A Dream Come True

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After months of preparing and counting down the days, it was finally the day of the runway. The excitement and anticipation for today had you waking up at six in the morning. There was no need to be up that early, but you were! Your eyes opened to see those numbers on the clock in Hoseok's room. The moment you were awake, you knew you wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. Not with today's date circled in red sharpie on a calendar that hung on your side of the room. It was also decorated with a of couple stickers just to prove how much you were looking forward to this day. Stickers courtesy of Park Jimin, of course.

That just helped you stay awake which wasn't necessarily fun. The runway wasn't until later in the day so there was so much time to kill. All you could do was scroll on your phone and glance at Hoseok to see if he was awake. No, he slept soundly as you felt yourself go mad. You couldn't stand suffering alone after twenty minutes so you ended up jumping Hoseok. Not to harm him or anything! All you did was basically cuddle attack him as he jolted awake, squirming until he realized it was you. That was when he stopped moving and groaned tiredly.

"Princess, why are you awake right now?" Hoseok's eyes were hardly open. His groggy voice was so cute along with his messy hair. Giggling, you combed your fingers through his hair gently to push out of his face.

"Today is the runway, Baby. I can't sleep." You pouted, leaning close to peck his lips when he tilted his head away from you. "Hoseokie?"

"No...I have bad breath," Hoseok mumbled as you squished his cheeks.

"I probably have morning breath too," You admitted as he slowly turned to face you again. He had his eyes opened the slightest bit more though they were still staring at you lazily. "Can I kiss you?"

"Sure, Princess." Hoseok smiled as you gave him a kiss.

Hoseok was worried about his morning breath it honestly wasn't that noticeable. Besides, you didn't really care as long as you got to kiss him. It was supposed to be a simple peck yet that quickly changed. Hoseok's lips stayed on yours now that he was fully awake. He wrapped his arms around you as you stayed straddling him. The kiss was soft and slow the entire time though your mind was naturally going straight towards the gutter. All this time until the runway with the two of you in bed already? Oh, what to do? You began giggling during the kiss, separating from Hoseok to regain your composure. He just stared at you in bewilderment.

"Everything okay?" Hoseok's brows knitted together.

"More than okay." You leaned down on him again, letting your hand rest on his chest. "I was just thinking that since we have a lot of time that maybe we could..." You bit your lip, hoping he could get what you're implying. He may have just woken up though he should be able to put it together. Judging by Hoseok's blank expression, you think he got it.

"You're so horny." Hoseok tapped your nose, laughing as you blushed.

"For good reason! Have you looked in the mirror?" You questioned him. He looked back at you like you were ridiculous. The cruelty! You rolled off of Hoseok to open the first drawer of his nightstand. He was resting on his pillow with his arms crossed behind his head. He was so relaxed even as you pulled out the condoms he bought. There was a whole box! "Look at this! Proof that you're not so innocent yourself."

"I got those for safety because my girlfriend likes to just hop on—"

"Okay, shush." You didn't want to hear him continue. Especially when there was truth to his embarrassing lewd words. Fanning your face, you just watched Hoseok laugh since he got a huge kick out of this.

"You're gonna make me use up that entire box in one week, Princess." Hoseok grinned as you scoffed.

"That is not true and you know it!" You huffed.

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