Keep on Dreaming

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Bonus Ending

It's a beauty what time can do. As if Hoseok couldn't get any hotter! He playfully swatted you away since he was currently on his phone taking a call. It wasn't even a business call, but it was important to him anyway. Who was on the other side? None other than dear Eunhyuk. The two were close as ever though you thought this was pushing it. Hoseok and you are on vacation right now and Eunhyuk's call is taking priority? If you weren't twenty-eight right now, you would have thrown a fit! But these days you're supposed to be mature or something. You didn't care to be if you were honest.

You want your husband's attention~!

That's right. Hell yeah you made Jung Hoseok your husband. There was no way he was going to escape you to begin with. Once he agreed to be yours, that's it. You're beyond hooked on him as is so you're grateful he tolerates you and accepts your love. The best part is that he loves you too! You could squeal about it for days even though he reminds you that you've already been together for eight years. Were you ever going to calm down? The short and most obvious answer was no. Even when the two of you are old and wrinkly, you're going to be shouting through the streets about how your old love is the most handsome man in the world!

Hoseok still blushes at your heavy compliments so clearly not everything has changed. Though it does feel like just yesterday the two of you were on stage, thanking an entire crowd for coming to see the student runway. The memory put an instant smile on your face. It is still to this day one of your most precious memories that you hold close to your heart. That's what truly kicked off your career if you're being honest. The same could be said for a lot of the people who participated in the runway as well. That runway really did make dreams come true!

For one thing, Taehyung's photography skills really helped. It launched off Jimin's career as a magazine model. His height didn't matter as much as long as he could look cute in front of a camera which he did. Adorable! Star and everyone she recruited for the runway got a ton of followers on social media. They were able to open up their own Lolita magazine that's been doing really well. You've been wishing them well and sending them lots of love now that they've moved back to Japan. Taehyung has also been successful with his photography as his photos even awe those outside of the fashion world. That's true talent right there!

Namjoon and Yoongi haven't necessarily improved their whole picking up ladies thing, but they were doing well when it came to journalism! Their writing is still some of the best you've ever seen. You're happy that they're successful at what they love. The same goes for Jungkook. He's truly done with the modeling thing though he's become a mentor to up and coming models. He runs his own agency, creating some of the most passionate and hardworking people you've ever had the pleasure of working with!

Because that's right! You and Hoseok have your own fashion brand now! It's nothing on the scale of Chanel, but you certainly had your brand's name out there. Hoseok and you created it as something to do on the side while trying to gain experience from local fashion houses. It started off as mainly an online business up until the two of you were gaining more attention. Slowly the two of you were able to actually buy a building and hire pattern makers among filling other positions. It was amazing as you got the works Hoseok and you created onto runways around the world.

Thanks to the runway you created in your first year, Monet was able to get you interning early with other runways. Before you knew it, you were helping out with Seoul fashion week as a student which was insane! The amount of connections you made certainly came in your favor. You couldn't thank Monet enough, but these days you just call her Giselle. The two of you were friendly like that! It was sweet how kind of a mentor she is even though she's so intimidating at first. She's the best teacher you've ever had!

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