Modeling Assistance

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Hoseok and you weren't rolling around in dough. The donations helped you pay off the extra workers for the runway and you were grateful when Hoseok gave you some of his money in order to pay the models. He didn't have to, but he wanted you to know he was supporting your dream. Taehyung got extra pay as well as Namjoon and Yoongi. They deserved a lot more and if the opportunity ever came to work with them again, you'll make sure to pay them the amount they truly deserve. It was just nice to know that Hoseok and you weren't crushed under pressure like before.

His mom's tailoring shop was going to be just fine this month. According to Mrs. Jung, a stranger she's never met came in with a big order. She didn't divulge any further about what happened despite Hoseok's curiosity. She only smiled happily and gave you a gentle hug before going up to bed. The hug was sudden, but you appreciated it. You were just glad that the Jung household could finally have some peace. They could sleep a litter easier at night though the best part was being able to have a sweet and caring relationship with Hoseok again.

Thanks to another afternoon of tears. Mainly from Hoseok, but it had a better outcome this time around. You guys forgave each other for the wrong that you did and understood the other a little more. Neither of you were perfect, but you hoped Hoseok knew you didn't need him to be. The two of you made a lot of mistakes recently. It was unfortunate that the worst got out of you, but Hoseok and you never wanted that to happen again. He was going to put in the effort to talk to you and trust you. You'll make sure to say something if you're bothered rather than stay silent.

After all, Hoseok prefers that you rant and ramble to him. This experience made him realize how much he can't stand silence and especially from you. There was just something not right about it and you had to agree! It's a great thing Hoseok loves you as blunt as you are. He may get flustered at times, but you think he's gotten used to you. It's just you who needed to get used to his flirtatious side. Seriously, this man should come with a warning! He's such a tease!

"I'm happy we made up because now I can kiss you all over again." You giggled as you carefully folded Hoseok's patterns. He finished using them today so now he was sewing his last outfit together. It was a denim jumpsuit which Hoseok was hoping would fit Jimin. He has yet to meet your other models, but you were so excited for him to join you at rehearsal later! Everyone's hard work was going to shine!

"Oh? All over?" Hoseok chuckled. That got your face to heat up. That is not what you meant! And yet at the same time... "Thinking about it already?"

"Work on your project!" You were too flustered for this! This man makes your heart feel weak! The audacity. Then again, it made you so happy to be talking to him like this again. Your cheeks wouldn't stop hurting. If another money trouble comes in the future, you know Hoseok and you will handle it better. You want to be able to talk with him like this for as long as you're lucky.

"I'm close to done anyway. It kind of looks like a mechanics outfit." Hoseok was working on the sleeves. He wanted them to be able to roll up to the elbow and stay there with a button. You liked the outfit a lot. It was simple but eye catching for sure. "The material is so heavy. I can do a workout carrying this whole thing."

"Feel free to work out in front of me." You hummed as Hoseok glanced at you, a small smirk appearing on his lips.

"Such a simp."

"What did I do!? I didn't do anything!!" You immediately huffed in outrage. This wasn't fair at all. He can't just be the most handsome man on earth and expect you not to react. Especially when he's your boyfriend! It is not only your job to 'simp' after him, but a privilege. Not just anybody gets to see such a fine specimen everyday like you.

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