Moonlight Dancing

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"I've decided that I don't like either of you anymore," Eunhyuk announced.

Ever since Hoseok and you had become a couple, naturally the both of you became what he hated most. He was happy to hear the news that the two of you were finally together. He slapped Hoseok on the back and said was that so hard? He congratulated you and told you that you chose a great guy. Of course you did! Hoseok is the best! And while Eunhyuk had been happy for you and still is, his positivity around it was short lived. All because Hoseok and you were easily too lovey dovey for his tastes. It just couldn't be helped.

How were you not supposed to give Hoseok all your love? Now that he was your boyfriend, you could dote on him all you wanted. Hoseok was shy at first in front of his friend and since he was at work, but you melted through his nerves. He was hardly paying attention on the job with his focus on you instead. The thrift store was slow as always which made it easier to get away with acting like this. There were no customers for Hoseok to attend to. And when someone did enter, Eunhyuk was always the first to greet them and assist them. All Hoseok had to do was ring up their items with a smile. Then he was back to wrapping his arms around you.

Eunhyuk had almost gagged. Just what had his dear friend turned into? Eunhyuk was protesting as he stood far from you guys. He was in the corner of the shop, dusting the miscellaneous items. Though every time he looked over at the two of you, he scrunched his face up and contemplated life. Where's his girlfriend? As for now, he had no one so he was bitter. Hoseok and you found it amusing more than anything. At this point, the two of you were annoying Eunhyuk on purpose. It was so funny to see him get frustrated over the smallest things. You were wondering if he would ever catch on to what the two of you were doing in the first place.

"We should wear matching outfits again, Baby." You smiled up at Hoseok. There was a mischievous tone to your voice that completely slipped past Eunhyuk. He took it as genuine, aggressively dusting the corner. "Hyukkie, did I show you my date pictures with Hoseok?"

"Yes, you have. Like five times already," Eunhyuk responded back with a bit of a bite. You held back the urge to laugh, looking at Hoseok who was struggling just as much as you.

"Anything you want to do, Princess. I'll do anything for you," Hoseok said which got Eunhyuk to sigh dramatically. The two of you doubted dusting was that exhausting. That didn't stop it from being any less entertaining.

"I love you so much, Schmopie." You proceeded to coo in a baby voice. Eunhyuk dropped his duster, acting as if he was suddenly blind as he stumbled through the thrift store.

"I love you more, my honey bunny biscuit cake." Hoseok puckered his lips to give the best baby voice. A loud squeal escaped you unlike the disgusted groan that left Eunhyuk.

"Both of you! Stop being weird or else!" Eunhyuk demanded. He officially had enough of the nicknames and the puppy love you guys were exuding. Hoseok kept holding you close to his chest, shielding you away from Eunhyuk who was quickly approaching. Another squeal left you which turned into a giggle. It couldn't be helped; you were having so much fun. Hoseok looked over at Eunhyuk to release a scoff.

"Or else what, Hyung?" Hoseok provoked the elder.

"I'll...I'll think of something!" Eunhyuk pointed a finger at the both of you. For the most part, you kept your face hidden in Hoseok's chest. You just felt content where you were. Being with Hoseok like this, plus being away from your family was always better. The thrift store was so relaxing and fun as well. You completely understood why Hoseok liked this place so much. Teasing Eunhyuk was the best!

All his threat did was leave Hoseok unimpressed. You had to admit it was pretty lacking. With the both of you raising a questioning brow at Eunhyuk, his face began to turn pink. His face went through various rosy shades before he got himself to run back to his corner. He was back to dusting out of embarrassment. It didn't help when he heard Hoseok and you laughing about it together. You just couldn't help yourself. You slipped up and soon Hoseok was bursting out laughing with you. The two of you really were quite the pair.

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