Never Again

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A bell rang alerting Mrs. Jung that someone had entered her shop. She didn't have her hopes up that it would be a customer these days. She was used to it just being a friend passing by who wanted to say hello. They would be able to chat the entire afternoon away without her having to take care of any clothes. When she did get jobs, they were easy fixes. Cutting pant legs or sleeves of suit jackets and even fixing hems. She could do that easily and when it was that easy, the price was lower. How was she supposed to pay the rent for this place with such little money? Keeping this place alive with her savings wasn't doing her any good.

Mrs. Jung was ready to give up as she walked out from the back room to see a man standing in her shop. He was well dressed with his hands behind his back, looking around her shop slowly. She almost stumbled backwards to see someone like this in her store. She didn't know what to think as she noticed another man standing in the corner of her shop with an expressionless face. That's when she noticed an expensive black car parked in front of her shop. Was everything okay? She was feeling a little on edge as she approached the man.

"Hello, how can I help you?" Mrs. Jung brushed down her long skirt. She gave the stranger a smile who kept looking away from her. He never bothered to make eye contact with her which was unsettling.

"You tailor, right?" He eyed the sewing machines and dress forms in the shop. Mrs. Jung nodded, wondering what exactly was happening. She wasn't prepared for him to snap his fingers as the other man in the shop stepped out for a moment. What's going on? She didn't know what to think when he came back with an entire rack full of suits. They looked like they were picked at random at a store. "I'd like to have all these suits tailored to fit me."

"O-Oh! I can do that." Mrs. Jung was in disbelief as she stared at the suits. She was having a hard time wrapping her head around the situation. She was feeling intimidated and so lost. She's never seen these people in her neighborhood before. "How many suits do you have?"

"Twelve in total," The man answered.

"It'll take me a couple months to compete all of them. The price will also run high and I need your measurements—" Mrs. Jung just couldn't understand what this man was doing in her shop of all places. Did he really want her to tailor his suits? He looked like he was from uptown just from his current suit. She didn't know why she felt so flustered when she's dealt with high class people before. Her own son was dating a former rich girl! Though now that she got a side view of the man's face, she felt like his features were vaguely familiar.

"Take as much time as you need. I'll pay you all in full now." The man pulled out his wallet to take out a black card. "Do you take card?"


Hangyeol asked you to come to thrift store today. It was pretty random of him that you wondered if he wanted you to work today. Were you meant to make up for leaving early yesterday? Hangyeol told you it was nothing like that and to just show up. He was confusing you, but you figured that everything would be alright when you get there. The house was extra quiet today anyway. Mrs. Jung went off to take care of the tailoring shop and Hoseok had a class today. It was just you at home doing nothing aside from emailing and tying up things together for the runway. There was nothing more embarrassing then pleading for someone's help and telling them that you would pay them in increments when they prefer to be paid in full.

You just hoped that they messaged you back instead of deleting your email. Well, at least you had to head over to the thrift store. It's a nice distraction in the meantime you wait for a response. Better than laying around the house waiting for an email and for Hoseok to come up. He'd be back by the afternoon so that would be in about an hour. If he gets home before you do then he might text you asking where you are. Hoseok and you were talking to each other so that was great! Little things for now. Stuff like good morning, how was class, what are you doing, and are you hungry?

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