since Father has had to scold either of you. Usually, you never talk with Kyunghwan to initiate a fight in front of Father. The few times it has happened, Father seems to ignore it and let the two of you settle it yourselves. Now you had no tears left and Kyunghwan was left with his pride hurt. He was quick to look over at you with a frown.

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