Happy Dagger

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Hoseok is coming over today. This was not a false alarm or joke either which was arguably the most terrifying thing ever. He was actually coming to the Kang estate? Why? Obviously for a project. It just sucked how this wasn't a project where you could just meet him at the library or do it anywhere outside of the campus. What the two of you needed was fabric, sewing machines, and every tool possible to construct an outfit for Professor Monet's class. While you knew all that, it still had you anxious on how the day would go.

It just might go well though! Kyunghwan went off to work and Father should have gone earlier than him. Father was always busy and as long as he was out of the mansion then you were golden. Kyunghwan was annoying and a nuisance at home though it wouldn't be the end of the world if he met Hoseok. He wouldn't pry too much if you told him it was for a college project. He might make some stupid comments and assumptions about Hoseok for being poor at most. Thankfully, they were both out of the house! That made life a lot easier for you if they just didn't exist at the estate while Hoseok is here.

To make a gown will definitely take more than a day to make. Hoseok and you already ran through some ideas yesterday while at the thrift store. Work was slow as always for Hoseok, leaving the two of you to take advantage of his free time. Right away the both of you discussed what had to be the inspiration for this gown. It couldn't be just any other gown. There had to be some sort of theme and storytelling with it that showed through the color choices, fabric choices, and figure of the gown. You kind of wanted to go with the ballgown route though Hoseok calmed down your excitement to settle with a simple A-line gown.

An A-line gown was a lot more manageable with the small time frame and Hoseok's schedule. Aside from college, you didn't really do anything else. Hoseok worked though so that made it a little more complicated. Still, you knew the two of you would be able to do a good job on the project. The grade wasn't anything you were worried about. Hoseok and you were incredibly talented! There was no doubt about that. It was just you worrying about Hoseok somehow getting stuck in the messy situation that was your personal life.

"Oh god, he should be here any minute now." You peeked out your bedroom window. If you leaned out far enough, you could see a bit of the driveway. You mainly had a view of the thirteen car garage on the side of the estate. Not a pretty or useful sight! Nibbling on your bottom lip, you waited anxiously as you tried not to accidentally fall out your window.

Eventually you could hear a car coming up the long driveway. Was he here? He's here! Hoseok! Stumbling backwards, you adjusted your clothing and hair before running out of your room. The door flew open as you went into the hall. You almost slipped in your slippers, but you were fine! The maids were confused to see you rushing down the long flight of stairs like your life depended on it. In a way, it did! There were just a few small things you wanted to run by Hoseok first! Little mandatory details about the Kang estate and family before he steps into this dream.

"Miss Kang?" A maid called out to you worriedly.

"Can't talk right now!" You hurried to the front door. You could see Hoseok's blurry figure through the frosted glass. Grasping the doorknob after practically ramming into the front door, you opened it and stepped out to close it behind you.

Luckily, Hoseok wasn't quickly approaching the mansion or anything. He had barely stepped out of the vehicle after Mansu opened the door for him. Witnessing all the large mansions as he sat in the expensive car was already a surreal experience. Then having large black gates open after security cleared them and coming up to this gigantic mansion...Hoseok was in awe. Was he even breathing? He felt so small standing in front of your home. He had no idea how to express himself or how to act. All he could do was tightly clutch his worn out tote bag to his side.

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