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(Gif made by gothnutella!! I love it so much TT)


You haven't been able to stop thinking about Hoseok. Naturally! How were you supposed to stop after all the confusing crap that's been happening? One moment he's rejecting you then telling you he loves you back? It was so frustrating that he refused to do anything about his feelings for you. Hoseok said he has his reasons, but he never bothered to delve deeper into them. You wanted to understand him, but how could you when he refuses to say a single thing? At this point, you were running out of ideas to get him to realize that dating you won't be the end of the world. Seokjin can't harm him and neither will Father. Not on your watch!

Since your ideas were running low, all you could do was think about Hoseok. He works today and you knew he wouldn't want you bothering him. Maybe you could meet up with him after? You'd definitely love that. You miss him so much that you feel like you're going crazy. Love was proving to be a stressful thing yet here you were. Staring at the Saint Laurent website on your phone as you chewed your bottom lip knowing that you would impulsively buy anything for Hoseok. Mainly because you knew that he would look super hot in any of their jackets. Your imagination never let you down! The problem was just figuring out which one and when to give it to him.

After he's done working sounds nice. Were you too needy? Possibly. There's a Saint Laurent store next to your precious Chanel store. Maybe you'll ask Mansu to drive you over there so you can find Hoseok the best jacket. Getting off your bed, you kept your eyes on your phone as you walked out of your room. By the time you were approaching the stairs, you bumped into a chest and felt your body tense up. There were only two people you could bump into and at this moment, you were hoping for life to take it easy on you. Luckily, it did.

"Pay attention where you're walking or you'll fall down the steps." Kyunghwan huffed at you. He wasn't wrong, but still he annoyed you for treating you like you were stupid.

"I know that!" You rolled your eyes. Kyunghwan scoffed as he looked you over suspiciously. He then quickly grabbed your phone from your hands to see what had you so distracted. Immediately, you began to reach for your phone and punch his chest. "Hey! Give that back!"

"Clothes. I'm not surprised." Kyunghwan gave you your phone back so you would stop hitting him. You were so close to pushing him down the stairs just for stealing your phone. The conversation between the both of you died shortly after. You had your phone back and he was done talking to you. There wasn't much else to say to one another and he was ready to walk away until you turned to face him.

"Wait!" You didn't know what you were doing. Kyunghwan paused, looking back over at you in surprise. The both of you didn't know what was happening at the moment. The two of you never talk to each other just for fun. It was strange though not the worst thing ever. Slowly, you walked up to Kyunghwan to show him your phone. "Which jacket looks better? This one or this one?" You waited for his response. Kyunghwan didn't really care about fashion, but you selected the two best ones. Maybe a guy's input would help you out. All he had to do was make the final decision which left him shifting on his feet uncomfortably.

"...the...the right one." Kyunghwan looked at you as if to check if he made the right choice. Smiling, you made sure to quickly purchase the jacket for pick up at the store. All that was left to do was get Mansu to drive you to the store and surprise Hoseok when he gets home because you miss him dearly! Though when you put your phone in your purse, you didn't expect Kyunghwan to still be standing in front of you.

"What?" You blinked at him.

" that jacket for me?" Kyunghwan asked curiously causing you to stifle a laugh. That instantly got Kyunghwan to frown at you.

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