Amusement Park

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You've always seen it in television shows so you just had to bring Hoseok here for your first date! Plus, it wouldn't be too out of his comfort zone. While you didn't have much experience with amusement parks, you were looking forward to going on all the rides! You even made sure to dress the part in more casual clothing. A simple shirt and shorts! Totally different from your usual style, but perfect for the warm weather of today. You packed sunscreen and made sure to help apply it on Hoseok in the parking lot. Honestly, it was just an excuse to get a little touchy. Hoseok figured as the two of you giggled to an embarrassing extent in front of Mansu.

He had dropped the two of you off and would be staying around the area. Whenever you want to be picked up, all you had to do was call. Hoseok and you made sure to come early. He was just as excited as you since he hadn't been to an amusement park since middle school. You were so ecstatic that you made the right choice for bringing him here! Then it all came crumbling down when Hoseok took a look at the rides surrounding him. They were a lot taller than he remembered. The screams were louder and the rides went faster. Was it always like this? Hoseok coughed nervously as the two of you waited in line for a ride called Full Throttle.

"Oooh~! Apparently this ride has the biggest loop in the world!" You bounced on your toes, eyeing the promotional posters as the line slowly inched forward.

"Ah..." Hoseok's eyes refused to take a look at the large number on the poster. In his head, there was no reason for there to be a ride with such a tall loop! He attempted to act strong in front of you. He acted cowardly once when he saw a bug and pathetically used you as a shield. Now was his time to show you how much of a man he is. At the very least, not sound like a screaming goat on the ride for his own pride.

"I'm so happy we're here, Hoseokie!" You wrapped your arm around his, humming in content. He looked so cute today! He wore a matching white shirt like you and blue jeans. It was completely accidental, but you adored the idea of doing couple outfits with him.

There were so many couple things that you planned to do with Hoseok here! Now that he's finally your boyfriend, you were going to be as romantic as you wanted! You made it clear to Hoseok that the two of you were already official. There was no need to wait a few dates to decide. He laughed about that, but happily agreed. Mainly because he was excited to change your contact in his phone. He put heart emojis next to your new name. You were adorably put in as Princess in his phone. He was put in as Prince Charming in your phone with heart emojis as well.

Somewhere in this world, you can hear Eunhyuk gagging. The lovey dovey stuff didn't seem to be Hoseok's usual thing. Still, he would do it for you. The two of you got couple clothes down even if by accident! But you planned to share a parfait with him, take photos in a photo booth, and by the end of the night...a kiss! Your heart ached knowing it wouldn't be your first kiss, but you didn't let your mind wander into troubling thoughts. All you wanted was to have a good time with your boyfriend and to be happy. So you hugged Hoseok's arm tightly, wanting to be close to him as much as possible.

"Are you excited for these rides?" Hoseok looked down at you with a nervous smile.

"Yep! It'll be my first time too!" You said as the line moved forward.

The two of you were getting closer to getting seated. When you looked at the line forming behind you guys, you couldn't help but be glad that the two of you came early. The line already looked like an hour long wait! Smiling at Hoseok, you were unable to stay still. He was in the same boat yet the two of you were acting that way for different reasons. It was Hoseok's worst nightmare when the gates opened, allowing Hoseok and you to take a seat. It was in the middle which was decent. Hoseok and you put the seatbelt on first before a worker came over to push on a lap bar that also restrained your legs. Music from loud speakers were playing in the back, adding to the adrenaline you were feeling.

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