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(Warning: Mentions of sexual assault)


Hoseok hands felt like they were going to cramp. He's been hard at work on the suit he bought yesterday with his friends. After he found the one that was the closest fit, his three hyungs encouraged him to work hard and face his fears. Hoseok went straight to working on his suit as best as he could. For a suit off the rack, it did pretty well by itself. Then again there was that nagging in the back of Hoseok's head that told him it wasn't good enough. Maybe that's true. Maybe those thoughts of his should shut up. Either way, Hoseok wasn't going to waste his time letting that argument play in the back of his head. He didn't need that background noise when going out with you.

He's going to do what he does best. He'll alter the clothes as best as he can for tomorrow night. The pants were already pretty snug around his waist which was nice. There were no pleats either, giving it a nice flat look. Hoseok had no complaints with the pants aside from the bottom. The hem of his pants were full break which Hoseok didn't particularly like. It made the pant leg look a little bunchy as the hem covered half the shoe. Hoseok had to cut it and hem them to a slight break. They wrapped around his ankles better which excited him. He can do this! He's doing this! Hoseok was on a complete rush after getting the pants done. Nothing was going to stop him from getting this suit done!

Though maybe exhaustion and an upset mother. Hoseok has been working himself hard for this suit. His mom knew how he could get. Just seeing how stressed out Hoseok was over this suit was reminding her of when he was preparing a portfolio to get into FIT. Hoseok was so insistent on getting this done and it didn't help that he was working on the suit in her tailoring shop. The workday was slow, but having her son here wasn't making it easy on her. She needed to fix the hem of a costume for a neighbor's daughter yet she badly wanted to go into mom mode and tell Hoseok to take a nap. Why is he getting so worked up over a suit to begin with?

"I can't take this anymore! What are you doing?" She walked over to Hoseok with her hands on her hips. Hoseok wasn't listening to her though. He was in the zone as he gently guided the fabric through the sewing machine. "Hoseok!"

"Can't talk right now." Hoseok lifted up the foot press to turn the suit before bringing it down again to continue sewing. "Working on giving it a double vent."

"What even is this, Hoseok? A peak lapel for a suit? Where are you going that you need something so flashy?" Mom crossed her arms over her chest. Her eyes looked over the suit as she raised a brow. "I think a double breasted suit would look better on you."

"What do I need all those buttons for? Single breasted is fine." Hoseok could practically hear his mother rolling her eyes. "It has a classy look and silhouette! It's also a lot more casual while the double breasted would just make me feel like a stuffy businessman."

"Are you going somewhere where you need to be a stuffy businessman?" Mom questioned causing Hoseok to sigh. He told her he couldn't talk right now yet that's exactly what they were doing. He was growing annoyed and losing his patience under the pressure he put himself under. It was a quality Hoseok didn't like about himself. He could get so lost on something once he believed it was his responsibility despite no one asking him to work so hard.

"Don't you have some disco costume to sew?" Hoseok asked.

"Better watch your tone, Hoseokie." Mom warned him. Hoseok only hummed and she smiled. She knew he was only acting like that because he was stressed. She walked up behind her son, gently combing her fingers through Hoseok's hair. "You should take a break, Sweetie. Drink water and take a nap."

"That's something only crazy people do." Hoseok scoffed. He couldn't be stopped right when he was in the middle of working! However, his statement only frustrated his mother more. Just as Hoseok lifted the lever for the foot press again, she unplugged the sewing machine. Hoseok gasped right away at this. His jaw had dropped while his mother was swinging the cord for show. "That's cruel."

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