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Did you commit a great mistake? Perhaps you did~! Were you going to take it back at all? Not a chance. You told Father that Hoseok was going to be your date and you're not going back down on your word. It wasn't necessarily a pride thing. But if you at all told him you weren't going to follow through then he would be convinced it was because you cared about your reputation and his words got to you. He wouldn't be able to see it any other way. It'd only encourage him to be harder on you. Though after all that fighting yesterday, you can't imagine him being easy on you ever again.

There was nothing, but arguments last night. Unfortunately you got yourself swept up in your own emotions and made things worse. It just happened! Seeing the photos made your mind go blank and you felt sick to your stomach. Then hearing them insult Hoseok was crossing the line. No one should ever insult Hoseok! You refuse to let it happen. Your overprotectiveness over your boyfriend easily led to you telling them your exact relationship with Hoseok. He's your boyfriend. Did you fall into Father's trap? It was angering just thinking about it.

What's done is done though. Father is expecting Hoseok to show up to the charity event as your date so he will! That just leaves you to tell Hoseok what exactly happened. He's not going to like it one bit and you're scared he's going to be mad too. Hopefully not too mad. You've seen Hoseok when he's upset and frankly you're glad it has never been directed at you. The news has been building up in your chest this entire day, but finally...Hoseok and you came to his house alone for the evening. Mansu dropped the both of you off, leaving you with responsibility of telling Hoseok just how badly you f*cked up.

"You should have seen my Eomma's reaction to my blonde hair! God, it was hilarious and I wish I recorded it." Hoseok laughed as he dumped his bag on the floor. He quickly jumped on his bed to lay back and relax. You were slowly following behind, carefully sitting on the edge of the bed with a stiff smile. "She was staring at me like I was crazy, but when I face timed my Appa, he got a real kick out of it. He said I looked like a cartoon character and Eomma just said I look like elf." Hoseok was grinning from ear to ear.

"That's funny." Your laugh was short. Too short.

"What's up?" Hoseok's own laughter died down. His large smile had fallen to a frown almost immediately. It made you want to wince for how readable you were to Hoseok. It was sweet and inconvenient though you suppose it was better to tell him now than later. "You've been acting off...everything okay?"

"Uh, not exactly." You shrugged with an awkward smile. How do you tell him the truth without him getting mad? Staring down at your lap, you fidgeted with your fingers before staring up at Hoseok. It'll be okay. Letting out a heavy breath, you knew to come out with it now. "Look Hoseok, I did something I shouldn't have..." You stared Hoseok in the eyes as he began to sit up on the bed. His expression contorted into concern, his frown deepening from your wording. "I told my Abeoji about us."

"What?" Hoseok's brows jumped. By now, the ball was rolling! There was no shutting you up as you continued to spit out all the details.

"I didn't mean too, but he had photos of us kissing and it was way too obvious so I panicked! He called you my boy toy so I had to correct him and call you my boyfriend because you deserve that respect! Seriously, I wanted to scream at my Abeoji so badly. He knew exactly what he was doing by showing the photos and trying to guilt me for all kinds of crap! Even Seokjin was getting pissed off. I don't know why he was at dinner, so useless." You scoffed though continued with your rambling. Hoseok was doing his best to keep up as ill as he looked. "Abeoji wanted me to go to our annual charity event with Seokjin as my date, but of course the photos came out and they know you're my boyfriend now. It got pretty nasty. The reason I say this is because Seokjin and his stupid mouth decided to insult you! Abeoji thought it would be okay to do the same, but I was like hell no—"

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