Dance Club

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[Left to right: Donghae, Eunhyuk, Yesung]

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[Left to right: Donghae, Eunhyuk, Yesung]

(A/n: Donghae & Eunhyuk are in a subunit called D&E 😳 give the mv a watch)


Professor Orlov was a cute old man. He was fun when it came to teaching Jewelry Science though you had to admit you liked the lab portions more than the lectures. It was a lot of note taking, but it was important to memorize for safety in the lab. Hoseok still didn't trust you with a torch in your hand. You couldn't see what the big problem was. It's not like you've set anyone on fire or hurt yourself with the torch. Then he always acted like the striker in your hand was going to explode. You're not going to hurt anyone! Not intentionally at the very least!

When you really thought about it, you knew that Hoseok was just protective over you. He didn't want to see you getting hurt with all the dangerous tools in the lab making it easier. Hoseok kept heavy watch over you and you made sure to keep watch over him too. The difference was that Hoseok was pretty good at handling himself. He was less likely to cause an accident compared to you. Technically you didn't need to worry about him at all. Still, you did your best to remind Hoseok to be safe. The goggles may be the most hideous things you've ever put on, but Hoseok pulls them off. He always does!

He looks even handsomer now as he looks over his notes. Class was ending after a long lecture and Hoseok looked more handsome than what should be legally allowed. Orlov luckily wrapped up the class already, allowing people to leave if they wanted. Some had already gone while a few went to ask questions or stay to look over their things. You were all packed up and just waiting on Hoseok. The two of you would being going to the thrift store together today. He wasn't working though. Today you guys were going as customers! Hoseok and you were going to upcycle any clothes the two of you found there. It was going to be fun!

"Boop." You poked Hoseok's little dimple. They always appeared above his lips when he had that small smile. So adorable and dangerous for your heart.

"Really?" Hoseok chuckled, keeping his eyes on his notes. "I'm trying to check my notes for hypoallergenic metal and you're here poking me."

"Wow, you're more interested in metal than me," You teased through a pout. Hoseok already knew the facial expression you were making without having to look up at you. He couldn't help, but crack though as he turned his head to face you.

"I love you," He said, getting your smile to grow bigger.

"I love you too." You leaned in to peck his lips. Quickly after, you giggled and rested your forehead on his shoulder. He just makes you so happy that you want to burst out squealing and screaming. Unfortunately, that's not socially acceptable and Hoseok would pretend not to be associated with you for a hot second so you held in the urge. "Ready to go?" You leaned away as he nodded, collecting all his things.

Meanwhile Hoseok closed his notebooks to shove back in his bag, you stood up from your chair to take a brief look around the class. It was a mindless action though your eyes ended up getting stuck on two girls looking over in your direction. Even with their hands covering their mouths, it was obvious to tell from their judgmental gaze alone that they didn't have nice things to say. What were they saying? You stared back at them until they stopped talking and headed towards the exit. Though just as they were about to leave, they began giggling. What was so funny? Scoffing softly, you looked over at Hoseok as he put his tote bag over his shoulder.

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