Forced Date

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(A/n: Seokjin's in this chapter so you've been warned...I'm so sorry irl Seokjin TT)


Kyunghwan thought he was doing you a favor, but he was doing the complete opposite. Setting you up on a date with his best friend was the worst thing he could do. You didn't care if Seokjin was already your fiancé. The relationship you held with Seokjin was not in the slightest bit romantic. It wasn't even platonic. There was no joy to be found. Anytime you were left alone with Seokjin, your entire body felt rigid. Your senses were alert of everything as you knew you couldn't let your guard down around him. Though even when you did your best to fight back, you didn't always win.

You were just begging for a manageable evening with Seokjin. A simple date that you can tolerate with no funny business. Though you knew that a date with Seokjin would never go as smoothly as you would wish. You just had to accept that something was going to happen, ranging from unpleasant to horrible. It was unfortunate that you had to mentally prepare yourself for whatever would happen. There was no telling. If it was possible, you would escape your house just to avoid the date today. However, Kyunghwan had the staff keeping an eye on you. Never were you alone for one second. There was either an overbearing maid by your side or Kyunghwan himself breathing down your shoulder.

You'll give him points for determination. At least he was finally doing some things himself. He's usually being told what to do and getting used by others, particular by Father. Now that you think about it, getting Seokjin and you happily married was the only project of his he seemed to take seriously. Father wanted the two of you married too though nowhere near to the same degree as Kyunghwan. It wasn't Father heavily insisting you get along with Seokjin. He truly didn't care how you felt with the relationship as long as there was marriage and an heir. Gross.

The idea of having a child with Seokjin made you feel sick. It also left you quite terrified to be honest. Divorcing him would be easy, but the moment a child comes into the picture...your heart hurt thinking about it. There's no way Seokjin would let you take the child. He might as well just erase you from existence. Even if you tried to escape with your child, Seokjin wouldn't stop until he found the both of you. You also couldn't imagine being selfish enough to run away on your own. That was a guilt your mother has been living with for years. Being left behind to knew would accept your miserable life to be there for your child.

But hopefully things never come to that.

"That lipstick is too pale." Kyunghwan frowned, judging your appearance behind you.

"Really?" You glared at him through the mirror.

Setting down your lipstick, you sighed heavily in disbelief. Kyunghwan was actually judging everything you did to prepare for this date. In his eyes, you were trying less in order to get Seokjin to not like you. Maybe if you put more effort in—shut up! It took a lot of energy in you not to throw your setting spray at his head. So many things to throw at him on your vanity desk, but you were forced to sit still and doll yourself up for a garbage man. This was not how you wanted to spend your day off.

"It's a nude lipstick, Kyunghwan," You explained with an irritated tone. That didn't change his mind though as he began rummaging through your lipsticks. "Hey! Get your dirty hands out of there! You know nothing about makeup!"

"Try this. Something with more color, but not too much." Kyunghwan randomly pulled out a coral lipstick. He was making no sense. Did he want color or not? Taking the lipstick from his hand, you just decided to go with what he wanted. He's lucky it didn't clash with your outfit. Still, he should think twice before putting his grubby hands all over your belongings. "And blush." Kyunghwan narrowed his eyes on everything you owned, struggling to find the blush. He was close to grabbing a pink highlighter when you smacked his hand away.

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