Dumber Than a Dog

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Deception. It was going to feel really great to see your father's disappointment when he realizes you weren't coming. Rather than having you have a repeated conversation with a man who's hurt you time and time again, you had Hoseok go for you. He graciously volunteered to do so and now he was here. It was best to deal with this earlier than later. With the runway taking place literally tomorrow, Hoseok felt there was no more time to deal with an abusive father who couldn't let go. He was absolutely right and you trusted him to do well.

Hoseok wasn't going to let himself get manipulated. He was in a stronger state of mind than he had been when he last talked to your father. Not to mention his relationship with you had been on the rocks and the conversation took place after a fresh fight. It was easy to get into Hoseok's mind, tapping into his confusion about you on what made you feel so distant and different from him along with his own insecurities. When Hoseok really thought about it now with a clear head, knowing you loved him and he loved you...he could only wonder how your father's words ever made sense to him. They were utter bullsh*t.

He had to learn the rough way he supposes. After a lot of heart ache, Hoseok knew for certain that you weren't at all that different from him. You weren't distant from him either. A lot of it was just him putting up walls and believing that your differences were flaws rather than embracing them. Sure, he grew up poor and you grew up rich though it seemed like you both valued hard work. Fashion meant a lot to the both of you and he was glad you appreciated the art of it. You understood it rather than just buying from a brand mindlessly simply to just say you own it. You may not have experienced every struggle Hoseok had growing up, but he knew you could still understand.

You've never looked down on him once for being poor and that said a lot compared to his previous wealthy peers. Hoseok knew he never had to worry about your judgement when it came to that. However, your family was a bit different. He knew for obvious reasons on why your fiancé didn't like him and it was mutual. He figured your brother didn't care for him either though he knew your father certainly didn't like him. Hoseok didn't come from money and was just seen as some 'boytoy' for you to mess around with because you wanted to upset your father. That wasn't the case at all.

Apparently the concept of actually liking each other was too hard to grasp for the old man. Luckily for the old geezer who was waiting patiently at a table, Hoseok was coming over to make it clear. He'll speak slowly to get it across. Hoseok dressed himself up in a suit he made a year ago for his portfolio. He wore it confidently as a waiter led him over to the table where Mr. Kang sat. Hoseok smiled the moment him and Mr. Kang made eye contact. One of them was pleased and the other was trying to hide the fact that their blood was boiling.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Kang." Hoseok took a seat across from him. Never has Hoseok seen someone get so visibly angry from his presence. It was actually kind of funny. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Why are you here?" Mr. Kang questioned off the bat.

"You didn't actually think you were going to be meeting with (F/n), did you?" Hoseok raised a brow smugly. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but she's busy."

"If I wanted to waste my time then I would have said so. I deserve the right to speak to my own daughter." Mr. Kang glared at him causing Hoseok to lean back in his seat and take a deep breath. This is going to be a fun conversation.

"It's funny that you consider her your daughter now and that you feel so strongly about family all of a sudden. She doesn't need to tell me for me to know that that hasn't always been the case," Hoseok said. His confident aura only seemed to be annoying the elder. "You only wanna use (F/n) to your advantage, but what's new?"

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