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As if it weren't possible to fall for Hoseok even more, you did. How could you not after that kiss? Thinking about it still had your heart pumping rapidly until your head felt light. It just took one moment of thinking back on it to feel like you were back in time all over again. It was a kiss to remember and you were grateful towards him. Hoseok really treated you like a princess. He was an absolute gentleman the entire time. He made sure you were comfortable, thanked you for helping him with the dress, and was sweet as ever. When you walked him back to his front door, you just had to peck him on the lips one last time before saying goodnight.

This relationship was definitely putting you in a better mood. Whatever grade Professor Monet gave you guys for your dress, you didn't care. Hoseok and you worked hard on this dress which you think is amazing! It's beautiful and important to the both of you. There was nothing to be nervous about even though Hoseok clearly felt the opposite. He kept rubbing his hands on his pants and sighing heavily as Monet went around the room to check in every outfit.

Hoseok wasn't so good at hiding how nervous he was. At least not to you. It was pretty easy to read him when his eyes were looking all over the place, the constant touching of his earlobe, and swaying back and forth on his feet. Hoseok is definitely nervous and as cute as it is, you didn't want him stressing over this. It may be the first big graded assignment from Monet, but you doubted the two of you would fail. A passing grade would be enough if he was that worried about it. Nudging Hoseok, he looked down at you as you smiled at him.

"You don't need to worry, Hoseokie. There's literally no way we can fail with the dress we made," You said. It was on the dress form standing by Hoseok's side. It still looked gorgeous to you just like when you wore it yourself. Plus, the dress got a lot of good reactions from your fellow classmates. Hoseok and you were setting it on the dress form earlier and you caught a lot of people looking it over. Personally, you think Hoseok and you outdid yourselves. "Do you need to hold my hand?"

"I'm not that nervous." Hoseok scoffed before seeing your pout. "I'll still hold your hand though." He reached for your hand, interlocking his fingers with yours. Hoseok is so cute! Your pout was only playful though Hoseok had the habit of taking it very seriously. That or he was purposefully taking the chance to hold your hand. You were beginning to think it was the second seeing as he was giving you a little smirk.

"What are you so attractive for?" You whispered, swaying your hand with his.

"I made sure to look good today for you." Hoseok winked.

This man.

Jung Hoseok will be the death of you. He was already naturally attractive and wildly charming. It made no sense how a man could be so powerful doing the bare minimum. Was it fair? No, not really. But you loved the pain and wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, having Hoseok flirt playfully was an experience that you were grateful for. Sure, it made your heart want to burst and you were painfully close to screaming about how much you love him—self-control! You need self-control! Then again, that was basically impossible with him. If Hoseok ever flirts with you seriously then you might as well combust. How you managed to survive for so long is beyond you.

"We're making out after class," You got a chuckle out of him. Hoseok squeezed your hand, looking at you confidently.

"Can't get enough of me?" Hoseok winked at you yet again. Your face was heating up even as he began to wink repetitively. He winked the right eye before alternating and eventually just blinking. "I'm seducing you."

"It's working." You giggled softly, wrapping your arm around his just so you could get closer to him.

Hoseok placed a kiss on your head while the two of you waited. If Eunhyuk could see the both of you now, he would be rolling his eyes. Though you were sure there were other classmates who were as equally sick of you two. The relationship between Hoseok and you was crystal clear. Before it was confusing, but now Hoseok and you practically had signs on your shirts. You honestly wouldn't mind wearing a shirt that screamed Hoseok was your boyfriend. Let the world know how lucky you are!

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